How to use the dask.array.core.Array function in dask

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chunks = [chunkss[i] for i in out_ind]
    if adjust_chunks:
        for i, ind in enumerate(out_ind):
            if ind in adjust_chunks:
                if callable(adjust_chunks[ind]):
                    chunks[i] = tuple(map(adjust_chunks[ind], chunks[i]))
                elif isinstance(adjust_chunks[ind], int):
                    chunks[i] = tuple(adjust_chunks[ind] for _ in chunks[i])
                elif isinstance(adjust_chunks[ind], (tuple, list)):
                    chunks[i] = tuple(adjust_chunks[ind])
                    raise NotImplementedError(
                        "adjust_chunks values must be callable, int, or tuple")
    chunks = tuple(chunks)

    return Array(sharedict.merge((out, dsk), *dsks), out, chunks, dtype=dtype)
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        dtype = np.bincount([]).dtype

    dsk[(final_name, 0)] = (_bincount_sum, list(dsk), dtype)
    graph = HighLevelGraph.from_collections(
        final_name, dsk, dependencies=[x] if weights is None else [x, weights]

    if minlength == 0:
        chunks = ((np.nan,),)
        chunks = ((minlength,),)

    meta = meta_from_array(x, 1, dtype=dtype)

    return Array(graph, final_name, chunks, meta=meta)
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old =
    keys = list(product(*map(range, x.numblocks)))
    offsets = list(product(*(accumulate(operator.add, bd[:-1], 0) for bd in x.chunks)))
    if ravel:
        offset_info = zip(offsets, repeat(x.shape))
        offset_info = pluck(axis[0], offsets)

    chunks = tuple((1,) * len(c) if i in axis else c for (i, c) in enumerate(x.chunks))
    dsk = dict(
        ((name,) + k, (chunk, (old,) + k, axis, off))
        for (k, off) in zip(keys, offset_info)
    # The dtype of `tmp` doesn't actually matter, just need to provide something
    graph = HighLevelGraph.from_collections(name, dsk, dependencies=[x])
    tmp = Array(graph, name, chunks, dtype=x.dtype)
    dtype = np.argmin([1]).dtype
    result = _tree_reduce(tmp, agg, axis, False, dtype, split_every, combine)
    return handle_out(out, result)
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def _take_dask_array_from_numpy(a, indices, axis):
    assert isinstance(a, np.ndarray)
    assert isinstance(indices, Array)

    return indices.map_blocks(
        lambda block: np.take(a, block, axis), chunks=indices.chunks, dtype=a.dtype
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uu, ss, vvh = np.linalg.svd(np.ones(shape=(1, 1), dtype=data.dtype))

        k = _nanmin(m, n)  # avoid RuntimeWarning with np.nanmin([m, n])

        m_u = m
        n_u = int(k) if not np.isnan(k) else k
        n_s = n_u
        m_vh = n_u
        n_vh = n
        d_vh = max(m_vh, n_vh)  # full matrix returned: but basically n
        graph = HighLevelGraph(layers, dependencies)
        u_meta = meta_from_array(data, len((m_u, n_u)), uu.dtype)
        s_meta = meta_from_array(data, len((n_s,)), ss.dtype)
        vh_meta = meta_from_array(data, len((d_vh, d_vh)), vvh.dtype)
        u = Array(
            shape=(m_u, n_u),
            chunks=(data.chunks[0], (n_u,)),
        s = Array(graph, name_s_st2, shape=(n_s,), chunks=((n_s,),), meta=s_meta)
        vh = Array(
            graph, name_v_st2, shape=(d_vh, d_vh), chunks=((n,), (n,)), meta=vh_meta
        return u, s, vh
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leaf_arrs = []
    for i, (ocd, oax, meta) in enumerate(zip(output_coredimss, output_axes, metas)):
        core_output_shape = tuple(core_shapes[d] for d in ocd)
        core_chunkinds = len(ocd) * (0,)
        output_shape = loop_output_shape + core_output_shape
        output_chunks = loop_output_chunks + core_output_shape
        leaf_name = "%s_%d-%s" % (name, i, token)
        leaf_dsk = {
            + key[1:]
            + core_chunkinds: ((getitem, key, i) if nout else key)
            for key in keys
        graph = HighLevelGraph.from_collections(leaf_name, leaf_dsk, dependencies=[tmp])
        meta = meta_from_array(meta, len(output_shape))
        leaf_arr = Array(
            graph, leaf_name, chunks=output_chunks, shape=output_shape, meta=meta

        ### Axes:
        if keepdims:
            slices = len(leaf_arr.shape) * (slice(None),) + len(oax) * (np.newaxis,)
            leaf_arr = leaf_arr[slices]

        tidcs = [None] * len(leaf_arr.shape)
        for i, oa in zip(range(-len(oax), 0), oax):
            tidcs[oa] = i
        j = 0
        for i in range(len(tidcs)):
            if tidcs[i] is None:
                tidcs[i] = j
                j += 1
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@dispatch(TensorDot, Array, Array)
def compute_up(expr, lhs, rhs, **kwargs):
    left_index = list(alphabet[:ndim(lhs)])
    right_index = list(ALPHABET[:ndim(rhs)])
    out_index = left_index + right_index
    for l, r in zip(expr._left_axes, expr._right_axes):
        right_index[r] = left_index[l]

    func = many(binop=np.tensordot, reduction=sum,
                axes=(expr._left_axes, expr._right_axes))
    return atop(func,
                next(names), out_index,
                lhs, tuple(left_index),
                rhs, tuple(right_index))
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# some functions can't compute empty arrays (those for which reduced_meta
    # fall into the ValueError exception) and we have to rely on reshaping
    # the array according to len(out_chunks)
    if is_arraylike(meta) and meta.ndim != len(out_chunks):
        if len(out_chunks) == 0:
            meta = meta.sum()
            meta = meta.reshape((0,) * len(out_chunks))

    if np.isscalar(meta):
        return Array(graph, name, out_chunks, dtype=dtype)
        with ignoring(AttributeError):
            meta = meta.astype(dtype)
        return Array(graph, name, out_chunks, meta=meta)
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            for i, sub_block_info in enumerate(all_blocks)
        layers[name_r_stacked] = dsk_r_stacked
        dependencies[name_r_stacked] = {name_r_st1}

        # retrieve R_stacked for recursion with tsqr
        vchunks_rstacked = tuple(
            [sum(map(lambda x: x[1], sub_block_info)) for sub_block_info in all_blocks]
        graph = HighLevelGraph(layers, dependencies)
        # dsk.dependencies[name_r_stacked] = {}
        r_stacked_meta = meta_from_array(
            data, len((sum(vchunks_rstacked), n)), dtype=rr.dtype
        r_stacked = Array(
            shape=(sum(vchunks_rstacked), n),
            chunks=(vchunks_rstacked, n),

        # recurse
        q_inner, r_inner = tsqr(r_stacked, _max_vchunk_size=cr_max)
        layers = toolz.merge(q_inner.dask.layers, r_inner.dask.layers)
        dependencies = toolz.merge(q_inner.dask.dependencies, r_inner.dask.dependencies)

        # Q_inner: "unstack"
        name_q_st2 = "getitem" + token + "-q2"
        dsk_q_st2 = dict(
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if j > 0:
                    prevs = []
                    for p in range(j):
                        prev = name_lt_dot, j, p, i, p
                        dsk[prev] = (, (name, j, p), (name_upper, p, i))
                    target = (operator.sub, target, (sum, prevs))
                dsk[name_upper, j, i] = (_solve_triangular_lower, (name, j, j), target)
                dsk[name, i, j] = (np.transpose, (name_upper, j, i))

    graph_upper = HighLevelGraph.from_collections(name_upper, dsk, dependencies=[a])
    graph_lower = HighLevelGraph.from_collections(name, dsk, dependencies=[a])
    cho = scipy.linalg.cholesky(np.array([[1, 2], [2, 5]], dtype=a.dtype))
    meta = meta_from_array(a, dtype=cho.dtype)

    lower = Array(graph_lower, name, shape=a.shape, chunks=a.chunks, meta=meta)
    # do not use .T, because part of transposed blocks are already calculated
    upper = Array(graph_upper, name_upper, shape=a.shape, chunks=a.chunks, meta=meta)
    return lower, upper