How to use the daphne.testing.DaphneTestingInstance function in daphne

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few daphne examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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def run_daphne_raw(self, data, *, responses=None, timeout=1):
        Runs Daphne and sends it the given raw bytestring over a socket.
        Accepts list of response messages the application will reply with.
        Returns what Daphne sends back.
        assert isinstance(data, bytes)
        with DaphneTestingInstance() as test_app:
            if responses is not None:
            s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
            s.setsockopt(socket.SOL_SOCKET, socket.SO_REUSEADDR, 1)
            s.connect((, test_app.port))
                return s.recv(1000000)
            except socket.timeout:
                raise RuntimeError(
                    "Daphne timed out handling raw request, no exception found."
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def run_daphne_http(
        self, method, path, params, body, responses, headers=None, timeout=1, xff=False
        Runs Daphne with the given request callback (given the base URL)
        and response messages.
        with DaphneTestingInstance(xff=xff) as test_app:
            # Add the response messages
            # Send it the request. We have to do this the long way to allow
            # duplicate headers.
            conn = HTTPConnection(, test_app.port, timeout=timeout)
            if params:
                path += "?" + parse.urlencode(params, doseq=True)
            conn.putrequest(method, path, skip_accept_encoding=True, skip_host=True)
            # Manually send over headers
            if headers:
                for header_name, header_value in headers:
                    conn.putheader(header_name, header_value)
            # Send body if provided.
            if body:
                conn.putheader("Content-Length", str(len(body)))