How to use the cvxopt.solvers.qp function in cvxopt

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few cvxopt examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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github jeffmahler / GPIS / src / grasp_selection / View on Github external
eps = 1e-2
        dim = facet.shape[1] # num vertices in facet

        # create alpha weights for vertices of facet
        G =
        grasp_matrix = G + eps * np.eye(G.shape[0])

        # Solve QP to minimize .5 x'Px + q'x subject to Gx <= h, Ax = b
        P = cvx.matrix(2 * grasp_matrix)   # quadratic cost for Euclidean dist
        q = cvx.matrix(np.zeros((dim, 1)))
        G = cvx.matrix(-np.eye(dim))       # greater than zero constraint
        h = cvx.matrix(np.zeros((dim, 1)))
        A = cvx.matrix(np.ones((1, dim)))  # sum constraint to enforce convex
        b = cvx.matrix(np.ones(1))         # combinations of vertices

        sol = cvx.solvers.qp(P, q, G, h, A, b)

        min_norm = sol['primal objective']
        return abs(min_norm)
github Marigold / universal-portfolios / universal / algos / View on Github external
def projection_in_norm(self, x, M):
        """ Projection of x to simplex indiced by matrix M. Uses quadratic programming.
        m = M.shape[0]

        P = matrix(2*M)
        q = matrix(-2 * M * x)
        G = matrix(-np.eye(m))
        h = matrix(np.zeros((m,1)))
        A = matrix(np.ones((1,m)))
        b = matrix(1.)

        sol = solvers.qp(P, q, G, h, A, b)
        return np.squeeze(sol['x'])
github Qiskit / qiskit-aer / qiskit / providers / aer / noise / utils / View on Github external
q = cvxopt.matrix(numpy.array(q).astype(float)).T
        n = len(q)
        # G and h constrain:
        #   1) sum of probs is less then 1
        #   2) All probs bigger than 0
        #   3) Honesty (measured using fidelity, if given)
        G_data = [[1] * n] + [([-1 if i == k else 0 for i in range(n)])
                              for k in range(n)]
        h_data = [1] + [0] * n
        if self.fidelity_data is not None:
        G = cvxopt.matrix(numpy.array(G_data).astype(float))
        h = cvxopt.matrix(numpy.array(h_data).astype(float))
        cvxopt.solvers.options['show_progress'] = False
        return cvxopt.solvers.qp(P, q, G, h)['x']
github cvxopt / cvxopt / examples / book / chap6 / View on Github external
G[m:2*m,:n] = -A
G[m:2*m,n:n+m] = spmatrix(-1.0, range(m), range(m))
G[m:2*m,n+m:] = spmatrix(-1.0, range(m), range(m))
h[m:2*m] = -b

# u >= 0
G[2*m:3*m,n:n+m] = spmatrix(-1.0, range(m), range(m))

# u <= 1
G[3*m:4*m,n:n+m] = spmatrix(1.0, range(m), range(m))
h[3*m:4*m] = 1.0

# v >= 0
G[4*m:,n+m:] = spmatrix(-1.0, range(m), range(m))

xh = solvers.qp(P, q, G, h)['x'][:n]

try: import pylab
except ImportError: pass
    pylab.plot(u, v,'o', 
        [-11,11], [xh[0]-11*xh[1], xh[0]+11*xh[1]], '-g', 
        [-11,11], [xls[0]-11*xls[1], xls[0]+11*xls[1]], '--r',
        markerfacecolor='w', markeredgecolor='b') 
    pylab.axis([-11, 11, -20, 25])
    pylab.title('Robust regression (fig. 6.5)')
github neuropsychology / / neurokit / bio / View on Github external
# Use conelp
        z = lambda m,n: cv.spmatrix([],[],[],(m,n))
        G = cv.sparse([[-A,z(2,n),M,z(nB+2,n)],[z(n+2,nC),C,z(nB+2,nC)],
                    [z(n+2,nB),B,z(2,nB),cv.spmatrix(1.0, range(nB), range(nB))]])
        h = cv.matrix([z(n,1),.5,.5,z_eda,.5,.5,z(nB,1)])
        c = cv.matrix([(cv.matrix(alpha, (1,n)) * A).T,z(nC,1),1,gamma,z(nB,1)])
        res = cv.solvers.conelp(c, G, h, dims={'l':n,'q':[n+2,nB+2],'s':[]})
        obj = res['primal objective']
        # Use qp
        Mt, Ct, Bt = M.T, C.T, B.T
        H = cv.sparse([[Mt*M, Ct*M, Bt*M], [Mt*C, Ct*C, Bt*C],
                    [Mt*B, Ct*B, Bt*B+gamma*cv.spmatrix(1.0, range(nB), range(nB))]])
        f = cv.matrix([(cv.matrix(alpha, (1,n)) * A).T - Mt*z_eda,  -(Ct*z_eda), -(Bt*z_eda)])
        res = cv.solvers.qp(H, f, cv.spmatrix(-A.V, A.I, A.J, (n,len(f))),
                            cv.matrix(0., (n,1)), solver=solver)
        obj = res['primal objective'] + .5 * (z_eda.T * z_eda)

    l = res['x'][-nB:]
    d = res['x'][n:n+nC]
    tonic = B*l + C*d
    q = res['x'][:n]
    p = A * q
    phasic = M * q
    e = z_eda - phasic - tonic

    phasic = np.array(phasic)[:,0]
#    results = (np.array(a).ravel() for a in (r, t, p, l, d, e, obj))
github AtsushiSakai / PyAdvancedControl / mpc_modeling / View on Github external
if umax is not None:
            tG = np.eye(N * nu)
            th = np.kron(np.ones((N * nu, 1)), umax)
            G = np.vstack([G, tG])
            h = np.vstack([h, th])

        if umin is not None:
            tG = np.eye(N * nu) * -1.0
            th = np.kron(np.ones((N * nu, 1)), umin * -1.0)
            G = np.vstack([G, tG])
            h = np.vstack([h, th])

        G = matrix(G)
        h = matrix(h)

        sol = cvxopt.solvers.qp(P, q, G, h)

    u = np.array(sol["x"])

    # recover x
    xx = AA @ x0 + BB @ u
    x = np.vstack((x0.T, xx.reshape(N, nx)))

    return x, u
github AtsushiSakai / PyAdvancedControl / mpc_modeling / View on Github external
AiB = A * AiB
        BB += np.kron(np.diag(np.ones(N - i), -i), AiB)
    #  print(BB)

    RR = np.kron(np.eye(N), R)
    QQ = scipy.linalg.block_diag(np.kron(np.eye(N - 1), Q), P)

    H = (BB.T * QQ * BB + RR)
    #  print(H)

    gx0 = BB.T * QQ * AA * x0
    #  print(gx0)

    P = matrix(H)
    q = matrix(gx0)
    sol = cvxopt.solvers.qp(P, q)
    #  print(sol)

    u = np.matrix(sol["x"])

    # recover x
    xx = AA * x0 + BB * u
    x = np.concatenate((x0.T, xx.reshape(N, 2)), axis=0)

    x1 = np.array(x[:, 0]).flatten()
    x2 = np.array(x[:, 1]).flatten()

    #  flg, ax = plt.subplots(1)
    plt.plot(x1, '*r', label="x1")
    plt.plot(x2, '*b', label="x2")
    plt.plot(u, '*k', label="u")
github charanpald / APGL / exp / influence2 / View on Github external
QQ = Q.T * Q
        Py = RankAggregator.generateTransitionMatrix(topQList, itemList)
        s = numpy.array(Py.todense()).ravel()
        s = cvxopt.matrix(s)
        G = cvxopt.spdiag((-numpy.ones(ell)).tolist())
        h = cvxopt.matrix(numpy.zeros(ell))
        A = cvxopt.matrix(numpy.ones(ell), (1, ell))
        b = cvxopt.matrix(numpy.ones(1))        
        q = -Q.T * s  
        sol = cvxopt.solvers.qp(QQ, q, G, h, A, b)
        alpha = numpy.array(sol['x'])
        #Combine the matrices 
        P = numpy.zeros((n, n))       
        for j, Pj in enumerate(PList): 
            Util.printIteration(j, 1, ell)
            P += alpha[j] * numpy.array(Pj.todense()) 

        P /= ell 
        outputList, scores = RankAggregator.computeOutputList(P, itemList)
        if verbose: 
            return outputList, scores, PList
github cthurau / pymf / pymf / View on Github external
def update_single_w(i):
            """ compute single W[:,i] """
            # optimize beta using qp solver from cvxopt
            FB = base.matrix(np.float64(, W_hat[:,i])))
            be = solvers.qp(HB, FB, INQa, INQb, EQa, EQb)
            self.beta[i,:] = np.array(be['x']).reshape((1, self._num_samples))