How to use the compas.geometry.basic.subtract_vectors function in compas

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github compas-dev / compas / src / compas / geometry / View on Github external
ab = subtract_vectors(b, a)
    cosa = dot_vectors(n, ab)

    if fabs(cosa) <= tol:
        # if the dot product (cosine of the angle between segment and plane)
        # is close to zero the line and the normal are almost perpendicular
        # hence there is no intersection
        return None

    # based on the ratio = -dot_vectors(n, ab) / dot_vectors(n, oa)
    # there are three scenarios
    # 1) 0.0 < ratio < 1.0: the intersection is between a and b
    # 2) ratio < 0.0: the intersection is on the other side of a
    # 3) ratio > 1.0: the intersection is on the other side of b
    oa = subtract_vectors(a, o)
    ratio = - dot_vectors(n, oa) / cosa
    ab = scale_vector(ab, ratio)
    return add_vectors(a, ab)
github compas-dev / compas / src / compas / geometry / algorithms / View on Github external
def _normal_face(face):
        u = subtract_vectors(points[face[1]], points[face[0]])
        v = subtract_vectors(points[face[-1]], points[face[0]])
        return cross_vectors(u, v)
github compas-dev / compas / src / compas / geometry / transformations / View on Github external
Normal vector of the projection plane.
    perspective : list of float
        Perspective of the projection.

    >>> point = [0, 0, 0]
    >>> normal = [0, 0, 1]
    >>> perspective = [1, 1, 0]
    >>> P = matrix_from_perspective_projection(point, normal, perspective)

    T = identity_matrix(4)
    normal = normalize_vector(normal)

    T[0][0] = T[1][1] = T[2][2] = dot_vectors(subtract_vectors(perspective, point), normal)

    for j in range(3):
        for i in range(3):
            T[i][j] -= perspective[i] * normal[j]

    T[0][3], T[1][3], T[2][3] = scale_vector(perspective, dot_vectors(point, normal))

    for i in range(3):
        T[3][i] -= normal[i]

    T[3][3] = dot_vectors(perspective, normal)

    return T
github compas-dev / compas / src / compas / geometry / View on Github external
XYZ coordinates of the two points marking the shortest distance between the lines.
        If the lines intersect, these two points are identical.
        If the lines are skewed and thus only have an apparent intersection, the two
        points are different.
        If the lines are parallel, the return value is [None, None].


    a, b = l1
    c, d = l2

    ab = subtract_vectors(b, a)
    cd = subtract_vectors(d, c)

    n = cross_vectors(ab, cd)
    n1 = normalize_vector(cross_vectors(ab, n))
    n2 = normalize_vector(cross_vectors(cd, n))

    plane_1 = (a, n1)
    plane_2 = (c, n2)

    i1 = intersection_line_plane(l1, plane_2, tol=tol)
    i2 = intersection_line_plane(l2, plane_1, tol=tol)

    return i1, i2
github compas-dev / compas / src / compas / geometry / primitives / View on Github external
point_xyplane : point
            A point within the xy-plane of the frame.

            The constructed frame.

        >>> from compas.geometry import Frame
        >>> f = Frame.from_points([1, 1, 1], [2, 4, 5], [4, 2, 3])

        xaxis = subtract_vectors(point_xaxis, point)
        xyvec = subtract_vectors(point_xyplane, point)
        yaxis = cross_vectors(cross_vectors(xaxis, xyvec), xaxis)
        return cls(point, xaxis, yaxis)
github compas-dev / compas / src / compas / geometry / transformations / View on Github external
        XYZ coordinates of the projected point.

    For more info, see [1]_.

    .. [1] Wiki Books. *Linear Algebra/Orthogonal Projection Onto a Line*.
           Available at:

    a, b = line
    ab = subtract_vectors(b, a)
    ap = subtract_vectors(point, a)
    c = vector_component(ap, ab)

    return add_vectors(a, c)
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A sequence of XYZ coordinates of two 3D points representing two points on the line.
    l2 : tuple
        A sequence of XYZ coordinates of two 3D points representing two points on the line.
    tol : float, optional
        A tolerance for intersection verification. Default is ``1e-6``.

        ``True``if the lines intersect in one point.
        ``False`` if the lines are skew, parallel or lie on top of each other.
    a, b = l1
    c, d = l2

    e1 = normalize_vector(subtract_vectors(b, a))
    e2 = normalize_vector(subtract_vectors(d, c))

    # check for parallel lines
    if abs(dot_vectors(e1, e2)) > 1.0 - tol:
        return False

    # check for intersection
    d_vector = cross_vectors(e1, e2)
    if dot_vectors(d_vector, subtract_vectors(c, a)) == 0:
        return True

    return False
github compas-dev / compas / src / compas / geometry / View on Github external
        Distance bewteen a and b.

    >>> distance_point_point([0.0, 0.0, 0.0], [2.0, 0.0, 0.0])

    See Also

    ab = subtract_vectors(b, a)
    return length_vector(ab)