How to use the function in colorio

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few colorio examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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github nschloe / colorio / colorio / View on Github external
def f_df(omega):
            omega = numpy.full_like(ap, omega)
            cbrt_RGB = numpy.array([omega, omega + ap, omega + bp])
            # A = numpy.array([[-13.7, 17.7, -4], [1.7, 8, -9.7], [0.0, 1.0, 0.0]])
            # Ainv = numpy.linalg.inv(A)
            # rhs = numpy.array(
            #     [numpy.full(omega.shape, a), numpy.full(omega.shape, b), omega]
            # )
            # cbrt_RGB = dot(Ainv, rhs)
            # # a = -13.7 * numpy.cbrt(R) + 17.7 * numpy.cbrt(G) - 4 * numpy.cbrt(B)
            # # b = 1.7 * numpy.cbrt(R) + 8 * numpy.cbrt(G) - 9.7 * numpy.cbrt(B)

            RGB = cbrt_RGB ** 3
            xyz100 = dot(self.Minv, RGB)

            X, Y, Z = xyz100
            sum_xyz = numpy.sum(xyz100, axis=0)
            x = X / sum_xyz
            y = Y / sum_xyz
            K = (
                4.4934 * x ** 2
                + 4.3034 * y ** 2
                - 4.276 * x * y
                - 1.3744 * x
                - 2.5643 * y
                + 1.8103
            f = Y * K - Y0

            # df/domega
github nschloe / colorio / colorio / View on Github external
# no 0.305
    p2_ = A / cs.N_bb

    # Step 3: Calculate a and b
    # ENH Much more straightforward computation of a, b
    p1_ = e_t * 50000 / 13 * cs.N_c * cs.N_cb
    sinh = numpy.sin(h * numpy.pi / 180)
    cosh = numpy.cos(h * numpy.pi / 180)
    a, b = numpy.array([cosh, sinh]) * (
        23 * (p2_ + 0.305) * t / (23 * p1_ + 11 * t * cosh + 108 * t * sinh)

    # Step 4: Calculate RGB_a_
    rgb_a_ = (
            numpy.array([[460, 451, 288], [460, -891, -261], [460, -220, -6300]]),
            numpy.array([p2_, a, b]),
        / 1403

    # Step 5: Calculate RGB_
    t = numpy.array(
            if cs.F_L == numpy.inf
            else ((27.13 * abs(r)) / (400 - abs(r))) ** (1 / 0.42) / cs.F_L
            for r in rgb_a_
    rgb_ = numpy.sign(rgb_a_) * 100 * t
github nschloe / colorio / colorio / View on Github external
y = Y / sum_xyz
            K = (
                4.4934 * x ** 2
                + 4.3034 * y ** 2
                - 4.276 * x * y
                - 1.3744 * x
                - 2.5643 * y
                + 1.8103
            f = Y * K - Y0

            # df/domega
            # dcbrt_RGB = 1.0
            # dRGB = 3 * cbrt_RGB ** 2 * dcbrt_RGB
            dRGB = 3 * cbrt_RGB ** 2
            dxyz100 = dot(self.Minv, dRGB)

            dX, dY, dZ = dxyz100
            dsum_xyz = numpy.sum(dxyz100, axis=0)
            dx = (dX * sum_xyz - X * dsum_xyz) / sum_xyz ** 2
            dy = (dY * sum_xyz - Y * dsum_xyz) / sum_xyz ** 2
            dK = (
                4.4934 * 2 * x * dx
                + 4.3034 * 2 * y * dy
                - 4.276 * (dx * y + x * dy)
                - 1.3744 * dx
                - 2.5643 * dy
            df = dY * K + Y * dK
            return f, df, xyz100
github nschloe / colorio / colorio / View on Github external
def from_xyz100(self, xyz):
        # x, y, z = (xyz.T / self.whitepoint).T
        # In nit units, ranging from 0 to 10000?
        x, y, z = xyz
        x_ = self.b * x - (self.b - 1) * z
        y_ = self.g * y - (self.g - 1) * x
        lms = dot(self.M1, [x_, y_, z])
        lms_ = (
            (self.c1 + self.c2 * (lms / 10000) ** self.n)
            / (1 + self.c3 * (lms / 10000) ** self.n)
        ) ** self.p
        iz, az, bz = dot(self.M2, lms_)
        jz = (1 + self.d) * iz / (1 + self.d * iz) - self.d0
        return numpy.array([jz, az, bz])
github nschloe / colorio / colorio / View on Github external
# Omit the 0.1 here; that's canceled out in almost all cases below anyways (except
    # the computation of `t`).

    # Deal with alpha == 0, alpha == inf
    beta = numpy.empty(alpha.shape)
    idx = alpha < 1.0
    beta[idx] = alpha[idx] / (alpha[idx] + 27.13)  # + 0.1
    idx = ~idx
    beta[idx] = 1.0 / (1.0 + 27.13 / alpha[idx])  # + 0.1
    rgb_a_ = numpy.sign(rgb_) * 400 * beta  # + 0.1

    # Mix steps 5, 7, and part of step 10 here in one big dot-product.
    # Step 5: Calculate Redness-Greenness (a) , Yellowness-Blueness (b)
    #         components and hue angle (h)
    # Step 7: Calculate achromatic response A
    a, b, p2_, u = dot(
        numpy.array([[11, -12, 1], [1, 1, -2], [40, 20, 1], [20, 20, 21]]), rgb_a_
    a /= 11
    b /= 9
    p2_ /= 20
    u /= 20

    A = p2_ * cs.N_bb
    if numpy.any(A < 0):
        raise NegativeAError("CIECAM02 breakdown")

    # Make sure that h is in [0, 360]
    h = numpy.rad2deg(numpy.arctan2(b, a)) % 360

    # Step 6: Calculate eccentricity (e_t) and hue composition (H), using the unique hue
    #         data given in Table 2.4.
github nschloe / colorio / colorio / View on Github external
def from_xyz100(self, xyz):
        # x, y, z = (xyz.T / self.whitepoint).T
        # In nit units, ranging from 0 to 10000?
        x, y, z = xyz
        x_ = self.b * x - (self.b - 1) * z
        y_ = self.g * y - (self.g - 1) * x
        lms = dot(self.M1, [x_, y_, z])
        lms_ = (
            (self.c1 + self.c2 * (lms / 10000) ** self.n)
            / (1 + self.c3 * (lms / 10000) ** self.n)
        ) ** self.p
        iz, az, bz = dot(self.M2, lms_)
        jz = (1 + self.d) * iz / (1 + self.d * iz) - self.d0
        return numpy.array([jz, az, bz])
github nschloe / colorio / colorio / View on Github external
def from_xyz100(self, xyz):
        # Step 1: Calculate (sharpened) cone responses (transfer
        #         colour-matching functions to sharper sensors)
        # Step 2: Calculate the corresponding (sharpened) cone response
        #         (considering various luminance level and surround conditions
        #         included in D; hence, in DR, DG and DB)
        # Step 3: Calculate the Hunt-Pointer-Estevez response
        rgb_ = dot(self.M_, xyz)

        # Steps 4-10
        return compute_from(rgb_, self)
github nschloe / colorio / colorio / View on Github external
def from_rec2100(self, rgb):
        lms = dot(self.M1, rgb)

        lms_ = (
            (self.c1 + self.c2 * lms ** self.m1) / (1 + self.c3 * lms ** self.m1)
        ) ** self.m2

        ictcp = dot(self.M2, lms_)
        return ictcp
github nschloe / colorio / colorio / View on Github external
def from_xyz100(self, xyz):
        # First, the stimuli xyz are translated into reference stimuli xyz_ref to
        # account for the environment adaptation of the human visual system.
        lms_dash = (self.a_lms * dot(self.M, xyz).T).T
        xyz_ref = dot(self.R, lms_dash)

        x_ref_s, y_ref_s, z_ref_s = xyz_ref ** self.sigma

        # LR represents an achromatic response analogous to CIELAB L*. The redgreen
        # chromatic response is given by a R (analogous to CIELAB a*) and the
        # yellow–blue chromatic response is given by bR (analogous to CIELAB b*).
        L_R = 100 * y_ref_s
        a_R = 430 * (x_ref_s - y_ref_s)
        b_R = 170 * (y_ref_s - z_ref_s)

        return numpy.array([L_R, a_R, b_R])