How to use the coconut.compiler.util.keyword function in coconut

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few coconut examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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augassign_stmt = Forward()
    typed_assign_stmt = Forward()
    augassign_stmt_ref = simple_assign + augassign + test_expr
    typed_assign_stmt_ref = simple_assign + colon.suppress() + typedef_test + Optional(equals.suppress() + test_expr)
    basic_stmt = trace(addspace(ZeroOrMore(assignlist + equals) + test_expr))

    compose_item = attach(atom_item + ZeroOrMore(dotdot.suppress() + atom_item), compose_item_handle)

    impl_call_arg = (
        | number
        | name
    for k in reserved_vars:
        impl_call_arg = ~keyword(k) + impl_call_arg
    impl_call_item = attach(compose_item + ZeroOrMore(impl_call_arg), impl_call_item_handle)

    await_item = Forward()
    await_item_ref = keyword("await").suppress() + impl_call_item
    power_item = await_item | impl_call_item

    factor = Forward()
    unary = plus | neg_minus | tilde
    power = trace(condense(power_item + Optional(exp_dubstar + factor)))
    factor <<= trace(condense(ZeroOrMore(unary) + power))

    mulop = mul_star | div_dubslash | div_slash | percent | matrix_at
    addop = plus | sub_minus
    shift = lshift | rshift

    term = exprlist(factor, mulop)
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| Combine(percent + equals)
        | Combine(amp + equals)
        | Combine(bar + equals)
        | Combine(caret + equals)
        | Combine(lshift + equals)
        | Combine(rshift + equals)
        | Combine(matrix_at + equals)
        | Combine(dubquestion + equals)

    comp_op = (
        le | ge | ne | lt | gt | eq
        | addspace(keyword("not") + keyword("in"))
        | keyword("in")
        | addspace(keyword("is") + keyword("not"))
        | keyword("is")

    expr = Forward()
    star_expr = Forward()
    dubstar_expr = Forward()
    comp_for = Forward()
    test_no_cond = Forward()
    namedexpr_test = Forward()

    testlist = trace(itemlist(test, comma, suppress_trailing=False))
    testlist_star_expr = trace(itemlist(test | star_expr, comma, suppress_trailing=False))
    testlist_star_namedexpr = trace(itemlist(namedexpr_test | star_expr, comma, suppress_trailing=False))
    testlist_has_comma = trace(addspace(OneOrMore(condense(test + comma)) + Optional(test)))

    yield_from = Forward()
    dict_comp = Forward()
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            | match_const("const")
            | (lparen.suppress() + match + rparen.suppress())("paren")
            | (lbrace.suppress() + matchlist_dict + Optional(dubstar.suppress() + name) + rbrace.suppress())("dict")
            | (Optional(set_s.suppress()) + lbrace.suppress() + matchlist_set + rbrace.suppress())("set")
            | iter_match
            | series_match
            | star_match
            | (name + lparen.suppress() + matchlist_data + rparen.suppress())("data")
            | name("var"),
    matchlist_trailer = base_match + OneOrMore(keyword("as") + name | keyword("is") + atom_item)
    as_match = Group(matchlist_trailer("trailer")) | base_match
    matchlist_and = as_match + OneOrMore(keyword("and").suppress() + as_match)
    and_match = Group(matchlist_and("and")) | as_match
    matchlist_or = and_match + OneOrMore(keyword("or").suppress() + and_match)
    or_match = Group(matchlist_or("or")) | and_match
    match <<= trace(or_match)

    else_stmt = condense(keyword("else") - suite)
    full_suite = colon.suppress() + Group((newline.suppress() + indent.suppress() + OneOrMore(stmt) + dedent.suppress()) | simple_stmt)
    full_match = trace(
            keyword("match").suppress() + match + addspace(Optional(keyword("not")) + keyword("in")) - test - match_guard - full_suite,
    match_stmt = condense(full_match - Optional(else_stmt))

    destructuring_stmt = Forward()
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    match_funcdef = addspace(match_def_modifiers + def_match_funcdef)

    where_suite = colon.suppress() - Group(
        newline.suppress() + indent.suppress() - OneOrMore(simple_stmt) - dedent.suppress()
        | simple_stmt,
    where_stmt = attach(unsafe_simple_stmt_item + keyword("where").suppress() - where_suite, where_stmt_handle)

    implicit_return = (
        attach(return_stmt, invalid_return_stmt_handle)
        | attach(testlist, implicit_return_handle)
    implicit_return_stmt = (
        attach(implicit_return + keyword("where").suppress() - where_suite, where_stmt_handle)
        | condense(implicit_return + newline)
    math_funcdef_body = condense(ZeroOrMore(~(implicit_return_stmt + dedent) + stmt) - implicit_return_stmt)
    math_funcdef_suite = (
        attach(implicit_return_stmt, make_suite_handle)
        | condense(newline - indent - math_funcdef_body - dedent)
    end_func_equals = return_typedef + equals.suppress() | fixto(equals, ":")
    math_funcdef = trace(
            condense(addspace(keyword("def") + base_funcdef) + end_func_equals) - math_funcdef_suite,
    math_match_funcdef = addspace(
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    pipe_expr = (
        comp_pipe_expr + ~pipe_op
        | attach(OneOrMore(pipe_item) + last_pipe_item, pipe_handle)

    expr <<= pipe_expr

    star_expr_ref = condense(star + expr)
    dubstar_expr_ref = condense(dubstar + expr)

    comparison = exprlist(expr, comp_op)
    not_test = addspace(ZeroOrMore(keyword("not")) + comparison)
    and_test = exprlist(not_test, keyword("and"))
    test_item = trace(exprlist(and_test, keyword("or")))

    simple_stmt_item = Forward()
    unsafe_simple_stmt_item = Forward()
    simple_stmt = Forward()
    stmt = Forward()
    suite = Forward()
    nocolon_suite = Forward()
    base_suite = Forward()
    classlist = Forward()

    classic_lambdef = Forward()
    classic_lambdef_params = maybeparens(lparen, var_args_list, rparen)
    new_lambdef_params = lparen.suppress() + var_args_list + rparen.suppress() | name
    classic_lambdef_ref = addspace(keyword("lambda") + condense(classic_lambdef_params + colon))
    new_lambdef = attach(new_lambdef_params + arrow.suppress(), lambdef_handle)
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+ colon.suppress()
            + (
                attach(simple_stmt, make_suite_handle)
                | newline.suppress() + indent.suppress()
                + Optional(docstring)
                + attach(condense(OneOrMore(stmt)), make_suite_handle)
                + dedent.suppress()
    match_def_modifiers = trace(
            # we don't suppress addpattern so its presence can be detected later
            keyword("match").suppress() + Optional(keyword("addpattern"))
            | keyword("addpattern") + Optional(keyword("match")).suppress(),
    match_funcdef = addspace(match_def_modifiers + def_match_funcdef)

    where_suite = colon.suppress() - Group(
        newline.suppress() + indent.suppress() - OneOrMore(simple_stmt) - dedent.suppress()
        | simple_stmt,
    where_stmt = attach(unsafe_simple_stmt_item + keyword("where").suppress() - where_suite, where_stmt_handle)

    implicit_return = (
        attach(return_stmt, invalid_return_stmt_handle)
        | attach(testlist, implicit_return_handle)
    implicit_return_stmt = (
        attach(implicit_return + keyword("where").suppress() - where_suite, where_stmt_handle)
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    pipe_expr = (
        comp_pipe_expr + ~pipe_op
        | attach(OneOrMore(pipe_item) + last_pipe_item, pipe_handle)

    expr <<= pipe_expr

    star_expr_ref = condense(star + expr)
    dubstar_expr_ref = condense(dubstar + expr)

    comparison = exprlist(expr, comp_op)
    not_test = addspace(ZeroOrMore(keyword("not")) + comparison)
    and_test = exprlist(not_test, keyword("and"))
    test_item = trace(exprlist(and_test, keyword("or")))

    simple_stmt_item = Forward()
    unsafe_simple_stmt_item = Forward()
    simple_stmt = Forward()
    stmt = Forward()
    suite = Forward()
    nocolon_suite = Forward()
    base_suite = Forward()
    classlist = Forward()

    classic_lambdef = Forward()
    classic_lambdef_params = maybeparens(lparen, var_args_list, rparen)
    new_lambdef_params = lparen.suppress() + var_args_list + rparen.suppress() | name
    classic_lambdef_ref = addspace(keyword("lambda") + condense(classic_lambdef_params + colon))
    new_lambdef = attach(new_lambdef_params + arrow.suppress(), lambdef_handle)
    implicit_lambdef = fixto(arrow, "lambda _=None:")
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and_test = exprlist(not_test, keyword("and"))
    test_item = trace(exprlist(and_test, keyword("or")))

    simple_stmt_item = Forward()
    unsafe_simple_stmt_item = Forward()
    simple_stmt = Forward()
    stmt = Forward()
    suite = Forward()
    nocolon_suite = Forward()
    base_suite = Forward()
    classlist = Forward()

    classic_lambdef = Forward()
    classic_lambdef_params = maybeparens(lparen, var_args_list, rparen)
    new_lambdef_params = lparen.suppress() + var_args_list + rparen.suppress() | name
    classic_lambdef_ref = addspace(keyword("lambda") + condense(classic_lambdef_params + colon))
    new_lambdef = attach(new_lambdef_params + arrow.suppress(), lambdef_handle)
    implicit_lambdef = fixto(arrow, "lambda _=None:")
    lambdef_base = classic_lambdef | new_lambdef | implicit_lambdef

    stmt_lambdef = Forward()
    match_guard = Optional(keyword("if").suppress() + test)
    closing_stmt = longest(testlist("tests"), unsafe_simple_stmt_item)
    stmt_lambdef_params = Optional(
        attach(name, add_paren_handle)
        | parameters
        | Group(lparen.suppress() + match_args_list + match_guard + rparen.suppress()),
    stmt_lambdef_ref = (
        keyword("def").suppress() + stmt_lambdef_params + arrow.suppress()
        + (
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attach(return_stmt, invalid_return_stmt_handle)
        | attach(testlist, implicit_return_handle)
    implicit_return_stmt = (
        attach(implicit_return + keyword("where").suppress() - where_suite, where_stmt_handle)
        | condense(implicit_return + newline)
    math_funcdef_body = condense(ZeroOrMore(~(implicit_return_stmt + dedent) + stmt) - implicit_return_stmt)
    math_funcdef_suite = (
        attach(implicit_return_stmt, make_suite_handle)
        | condense(newline - indent - math_funcdef_body - dedent)
    end_func_equals = return_typedef + equals.suppress() | fixto(equals, ":")
    math_funcdef = trace(
            condense(addspace(keyword("def") + base_funcdef) + end_func_equals) - math_funcdef_suite,
    math_match_funcdef = addspace(
        + trace(
                + equals.suppress()
                - Optional(docstring)
                - (
                    attach(implicit_return_stmt, make_suite_handle)
                    | newline.suppress() - indent.suppress()
                    - Optional(docstring)
                    - attach(math_funcdef_body, make_suite_handle)
                    - dedent.suppress()