How to use the cobbler.utils function in cobbler

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few cobbler examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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github cobbler / cobbler / cobbler / View on Github external
        Handle copying of http:// and ftp:// debian repos.

        # warn about not having mirror program.

        mirror_program = "/usr/bin/debmirror"
        if not os.path.exists(mirror_program):
            utils.die(self.logger, "no %s found, please install it" % (mirror_program))

        cmd = ""                  # command to run

        # detect cases that require special handling

        if repo.rpm_list != "" and repo.rpm_list != []:
            utils.die(self.logger, "has_rpm_list not yet supported on apt repos")

        if not repo.arch:
            utils.die(self.logger, "Architecture is required for apt repositories")

        # built destination path for the repo
        dest_path = os.path.join("/var/www/cobbler/repo_mirror",

        if repo.mirror_locally:
            # NOTE: Dropping @@suite@@ replace as it is also dropped from
            # from due that repo has no os_version
            # attribute. If it is added again it will break the Web UI!
            # mirror = repo.mirror.replace("@@suite@@",repo.os_version)
            mirror = repo.mirror

            idx = mirror.find("://")
            method = mirror[:idx]
github cobbler / cobbler / tests / cli / View on Github external
def run_cmd(cmd):
    Run a command

    @param cmd str command
    @return str output
    @raise Exception if return code is not 0

    print("run cmd: %s" % cmd)
    args = shlex.split(cmd)
    (output, rc) = utils.subprocess_sp(None, args, shell=False)
    if rc != 0:
        raise Exception
    return output
github uyuni-project / uyuni / tftpsync / susemanager-tftpsync / View on Github external
if _DEBUG:
            logger.debug("%s does not exist yet - retrying (try %s)" % (fn, count))

    mtime = os.stat(fn).st_mtime
    key = None
    needpush = True
    if _DEBUG:
        logger.debug("check_push(%s)" % fn)
    if fn in db:
        if db[fn][0] < mtime:
            if _DEBUG:
                logger.debug("mtime differ - old: %s new: %s" % (db[fn][0], mtime))
            if os.path.exists(fn):
                cmd = '/usr/bin/sha1sum %s'%fn
                key = utils.subprocess_get(None,cmd).split(' ')[0]
                if _DEBUG:
                    logger.debug("checking checksum - old: %s new: %s" % (db[fn][1], key))
                if key == db[fn][1]:
                    needpush = False
            needpush = False
    if key is None:
        if os.path.exists(fn):
            cmd = '/usr/bin/sha1sum %s'%fn
            key = utils.subprocess_get(None,cmd).split(' ')[0]

    if _DEBUG:
        logger.debug("push(%s) ? %s" % (fn, needpush))
    if needpush:
        # reset the Result var
github cobbler / cobbler / cobbler / View on Github external
if edit_type != "remove":
            # FIXME: this doesn't know about interfaces yet!
            # if object type is system and fields add to dict and then
            # modify when done, rather than now.
            imods = {}
            # FIXME: needs to know about how to delete interfaces too!
            for (k, v) in list(attributes.items()):
                if object_type != "system" or not self.__is_interface_field(k):
                    # in place modifications allow for adding a key/value pair while keeping other k/v
                    # pairs intact.
                    if k in ["autoinstall_meta", "kernel_options", "kernel_options_post", "template_files", "boot_files", "fetchable_files", "params"] and \
                            "in_place" in attributes and attributes["in_place"]:
                        details = self.get_item(object_type, object_name)
                        v2 = details[k]
                        (ok, input) = utils.input_string_or_dict(v)
                        for (a, b) in list(input.items()):
                            if a.startswith("~") and len(a) > 1:
                                del v2[a[1:]]
                                v2[a] = b
                        v = v2

                    self.modify_item(object_type, handle, k, v, token)

                    modkey = "%s-%s" % (k, attributes.get("interface", ""))
                    imods[modkey] = v

            if object_type == "system":
                if "delete_interface" not in attributes and "rename_interface" not in attributes:
                    self.modify_system(handle, 'modify_interface', imods, token)
github cobbler / cobbler / cobbler / modules / View on Github external
def run(api,args,logger):
   settings = api.settings()

   name = args[0] # name of distro
   target = api.find_distro(name)

   # collapse the object down to a rendered datastructure
   # the second argument set to false means we don't collapse hashes/arrays into a flat string
   target = utils.blender(api, False, target)

   if target == {}:
      raise CX("failure looking up target: %s" % target)

   # Create metadata for the templar function
   # Right now, just using img_path, but adding more
   # cobbler variables here would probably be good
   metadata = {}
   metadata["img_path"] = os.path.join(utils.tftpboot_location(),"images",name)

   # Create the templar instance
   templater = templar.Templar()

   # Loop through the hash of fetchable files,
   # executing a cp for each one
   for file in target["fetchable_files"].keys():
github cobbler / cobbler / cobbler / View on Github external
a distro snippet, and a general snippet. If no snippet is located, it
        returns None.
        for snipclass in ('system', 'profile', 'distro'):
            if self.varExists('%s_name' % snipclass):
                fullpath = '%s/per_%s/%s/%s' % (self.getVar('autoinstall_snippets_dir'),
                                                snipclass, file,
                                                self.getVar('%s_name' % snipclass))
                    contents = utils.read_file_contents(fullpath, fetch_if_remote=True)
                    return contents
                except FileNotFoundException:

            return "#errorCatcher ListErrors\n" + utils.read_file_contents('%s/%s' % (self.getVar('autoinstall_snippets_dir'), file), fetch_if_remote=True)
        except FileNotFoundException:
            return None
github cobbler / cobbler / cobbler / View on Github external
def get_valid_archs(self, token=None):
        Return the list of valid architectures as read
        in from the distro signatures data
        self._log("get_valid_archs", token=token)
        results = utils.get_valid_archs()
        return self.xmlrpc_hacks(results)
github cobbler / cobbler / cobbler / modules / managers / View on Github external
def sync_dhcp(self):
        restart_dhcp = str(self.settings.restart_dhcp).lower()
        if restart_dhcp != "0":
            rc = utils.subprocess_call(self.logger, "service dnsmasq restart")
            if rc != 0:
                error_msg = "service dnsmasq restart failed"
                raise CX(error_msg)
github cobbler / cobbler / cobbler / modules / managers / View on Github external
def get_file_lines(self, filename):
        Get lines from a file, which may or may not be compressed
        lines = []
        ftype = utils.subprocess_get(self.logger, "/usr/bin/file %s" % filename)
        if ftype.find("gzip") != -1:
                import gzip
                f =, 'r')
                lines = f.readlines()
        elif ftype.find("text") != -1:
            f = open(filename, 'r')
            lines = f.readlines()
        return lines