How to use the cfgv.apply_defaults function in cfgv

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few cfgv examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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github pre-commit / pre-commit / testing / View on Github external
def make_config_from_repo(repo_path, rev=None, hooks=None, check=True):
    manifest = load_manifest(os.path.join(repo_path, C.MANIFEST_FILE))
    config = {
        'repo': 'file://{}'.format(repo_path),
        'rev': rev or git.head_rev(repo_path),
        'hooks': hooks or [{'id': hook['id']} for hook in manifest],

    if check:
        wrapped = validate({'repos': [config]}, CONFIG_SCHEMA)
        wrapped = apply_defaults(wrapped, CONFIG_SCHEMA)
        config, = wrapped['repos']
        return config
        return config
github pre-commit / pre-commit / pre_commit / meta_hooks / View on Github external
classifier = Classifier(git.get_all_files())
    retv = 0

    exclude = config['exclude']
    if not exclude_matches_any(classifier.filenames, '', exclude):
            'The global exclude pattern {!r} does not match any files'
        retv = 1

    for repo in config['repos']:
        for hook in repo['hooks']:
            # Not actually a manifest dict, but this more accurately reflects
            # the defaults applied during runtime
            hook = apply_defaults(hook, MANIFEST_HOOK_DICT)
            names = classifier.filenames
            types, exclude_types = hook['types'], hook['exclude_types']
            names = classifier.by_types(names, types, exclude_types)
            include, exclude = hook['files'], hook['exclude']
            if not exclude_matches_any(names, include, exclude):
                    'The exclude pattern {!r} for {} does not match any files'
                    .format(exclude, hook['id']),
                retv = 1

    return retv