How to use the certbot-nginx.certbot_nginx._internal.parser_obj.Parsable function in certbot-nginx

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# ======== End overridden functions

    def words(self):
        """ Iterates over words, but without spaces. Like Unspaced List. """
        return [word.strip("\"\'") for word in self._data if not word.isspace()]

    def __getitem__(self, index):
        return self.words[index]

    def __contains__(self, word):
        return word in self.words

class Block(Parsable):
    """ Any sort of bloc, denoted by a block name and curly braces, like so:
    The parsed block:
        block name {
            content 1;
            content 2;
    might be represented with the list [names, contents], where
        names = ["block", " ", "name", " "]
        contents = [["\n    ", "content", " ", "1"], ["\n    ", "content", " ", "2"], "\n"]
    def __init__(self, parent=None):
        super(Block, self).__init__(parent)
        self.names = None # type: Sentence
        self.contents = None # type: Block

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def dump(self, include_spaces=False):
        """ Dumps back to pyparsing-like list tree. The opposite of `parse`.

        Note: if this object has not been modified, `dump` with `include_spaces=True`
        should always return the original input of `parse`.

        :param bool include_spaces: If set to False, magically hides whitespace tokens from
            dumped output.

        :returns: Pyparsing-like list tree.
        :rtype list:
        return [elem.dump(include_spaces) for elem in self._data]

class Statements(Parsable):
    """ A group or list of "Statements". A Statement is either a Block or a Sentence.

    The underlying representation is simply a list of these Statement objects, with
    an extra `_trailing_whitespace` string to keep track of the whitespace that does not
    precede any more statements.
    def __init__(self, parent=None):
        super(Statements, self).__init__(parent)
        self._trailing_whitespace = None

    # ======== Begin overridden functions

    def should_parse(lists):
        return isinstance(lists, list)
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yield sub_elem

    # ======== End overridden functions

def _space_list(list_):
    """ Inserts whitespace between adjacent non-whitespace tokens. """
    spaced_statement = [] # type: List[str]
    for i in reversed(six.moves.xrange(len(list_))):
        spaced_statement.insert(0, list_[i])
        if i > 0 and not list_[i].isspace() and not list_[i-1].isspace():
            spaced_statement.insert(0, " ")
    return spaced_statement

class Sentence(Parsable):
    """ A list of words. Non-whitespace words are typically separated with whitespace tokens. """

    # ======== Begin overridden functions

    def should_parse(lists):
        """ Returns True if `lists` can be parseable as a `Sentence`-- that is,
        every element is a string type.

        :param list lists: The raw unparsed list to check.

        :returns: whether this lists is parseable by `Sentence`.
        return isinstance(lists, list) and len(lists) > 0 and \
            all([isinstance(elem, six.string_types) for elem in lists])