How to use the function in cclib

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few cclib examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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"""Test scan logfiles in cclib"""

import os
import unittest

import numpy
import cclib

from skip import skipForParser

__filedir__ = os.path.realpath(os.path.dirname(__file__))


class GenericScanTestBase(unittest.TestCase):
    """Base relaxed potential energy surface scan unittest."""

    def assertOptNew(self, optstatus_value):
        return optstatus_value & OPT_NEW == OPT_NEW

    def assertOptDone(self, optstatus_value):
        return optstatus_value & OPT_DONE == OPT_DONE

class GenericScanTest_optdone_bool(GenericScanTestBase):
    """Generic relaxed potential energy surface scan unittest."""

    datatype =
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# Convert any string into the parser object we will be using.
    if isinstance(parser, str):
        parser = all_parsers[parser]

    datadir = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "..", "data"))
    programdir = os.path.join(get_program_dir(parser.__name__), subdir)
    inputs = [os.path.join(datadir, programdir, fn) for fn in files]

    # We should be able to pass a list of length one here, but for some reason
    # this does not work with some parsers and we get errors.
    if len(inputs) == 1:
        inputs = inputs[0]

    stream = stream or sys.stdout
    logfile = parser(inputs, logstream=stream, loglevel=loglevel,
                     datatype=datatype or

    data = logfile.parse()
    return data, logfile
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def construct(self,json_data):
        for Key, Value in ccData._attributes.items():
            jsonKey = Value.jsonKey
            attributePath = Value.attributePath.split(":")

            if attributePath[0] == 'N/A':

            levels = len(attributePath)
            if attributePath[0] in json_data:
                l1_data_object = json_data[attributePath[0]]
                if levels == 1:
                    if jsonKey in l1_data_object:
                        self.datatype[Key] = l1_data_object[jsonKey]

                elif levels >= 2:
                    if attributePath[1] in l1_data_object:
                        l2_data_object = l1_data_object[attributePath[1]]
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if criteria[istart:istart+9].strip():

            self.skip_line(inputfile, 'dashes')

            values = next(inputfile)
            step = int(values.split()[0])
            geovalues = []
            for istart in starts:
                if values[istart:istart+9].strip():

            if step == 1:
                self.optstatus[-1] += data.ccData.OPT_NEW

            # This assertion may be too restrictive, but we haven't seen the geotargets change.
            # If such an example comes up, update the value since we're interested in the last ones.
            if not hasattr(self, 'geotargets'):
                self.geotargets = geotargets
                assert self.geotargets == geotargets

            if not hasattr(self, 'geovalues'):
                self.geovalues = []

        # This message signals a converged optimization, in which case we want
        # to append the index for this step to optdone, which should be equal
        # to the number of geovalues gathered so far.
        if "Optimization is complete!" in line:
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# Need to decide on a number format.
        cjson_dict['chemical json'] = 0
        if self.jobfilename is not None:
            cjson_dict['name'] = self.pathname(self.jobfilename)

        # These are properties that can be collected using Open Babel.
        if _has_openbabel:
            cjson_dict['smiles'] = self.pbmol.write('smiles')
            cjson_dict['inchi'] = self.pbmol.write('inchi')
            cjson_dict['inchikey'] = self.pbmol.write('inchikey')
            cjson_dict['formula'] = self.pbmol.formula
        # TODO Incorporate unit cell information.

        # Iterate through the attribute list present in ccData. Depending on the
        # availability of the attribute add it at the right 'level'.
        for attribute_name, v in ccData._attributes.items():
            if not hasattr(self.ccdata, attribute_name):

            attribute_path = v.attribute_path.split(":")

            # Depth of the attribute in the CJSON.
            levels = len(attribute_path)

            # The attributes which haven't been included in the CJSON format.
            if attribute_path[0] == 'N/A':

            if attribute_path[0] not in cjson_dict:
                cjson_dict[attribute_path[0]] = dict()
            l1_data_object = cjson_dict[attribute_path[0]]
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'Molpro' : ['fonames', 'fooverlaps', 'fragnames', 'frags'],
        'NWChem' : ['fonames', 'fooverlaps', 'fragnames', 'frags'],
        'ORCA' : ['fonames', 'fooverlaps', 'fragnames', 'frags'],
        'Psi' : ['fonames', 'fooverlaps', 'fragnames', 'frags'],
        'QChem' : ['fonames', 'fooverlaps', 'fragnames', 'frags'],
    not_possible = {
        'Psi' : ['aooverlaps', 'vibirs'],
        'QChem' : ['aooverlaps', 'etrotats'],

    # For each attribute, get a list of Boolean values for each parser that flags
    # if it has been parsed by at least one unit test. Substitute an OK sign or
    # T/D appropriately, with the exception of attributes that have been explicitely
    # designated as N/A.
    attributes = sorted(
    for attr in attributes:
        parsed = [any([attr in t['data'].__dict__ for t in alltests[p]]) for p in parser_names]
        for ip, p in enumerate(parsed):
            if p:
                parsed[ip] = "√"
                if attr in not_applicable.get(parser_names[ip], []):
                    parsed[ip] = "N/A"
                elif attr in not_possible.get(parser_names[ip], []):
                    parsed[ip] = "N/P"
                    parsed[ip] = "T/D"
        lines.append(colfmt*ncols % tuple(["`%s`_" % attr] + parsed))

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if hasattr(self, 'optstatus'):
            unconverged_indexes = [x for x, y in enumerate(self.optstatus) if y & self.OPT_UNCONVERGED > 0]
            return self.atomcoords[unconverged_indexes]
            return self.atomcoords

    def nelectrons(self):
        return Electrons(self).count()

    def closed_shell(self):
        return orbitals.Orbitals(self).closed_shell()

class ccData_optdone_bool(ccData):
    """This is the version of ccData where optdone is a Boolean."""

    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):

        super(ccData_optdone_bool, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
        self._attributes["optdone"] = Attribute(bool, 'done', 'optimization')

    def setattributes(self, *args, **kwargs):
        invalid = super(ccData_optdone_bool, self).setattributes(*args, **kwargs)

        # Reduce optdone to a Boolean, because it will be parsed as a list. If this list has any element,
        # it means that there was an optimized structure and optdone should be True.
        if hasattr(self, 'optdone'):
            self.optdone = len(self.optdone) > 0
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#  Measures of convergence in internal coordinates in au.
        #  Criteria marked as inactive (o), active & met (*), and active & unmet ( ).
        #  ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
        #   Step     Total Energy     Delta E     MAX Force     RMS Force      MAX Disp      RMS Disp
        #  ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
        #    Convergence Criteria    1.00e-06 *    3.00e-04 *             o    1.20e-03 *             o
        #  ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
        #      2    -379.77675264   -7.79e-03      1.88e-02      4.37e-03 o    2.29e-02      6.76e-03 o  ~
        #  ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
        if (self.section == "Convergence Check") and line.strip() == "==> Convergence Check <==" \
            and not hasattr(self, 'finite_difference'):

            if not hasattr(self, "optstatus"):
                self.optstatus = []

            self.skip_lines(inputfile, ['b', 'units', 'comment', 'dash+tilde', 'header', 'dash+tilde'])

            # These are the position in the line at which numbers should start.
            starts = [27, 41, 55, 69, 83]

            criteria = next(inputfile)
            geotargets = []
            for istart in starts:
                if criteria[istart:istart+9].strip():

            self.skip_line(inputfile, 'dashes')
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atomnos = [[atomsym] for atomsym in atomsyms]
                atomcoords = [line[1:4] for line in lines]
                # Everything beyond the fourth column is ignored.

            except StopIteration:

        attributes = {
            'natom': natom,
            'atomnos': atomnos,
            'atomcoords': all_atomcoords,
            'metadata': {"comments": comments},
        } = ccData(attributes)
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# The attributes which haven't been included in the CJSON format.
            if attribute_path[0] == 'N/A':

            if attribute_path[0] not in cjson_dict:
                cjson_dict[attribute_path[0]] = dict()
            l1_data_object = cjson_dict[attribute_path[0]]

            # 'moments' and 'atomcoords' key will contain processed data
            # obtained from the output file. TODO rewrite this
            if attribute_name in ('moments', 'atomcoords'):
                if attribute_name == 'moments':
                    dipole_moment = self._calculate_total_dipole_moment()
                    if dipole_moment is not None:
                        cjson_dict['properties'][ccData._attributes['moments'].json_key] = dipole_moment
                    cjson_dict['atoms']['coords'] = dict()
                    cjson_dict['atoms']['coords']['3d'] = self.ccdata.atomcoords[-1].flatten().tolist()

            if levels == 1:
                self.set_JSON_attribute(l1_data_object, attribute_name)
            elif levels >= 2:
                if attribute_path[1] not in l1_data_object:
                    l1_data_object[attribute_path[1]] = dict()
                l2_data_object = l1_data_object[attribute_path[1]]

                if levels == 2:
                    self.set_JSON_attribute(l2_data_object, attribute_name)
                elif levels == 3:
                    if attribute_path[2] not in l2_data_object: