How to use the causallib.utils.general_tools.get_iterable_treatment_values function in causallib

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stratify_by (pd.Series|None): Categorical variable to stratify according to (num_subjects,).
                                          Namely, aggregate within subgroups sharing the same values.
                                          If not provided, the aggregation is on the entire
            treatment_values (Any): Subset of values to stratify on from `stratify_by`.
                                    If not supplied, all available stratification values are used.

            pd.Series[Any, float]: Series which index are treatment values, and the values are numbers - the
                                   aggregated outcome for the strata of people whose assigned treatment is the key.
        if sample_weight is None:
            sample_weight = pd.Series(data=1.0, index=y.index)
        if treatment_values is None and stratify_by is None:
            stratify_by = pd.Series(data=0, index=y.index)

        treatment_values = get_iterable_treatment_values(treatment_values, stratify_by)

        res = {}
        for treatment_value in treatment_values:
            subgroup_mask = stratify_by == treatment_value
            aggregated_value = np.average(y[subgroup_mask], weights=sample_weight[subgroup_mask])
            res[treatment_value] = aggregated_value
        res = pd.Series(res)
        return res
github IBM / causallib / causallib / estimation / View on Github external
def estimate_individual_outcome(self, X, a, treatment_values=None, predict_proba=None):
        treatment_values = g_tools.get_iterable_treatment_values(treatment_values, a)

        res = {}
        for treatment_value in treatment_values:
            prediction = self._predict(X=X, treatment_value=treatment_value, predict_proba=predict_proba)
            res[treatment_value] = prediction
        # TODO: should combine the results by the observed treatment into additional vector?
        res = pd.concat(res, axis="columns", names=[ or "a"])
        return res
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specific treatment and yields the relevant dataset.

            X (pd.DataFrame): Covariate matrix of size (num_subjects, num_features).
            a (pd.Series): Treatment assignment of size (num_subjects,).
            y (pd.Series | None): Observed outcome of size (num_subjects,).
            w (pd.Series | None): sample_weights

            (pd.DataFrame, pd.Series, Any): A three-tuple containing:

             * the covariates for individual under specific treatment,
             * the observed outcomes for these individuals (if y was passed and is not None),
             * the current treatment value.
        treatment_values = g_tools.get_iterable_treatment_values(None, a)
        for treatment_value in treatment_values:
            treated = a == treatment_value
            cur_X = X.loc[treated, :]
            cur_y = y[treated] if y is not None else None
            cur_w = w[treated] if w is not None else None
            yield cur_X, cur_y, cur_w, treatment_value


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