How to use the cartoframes.core.managers.context_manager.ContextManager function in cartoframes

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github CartoDB / cartoframes / tests / unit / io / View on Github external
def test_read_carto(mocker):
    # Given
    cm_mock = mocker.patch.object(ContextManager, 'copy_to')
    cm_mock.return_value = GeoDataFrame({
        'cartodb_id': [1, 2, 3],
        'the_geom': [
    expected = GeoDataFrame({
        'cartodb_id': [1, 2, 3],
        'the_geom': [
            Point([0, 0]),
            Point([10, 15]),
            Point([20, 30])
    }, geometry='the_geom')
github CartoDB / cartoframes / tests / unit / core / managers / View on Github external
def test_rename_table(self, mocker):
        # Given
        def has_table(table_name):
            if table_name == 'table_name':
                return True
            elif table_name == 'new_table_name':
                return False
        mocker.patch.object(ContextManager, 'has_table', side_effect=has_table)
        mock = mocker.patch.object(ContextManager, '_rename_table')

        # When
        cm = ContextManager(self.credentials)
        result = cm.rename_table('table_name', 'NEW TABLE NAME')

        # Then
        mock.assert_called_once_with('table_name', 'new_table_name')
        assert result == 'new_table_name'
github CartoDB / cartoframes / tests / unit / io / View on Github external
def test_read_carto_retry_times(mocker):
    # Given
    mocker.patch.object(CartoDataFrame, 'set_geometry')
    cm_mock = mocker.patch.object(ContextManager, 'copy_to')

    # When
    read_carto('__source__', CREDENTIALS, retry_times=1)

    # Then
    cm_mock.assert_called_once_with('__source__', None, None, 1)
github CartoDB / cartoframes / tests / unit / core / managers / View on Github external
def test_execute_query(self, mocker):
        # Given
        mock = mocker.patch.object(SQLClient, 'send')

        # When
        cm = ContextManager(self.credentials)

        # Then
        mock.assert_called_once_with('query', True, True, None)
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def test_copy_from(self, mocker):
        # Given
        mocker.patch.object(ContextManager, 'has_table', return_value=False)
        mock = mocker.patch.object(ContextManager, '_copy_from')
        cdf = CartoDataFrame({'A': [1]})
        columns = [ColumnInfo('A', 'a', 'bigint', False)]

        # When
        cm = ContextManager(self.credentials)
        cm.copy_from(cdf, 'TABLE NAME')

        # Then
        mock.assert_called_once_with(cdf, 'table_name', columns)
github CartoDB / cartoframes / tests / unit / core / managers / View on Github external
def test_rename_table_dest_exists_fail(self, mocker):
        # Given
        def has_table(table_name):
            if table_name == 'table_name':
                return True
            elif table_name == 'new_table_name':
                return True
        mocker.patch.object(ContextManager, 'has_table', side_effect=has_table)

        # When
        with pytest.raises(Exception) as e:
            cm = ContextManager(self.credentials)
            cm.rename_table('table_name', 'NEW TABLE NAME', 'fail')

        # Then
        assert str(e.value) == ('Table "new_table_name" already exists in your CARTO account. '
                                'Please choose a different `new_table_name` or use '
github CartoDB / cartoframes / tests / unit / viz / helpers / View on Github external
def setup_mocks(mocker, geom_type='point'):
    mocker.patch.object(ContextManager, 'compute_query')
    mocker.patch.object(ContextManager, 'get_geom_type', return_value=geom_type)
    mocker.patch.object(ContextManager, 'get_bounds')
github CartoDB / cartoframes / cartoframes / data / observatory / catalog / repository / View on Github external
def __init__(self):
        self._user_credentials = None
        self._do_credentials = Credentials('do-metadata', 'default_public')
        self._context_manager = ContextManager(self._do_credentials)
github CartoDB / cartoframes / cartoframes / io / View on Github external
def has_table(table_name, credentials=None, schema=None):
    Check if the table exists in the CARTO account.

        table_name (str): name of the table.
        credentials (:py:class:`Credentials `, optional):
            instance of Credentials (username, api_key, etc).
        schema (str, optional):prefix of the table. By default, it gets the
            `current_schema()` using the credentials.
    if not isinstance(table_name, str):
        raise ValueError('Wrong table name. You should provide a valid table name.')

    context_manager = ContextManager(credentials)

    return context_manager.has_table(table_name, schema)
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def __init__(self, source, credentials=None, geom_col=None):
        self.credentials = None

        if isinstance(source, str):
            # Table, SQL query
            self.type = SourceType.QUERY
            self.manager = ContextManager(credentials)
            self.query = self.manager.compute_query(source)
            self.credentials = self.manager.credentials
        elif isinstance(source, pandas.DataFrame):
            # DataFrame, GeoDataFrame, CartoDataFrame
            self.type = SourceType.GEOJSON
            self.cdf = CartoDataFrame(source, copy=True)

            if geom_col:
                self.cdf.set_geometry(geom_col, inplace=True)

            if not self.cdf.has_geometry():
                raise Exception('No valid geometry found. Please provide an input source with ' +
                                'a valid geometry or specify the "geom_col" param with a geometry column.')
            raise ValueError('Wrong source input. Valid values are str and DataFrame.')