How to use the calliope.utils function in calliope

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few calliope examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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excluded_vars = ['e_cap_net']

    def _setkey(d, key, value):  # fillna, round, multiply passed implicitly
        if fillna is not None and np.isnan(value):
            value = fillna
        if map_numeric:
                # TypeError if not a number, we don't want to multiply strings
                value = map_numeric(value)
            except TypeError:
                pass  # Ignore if not a number
        if map_any:
            value = map_any(value)
        d.set_key(key, value)

    d = utils.AttrDict()

    # Get a list of default constraints, so that we know which constraints
    # exist in a form that includes sub-constraints (like '.max')
    o = solution.config_model
    possible_constraints = list(o.techs.defaults.constraints.keys())
    default_constraints = list(o.techs.defaults.constraints.keys_nested())
    max_min_equals_constraints = set([c.split('.')[0]
                                      for c in default_constraints
                                      if '.max' in c])

    # Set up the list of locations, techs, constraints
    locations = solution.coords['x'].values
    techs_in_solution = [i for i in solution.coords['y'].values if ':' not in i]
    if not techs:
        techs = techs_in_solution
    if not constraints:
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def _save_csv(self):
        """Save solution as CSV files to ``self.config_run.output.path``"""
        for k in self.solution.data_vars:
            out_path = os.path.join(self.config_run.output.path, '{}.csv'.format(k))

        # Metadata
        md = utils.AttrDict()
        for k in ['config_model', 'config_run', 'run_time', 'calliope_version']:
            md[k] = self.solution.attrs[k]
        md.to_yaml(os.path.join(self.config_run.output.path, 'metadata.yaml'))

        return self.config_run.output.path
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def node_costs(model):

    m = model.m
    time_res =['_time_res'].to_series()
    weights =['_weights'].to_series()

    cost_getter = utils.cost_getter(model.get_option)
    depreciation_getter = utils.depreciation_getter(model.get_option)
    cost_per_distance_getter = utils.cost_per_distance_getter(model.config_model)

    def _depreciation_rate(y, x, k):
        return depreciation_getter(y, x, k)

    def _cost(cost, y, k, x=None):
        return cost_getter(cost, y, k, x=x)

    def _cost_per_distance(cost, y, k, x):
        return cost_per_distance_getter(cost, y, k, x)

    def _check_and_set(cost, loc_tech, y, x, k):
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def get_cost_param(model, param_string, k, y, x, t):
    Function to get values for constraints which can optionally be
    loaded from file (so may have time dependency).

    model = calliope model
    cost = cost name, e.g. 'om_fuel'
    k = cost type, e.g. 'monetary'
    y = technology
    x = location
    t = timestep

    cost_getter = utils.cost_getter(model.get_option)

    def _cost(cost, y, k, x=None):
        return cost_getter(cost, y, k, x=x)

    if param_string in and y in model._sets['y_' + param_string + '_timeseries']:
        return getattr(model.m, param_string + '_param')[y, x, t, k]
    else:  # Search in model.config_model
        return _cost(param_string, y, k, x=x)
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time_config = self.config_run.get('time', False)
        if not time_config:
            return None  # Nothing more to do here
            # For analysis purposes, keep old data around
            self.data_original =

        # Process masking and get list of timesteps to keep at high res
        if 'masks' in time_config:
            masks = {}
            # time.masks is a list of {'function': .., 'options': ..} dicts
            for entry in time_config.masks:
                entry = utils.AttrDict(entry)
                mask_func = utils.plugin_load(entry.function,
                mask_kwargs = entry.get_key('options', default={})
                masks[entry.to_yaml()] = mask_func(, **mask_kwargs)

            self._masks = masks  # FIXME a better place to put masks

            # Concatenate the DatetimeIndexes by using dummy Series
            chosen_timesteps = pd.concat([pd.Series(0, index=m)
                                         for m in masks.values()]).index
            # timesteps: a list of timesteps NOT picked by masks
            timesteps = pd.Index(
            timesteps = None

        # Process function, apply resolution adjustments
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def df_tech_table(model, columns, parents=['supply', 'supply_plus']):
    Returns a pandas DataFrame of technologies from the given model with
    the given parent tech, with  a column for each of the tech
    constraints/options given in ``columns``.

    get_any_option = utils.any_option_getter(model)
    cm = model.config_model
    techs = []
    for p in parents:
            k for k in cm.techs
            if model.ischild(k, p) and 'name' in cm.techs[k]
    data = []
    for t in techs:
        item = {'name': cm.techs[t].name}
        for c in columns:
            item[c] = get_any_option(t + '.' + c)
    return pd.DataFrame.from_records(data)
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    def get_children(parent, childless_only=True):
        If childless_only is True, only children that have no children
        themselves are returned.

        locations = model._locations
        children = list(locations[locations._within == parent].index)
        if childless_only:  # FIXME childless_only param needs tests
            children = [i for i in children if len(get_children(i)) == 0]
        return children
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def _get_iteration_config(self, config, index_str, iter_row):
        iter_c = config.copy()  # iter_c is this iteration's config
        # `iteration_override` is a pandas series (dataframe row)
        # Build up an AttrDict with the specified overrides
        override_c = utils.AttrDict()
        for k, v in iter_row.to_dict().items():
            # NaN values can show in this row if some but not all iterations
            # specify a value, so we simply skip them
            if not isinstance(v, list) and pd.isnull(v):
                # NB the isinstance and pd.isnull checks should cover all cases
                # i.e. both not a list (which is definitely not null) or a
                # single value that could be null. But this could blow up in
                # unexpected edge cases...
            # Convert numpy dtypes to python ones, else YAML chokes
            if isinstance(v, np.generic):
                v = np.asscalar(v)
            if isinstance(v, dict):
                override_c.set_key(k, utils.AttrDict(v))
                override_c.set_key(k, copy.copy(v))