How to use the bypy.util.pinfo function in bypy

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few bypy examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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return const.ESkipped

			if self.__resumedownload and \
				self.__compare_size(self.__current_file_size, self.__remote_json) == 2:
				if self.__resumedl_revertcount < 0:
					if self.__current_file_size:
						offset = self.__current_file_size
					# revert back at least self.__resumedl_revertcount download chunk(s), default: one
					pieces = self.__current_file_size // self.__dl_chunk_size
					if pieces > self.__resumedl_revertcount:
						offset = (pieces - self.__resumedl_revertcount) * self.__dl_chunk_size
		elif os.path.isdir(localfile):
			if not self.shalloverwrite("Same-name directory '{}' exists, "
				"do you want to remove it? [y/N]".format(localfile)):
				pinfo("Same-name directory '{}' exists, skip downloading".format(localfile))
				#return const.ENoError
				return const.ESkipped

			self.pv("Directory with the same name '{}' exists, removing ...".format(localfile))
			result = removedir(localfile, self.verbose)
			if result == const.ENoError:
				perr("Error removing the directory '{}'".format(localfile))
				return result

		ldir, file = os.path.split(localfile)
		if ldir and not os.path.exists(ldir):
			result = makedir(ldir, verbose = self.verbose)
			if result != const.ENoError:
				perr("Fail to make directory '{}'".format(ldir))
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return result

		offset = 0
		self.pd("Checking if we already have the copy locally")
		if os.path.isfile(localfile):
			self.pd("Same-name local file '{}' exists, checking if contents match".format(localfile))
			self.__current_file_size = getfilesize(self.__current_file)
			if const.ENoError == self.__verify_current_file(self.__remote_json, False) \
				and not (self.__downloader[:5] == const.DownloaderAria2 and os.path.exists(localfile + '.aria2')):
				self.pd("Same local file '{}' already exists, skip downloading".format(localfile))
				return const.ENoError
				if not self.shalloverwrite("Same-name locale file '{}' exists but is different, "
						"do you want to overwrite it? [y/N]".format(localfile)):
					pinfo("Same-name local file '{}' exists but is different, skip downloading".format(localfile))
					#return const.ENoError
					return const.ESkipped

			if self.__resumedownload and \
				self.__compare_size(self.__current_file_size, self.__remote_json) == 2:
				if self.__resumedl_revertcount < 0:
					if self.__current_file_size:
						offset = self.__current_file_size
					# revert back at least self.__resumedl_revertcount download chunk(s), default: one
					pieces = self.__current_file_size // self.__dl_chunk_size
					if pieces > self.__resumedl_revertcount:
						offset = (pieces - self.__resumedl_revertcount) * self.__dl_chunk_size
		elif os.path.isdir(localfile):
			if not self.shalloverwrite("Same-name directory '{}' exists, "
				"do you want to remove it? [y/N]".format(localfile)):
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# JSON even outpeforms Pickle and definitely much more portable
		# DON'T bother with pickle.
		if os.path.exists(const.PicklePath):
			oldcache = {}
				with, 'rb') as f:
					oldcache = pickleload(f)
				pinfo("Contents of Pickle (old format hash cache) '{}' "
				"has been merged to '{}'".format(const.PicklePath, const.HashCachePath))
				mergedfile = const.PicklePath + '.merged'
				ok = movefile(const.PicklePath, mergedfile)
				if ok == const.ENoError:
					pinfo("Pickle (old format hash cache) '{}' "
					"has been renamed to '{}".format(const.PicklePath, mergedfile))
					perr("Failed to move Pickle (old format hash cache) '{}' to '{}'".format(const.PicklePath, mergedfile))
			except (
				# the following is for dealing with corrupted cache file
				EOFError, TypeError, ValueError):
				invalidfile = const.PicklePath + '.invalid'
				ok = movefile(const.PicklePath, invalidfile)
				perr("{} invalid Pickle (old format hash cache) file '{}' to '{}'".format(
					"Moved" if ok == const.ENoError else "Failed to move",
					const.PicklePath, invalidfile))

		return result
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def __prompt_clean(self):
		pinfo('-' * 64)
		pinfo("""This is most likely caused by authorization errors.
Possible causes:
 - You didn't run this program for a long time (more than a month).
 - You changed your Baidu password after authorizing this program.
 - You didn't give this program the 'netdisk' access while authorizing.
 - ...
Possible fixes:
 1. Remove the authorization token by running with the parameter '{}', and then re-run this program.
 2. If (1) still doesn't solve the problem, you may have to go to:
    and remove the authorization of this program, and then re-run this program.""".format(const.CleanOptionShort))
		return const.EInvalidJson
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def loadcache(existingcache = {}):
		# load cache even we don't use cached hash values,
		# because we will save (possibly updated) and hash values
		if not cached.cacheloaded: # no double-loading
			if cached.verbose:
				pr("Loading Hash Cache File '{}'...".format(cached.hashcachepath))

			if os.path.exists(cached.hashcachepath):
					cached.cache = jsonload(cached.hashcachepath)
					# pay the history debt ...
					# TODO: Remove some time later when no-body uses the old bin format cache
					if cached.isbincache(cached.cache):
						pinfo("ONE TIME conversion for binary format Hash Cache ...")
						pinfo("ONE TIME conversion finished")
					if existingcache: # not empty
						if cached.verbose:
							pinfo("Merging with existing Hash Cache")
						cached.mergeinto(existingcache, cached.cache)
					cached.cacheloaded = True
					if cached.verbose:
						pr("Hash Cache File loaded.")
				#except (EOFError, TypeError, ValueError, UnicodeDecodeError) as ex:
				except Exception as ex:
					perr("Fail to load the Hash Cache, no caching.\n{}".format(formatex(ex)))
					cached.cache = existingcache
				if cached.verbose:
					pr("Hash Cache File '{}' not found, no caching".format(cached.hashcachepath))
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if const.ENoError == self.__verify_current_file(self.__remote_json, False):
					# the two files are the same
					upload = False
					self.pv("Remote file '{}' already exists, skip uploading".format(rfile))
				else: # the two files are different
					if not self.shalloverwrite("Remote file '{}' exists but is different, "
							"do you want to overwrite it? [y/N]".format(rfile)):
						upload = False
				self.__isrev = False

			if upload:
				fileresult = self.__upload_file(lfile, rfile, ondup)
				if fileresult != const.ENoError:
					result = fileresult # we still continue
				pinfo("Remote file '{}' exists and is the same, skip uploading".format(rfile))
				# next / continue

		return result
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self.pd("Local file size : {}".format(self.__current_file_size))
		self.pd("Remote file size: {}".format(rsize))

		if self.__current_file_size == rsize:
			self.pd("Local and remote file size matches")
			if self.__verify:
				if not gotlmd5:
					self.__current_file_md5 = md5(self.__current_file)
				self.pd("Local file MD5 : {}".format(self.__current_file_md5))
				self.pd("Remote file MD5: {}".format(rmd5))

				if self.__current_file_md5 == rmd5:
					self.pd("Local and remote file hash matches")
					return const.ENoError
					pinfo("Local and remote file hash DOESN'T match")
					return const.EHashMismatch
				return const.ENoError
			pinfo("Local and remote file size DOESN'T match")
			return const.EHashMismatch
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if self.__verify:
				if not gotlmd5:
					self.__current_file_md5 = md5(self.__current_file)
				self.pd("Local file MD5 : {}".format(self.__current_file_md5))
				self.pd("Remote file MD5: {}".format(rmd5))

				if self.__current_file_md5 == rmd5:
					self.pd("Local and remote file hash matches")
					return const.ENoError
					pinfo("Local and remote file hash DOESN'T match")
					return const.EHashMismatch
				return const.ENoError
			pinfo("Local and remote file size DOESN'T match")
			return const.EHashMismatch