How to use the bsddb3.btopen function in bsddb3

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few bsddb3 examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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github heni / rem / rem / View on Github external
def DBConnect(self):
        self.infile_items = bsddb3.btopen(self.db_file, "c")
        self.db_file_opened = True
github apache / subversion / contrib / server-side / View on Github external
prev_id = nodes[prev_id][0]
    append_successors(nodes, prev_id, affected_nodes)
    sys.stdout.write('done.  [found %d node(s)]\n' % len(affected_nodes))
    for id in affected_nodes:
        sys.stdout.write('   -- %s\n' % id)

    # Now, the hard part.  We need to find every directory listing
    # that contains one of our to-be-purge nodes, and then remove
    # those nodes from the entries list.
    dirlists = []
    sys.stdout.write('-- Fixing affected directory entries lists... ')
    strings_table = os.path.join(repos_path, 'db', 'strings')
    strings_db = bsddb3.btopen(strings_table, 'w')
    reps_table = os.path.join(repos_path, 'db', 'representations')
    reps_db = bsddb3.btopen(reps_table, 'w')
    dirs_fixed = 0
    entries_fixed = 0
    for key in nodes.keys():
        value = nodes[key]
        if value[1]:
            node = nodes_db[key]
            kill_count = fix_affected_dirlists(node, reps_db, strings_db,
                                               affected_nodes, dirlists)
            if kill_count:
                sys.stdout.write('   -- %s\n' % key)
                dirs_fixed = dirs_fixed + 1
                entries_fixed = entries_fixed + kill_count
    sys.stdout.write('done.  [fixed %d entries in %d dirs]\n' \
                     % (entries_fixed, dirs_fixed))

    sys.stdout.write('-- Removing deleted nodes... ')
github roundup-tracker / roundup / roundup / backends / View on Github external
def getCachedJournalDB(self, classname):
        ''' get the journal db, looking in our cache of databases for commit
        # get the database handle
        db_name = 'journals.%s'%classname
        if self.databases.has_key(db_name):
            return self.databases[db_name]
            db = bsddb3.btopen(os.path.join(self.dir, db_name), 'c')
            self.databases[db_name] = db
            return db
github google / nsscache / nss_cache / caches / View on Github external
"""Verify that the written cache is correct.

        Perform some unit tests on the written data, such as reading it
        back and verifying that it loads and has the entries we expect.

          written_keys: a set of keys that should have been written to disk.

          boolean indicating success.

          EmptyMap: The cache being verified is empty.
        self.log.debug('verification started %s', self.temp_cache_filename)
        db = bsddb3.btopen(self.temp_cache_filename, 'r')
        # cast keys to a set for fast __contains__ lookup in the loop
        # following
        cache_keys = set(db)

        written_key_count = len(written_keys)
        cache_key_count = len(cache_keys)
        self.log.debug('%d written keys, %d cache keys', written_key_count,

        if cache_key_count <= 0 and written_key_count > 0:
            # We have an empty db, yet we expect that earlier we should have
            # written more. Uncaught disk full or other error?
            raise error.EmptyMap

        # makedb creates new keys internally.  we only care that all the keys
github roundup-tracker / roundup / roundup / backends / View on Github external
def opendb(self, name, mode):
        '''Low-level database opener that gets around anydbm/dbm
        # determine which DB wrote the class file
        path = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), self.dir, name)
        if not os.path.exists(path):
            if __debug__:
                self.config.logging.getLogger('hyperdb').debug("opendb, 'c')"%path)
            return bsddb3.btopen(path, 'c')

        # open the database with the correct module
        if __debug__:
            self.config.logging.getLogger('hyperdb').debug("opendb, %r)"%(path, mode))
        return bsddb3.btopen(path, mode)
github mavroudisv / Crux / components / includes / View on Github external
def load_table(i=conf.FN_I_TABLE, n=conf.FN_N_TABLE):	
    trunc=conf.TRUNC_LIMIT #This has to match the db
    cur_path = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)) + "/../" + conf.DB_DIR + "/"
    db_i_table = bsddb.btopen(cur_path + i, 'c')
    db_n_table = bsddb.btopen(cur_path + n, 'c')
    return db_i_table, db_n_table
github mavroudisv / Crux / components / includes / View on Github external
def load_table(i=conf.FN_I_TABLE, n=conf.FN_N_TABLE):	
    trunc=conf.TRUNC_LIMIT #This has to match the db
    cur_path = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)) + "/../" + conf.DB_DIR + "/"
    db_i_table = bsddb.btopen(cur_path + i, 'c')
    db_n_table = bsddb.btopen(cur_path + n, 'c')
    return db_i_table, db_n_table
github apache / subversion / contrib / server-side / View on Github external
prev_id = node_id
        while nodes[prev_id][0]:
            prev_id = nodes[prev_id][0]
    append_successors(nodes, prev_id, affected_nodes)
    sys.stdout.write('done.  [found %d node(s)]\n' % len(affected_nodes))
    for id in affected_nodes:
        sys.stdout.write('   -- %s\n' % id)

    # Now, the hard part.  We need to find every directory listing
    # that contains one of our to-be-purge nodes, and then remove
    # those nodes from the entries list.
    dirlists = []
    sys.stdout.write('-- Fixing affected directory entries lists... ')
    strings_table = os.path.join(repos_path, 'db', 'strings')
    strings_db = bsddb3.btopen(strings_table, 'w')
    reps_table = os.path.join(repos_path, 'db', 'representations')
    reps_db = bsddb3.btopen(reps_table, 'w')
    dirs_fixed = 0
    entries_fixed = 0
    for key in nodes.keys():
        value = nodes[key]
        if value[1]:
            node = nodes_db[key]
            kill_count = fix_affected_dirlists(node, reps_db, strings_db,
                                               affected_nodes, dirlists)
            if kill_count:
                sys.stdout.write('   -- %s\n' % key)
                dirs_fixed = dirs_fixed + 1
                entries_fixed = entries_fixed + kill_count
    sys.stdout.write('done.  [fixed %d entries in %d dirs]\n' \
                     % (entries_fixed, dirs_fixed))
github roundup-tracker / roundup / roundup / backends / View on Github external
def getclassdb(self, classname, mode='r'):
        ''' grab a connection to the class db that will be used for
            multiple actions
        path = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), self.dir, 'nodes.%s'%classname)
        if os.path.exists(path):
            return bsddb3.btopen(path, mode)
            return bsddb3.btopen(path, 'c')