How to use the branca.element.MacroElement function in branca

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few branca examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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""")  # noqa

    def __init__(self, html=None, icon_size=None, icon_anchor=None,
                 popup_anchor=None, class_name='empty'):
        super(DivIcon, self).__init__()
        self._name = 'DivIcon'
        self.options = parse_options(

class LatLngPopup(MacroElement):
    When one clicks on a Map that contains a LatLngPopup,
    a popup is shown that displays the latitude and longitude of the pointer.

    _template = Template(u"""
            {% macro script(this, kwargs) %}
                var {{this.get_name()}} = L.popup();
                function latLngPop(e) {
                        .setContent("Latitude: " + +
                                    "<br>Longitude: " + e.latlng.lng.toFixed(4))
                {{this._parent.get_name()}}.on('click', latLngPop);
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Classes for drawing maps.


from collections import OrderedDict

import warnings

from branca.element import Element, Figure, Html, MacroElement

from folium.utilities import validate_location, camelize, parse_options

from jinja2 import Template

class Layer(MacroElement):
    """An abstract class for everything that is a Layer on the map.
    It will be used to define whether an object will be included in

    name : string, default None
        The name of the Layer, as it will appear in LayerControls
    overlay : bool, default False
        Adds the layer as an optional overlay (True) or the base layer (False).
    control : bool, default True
        Whether the Layer will be included in LayerControls.
    show: bool, default True
        Whether the layer will be shown on opening (only for overlays).
    def __init__(self, name=None, overlay=False, control=True, show=True):
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# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

from branca.element import Figure, JavascriptLink, MacroElement

from jinja2 import Template

class Terminator(MacroElement):
    Leaflet.Terminator is a simple plug-in to the Leaflet library to
    overlay day and night regions on maps.

    _template = Template(u"""
        {% macro script(this, kwargs) %}
        {% endmacro %}

    def __init__(self):
        super(Terminator, self).__init__()
        self._name = 'Terminator'

    def render(self, **kwargs):
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# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

from branca.element import CssLink, Figure, JavascriptLink, MacroElement

from jinja2 import Template

from folium import Map
from folium.features import FeatureGroup, GeoJson, TopoJson
from folium.plugins import MarkerCluster
from folium.utilities import parse_options

class Search(MacroElement):
    Adds a search tool to your map.

    layer: GeoJson, TopoJson, FeatureGroup, MarkerCluster class object.
        The map layer to index in the Search view.
    search_label: str, optional
        'properties' key in layer to index Search, if layer is GeoJson/TopoJson.
    search_zoom: int, optional
        Zoom level to set the map to on match.
        By default zooms to Polygon/Line bounds and points
        on their natural extent.
    geom_type: str, default 'Point'
        Feature geometry type. "Point", "Line" or "Polygon"
    position: str, default 'topleft'
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super(Icon, self).__init__()
        self._name = 'Icon'
        if color not in self.color_options:
            warnings.warn('color argument of Icon should be one of: {}.'
                          .format(self.color_options), stacklevel=2)
        self.options = parse_options(

class Marker(MacroElement):
    Create a simple stock Leaflet marker on the map, with optional
    popup text or Vincent visualization.

    location: tuple or list
        Latitude and Longitude of Marker (Northing, Easting)
    popup: string or folium.Popup, default None
        Label for the Marker; either an escaped HTML string to initialize
        folium.Popup or a folium.Popup instance.
    tooltip: str or folium.Tooltip, default None
        Display a text when hovering over the object.
    icon: Icon plugin
        the Icon plugin to use to render the marker.
    draggable: bool, default False
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                        .setContent("Latitude: " + +
                                    "<br>Longitude: " + e.latlng.lng.toFixed(4))
                {{this._parent.get_name()}}.on('click', latLngPop);
            {% endmacro %}
            """)  # noqa

    def __init__(self):
        super(LatLngPopup, self).__init__()
        self._name = 'LatLngPopup'

class ClickForMarker(MacroElement):
    When one clicks on a Map that contains a ClickForMarker,
    a Marker is created at the pointer's position.

    popup: str, default None
        Text to display in the markers' popups.
        If None, the popups will display the marker's latitude and longitude.

    _template = Template(u"""
            {% macro script(this, kwargs) %}
                function newMarker(e){
                    var new_mark = L.marker().setLatLng(e.latlng).addTo({{this._parent.get_name()}});
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'            d["{{this.kwargs.get("fillRule")[8:]}}"]'
            '        {% else %}"{{this.kwargs.get("fillRule")}}"{% endif %},'
            '    {% endif %}'

            '    })'
            '{% if this.radius %}.setRadius('
            '{% if this.radius.__str__().startswith("feature.") %}d["{{this.radius[8:]}}"]'  # noqa
            '            {% else %}{{this.radius}}{% endif %}'
            '){% endif %}'
            '{% if this.popup %}.bindPopup(d["{{this.popup}}"]){% endif %}'
            '{% endmacro %}'

class AwesomeMarkerFunction(MacroElement):
    """A circleMarker with radius specified in pixels (or in meters).

    lat : str, default 'lat'
        The name of the latitude column in the data set.
    lng : str, default 'lng'
        The name of the longitude column in the data set.
    popup: str, default None
        The name of (eventual) popup string in the data set.
    radius: int, default 10
        To specify the radius (in pixels) of cirlces.
    radius_meter: bool, default False
        If True, the radius is specified in meters so that the circles will
        grow when you zoom in.
        If False, the radius is in pixels.
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        if self.color_scale:

    def render(self, **kwargs):
        """Render the GeoJson/TopoJson and color scale objects."""
        if self.color_scale:
            # ColorMap needs Map as its parent
            assert isinstance(self._parent, Map), ('Choropleth must be added'
                                                   ' to a Map object.')
            self.color_scale._parent = self._parent

        super(Choropleth, self).render(**kwargs)

class DivIcon(MacroElement):
    Represents a lightweight icon for markers that uses a simple `div`
    element instead of an image.

    icon_size : tuple of 2 int
        Size of the icon image in pixels.
    icon_anchor : tuple of 2 int
        The coordinates of the "tip" of the icon
        (relative to its top left corner).
        The icon will be aligned so that this point is at the
        marker's geographical location.
    popup_anchor : tuple of 2 int
        The coordinates of the point from which popups will "open",
        relative to the icon anchor.
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# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

from branca.element import CssLink, Figure, JavascriptLink, MacroElement

from folium.raster_layers import TileLayer
from folium.utilities import parse_options

from jinja2 import Template

class MiniMap(MacroElement):
    """Add a minimap (locator) to an existing map.

    Uses the Leaflet plugin by Norkart under BSD 2-Clause "Simplified" License.

    tile_layer : folium TileLayer object or str, default None
        Provide a folium TileLayer object or the wanted tiles as string.
        If not provided it will use the default of 'TileLayer', currently
    position : str, default 'bottomright'
        The standard Control position parameter for the widget.
    width : int, default 150
        The width of the minimap in pixels.
    height : int, default 150
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def render(self, **kwargs):
        self.parent_map = get_obj_in_upper_tree(self, Map)
        super(StripePattern, self).render(**kwargs)

        figure = self.get_root()
        assert isinstance(figure, Figure), ('You cannot render this Element '
                                            'if it is not in a Figure.')

            JavascriptLink(''),  # noqa

class CirclePattern(MacroElement):
    """Fill Pattern for polygon composed of repeating circles.

    Add these to the 'fillPattern' field in GeoJson style functions.

    width: int, default 20
        Horizontal distance between circles (pixels).
    height: int, default 20
        Vertical distance between circles (pixels).
    radius: int, default 12
        Radius of each circle (pixels).
    weight: float, default 2.0
        Width of outline around each circle (pixels).
    color: string with hexadecimal, RGB, or named color, default "#3388ff"
        Color of the circle outline.