How to use the bpython._py3compat.PythonLexer function in bpython

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few bpython examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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- reads self.cpos to see what parens should be highlighted
        - reads self.buffer to see what came before the passed in line
        - sets self.highlighted_paren to (buffer_lineno, tokens_for_that_line)
          for buffer line that should replace that line to unhighlight it,
          or None if no paren is currently highlighted
        - calls reprint_line with a buffer's line's tokens and the buffer
          lineno that has changed if line other than the current line changes
        highlighted_paren = None

        source = "\n".join(self.buffer + [s])
        cursor = len(source) - self.cpos
        if self.cpos:
            cursor += 1
        stack = list()
        all_tokens = list(PythonLexer().get_tokens(source))
        # Unfortunately, Pygments adds a trailing newline and strings with
        # no size, so strip them
        while not all_tokens[-1][1]:
        all_tokens[-1] = (all_tokens[-1][0], all_tokens[-1][1].rstrip("\n"))
        line = pos = 0
        parens = dict(zip("{([", "})]"))
        line_tokens = list()
        saved_tokens = list()
        search_for_paren = True
        for (token, value) in split_lines(all_tokens):
            pos += len(value)
            if token is Token.Text and value == "\n":
                line += 1
                # Remove trailing newline
                line_tokens = list()
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def show_source_in_new_window(source, color_scheme=None, highlight=True):
    win = gtk.Window()
    sw = gtk.ScrolledWindow()
    view = gtk.TextView()
    buffer = view.get_buffer()
    if highlight:
        add_tags_to_buffer(color_scheme, buffer)
        for (token, value) in PythonLexer().get_tokens(source):
            while token not in theme_map:
                token = token.parent
            iter_ = buffer.get_end_iter()
            buffer.insert_with_tags_by_name(iter_, value, theme_map[token])
        buffer.insert(buffer.get_end_iter(), source)
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def _funcname_and_argnum(cls, line):
        """Parse out the current function name and arg from a line of code."""
        # each list in stack:
        # [full_expr, function_expr, arg_number, opening]
        # arg_number may be a string if we've encountered a keyword
        # argument so we're done counting
        stack = [["", "", 0, ""]]
            for (token, value) in PythonLexer().get_tokens(line):
                if token is Token.Punctuation:
                    if value in "([{":
                        stack.append(["", "", 0, value])
                    elif value in ")]}":
                        full, _, _, start = stack.pop()
                        expr = start + full + value
                        stack[-1][1] += expr
                        stack[-1][0] += expr
                    elif value == ",":
                            stack[-1][2] += 1
                        except TypeError:
                            stack[-1][2] = ""
                        stack[-1][1] = ""
                        stack[-1][0] += value
                    elif value == ":" and stack[-1][3] == "lambda":
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def string_to_fmtstr(x):
    from pygments import format
    from bpython.formatter import BPythonFormatter
    from bpython._py3compat import PythonLexer
    from bpython.config import Struct, loadini, default_config_path
    config = Struct()
    loadini(config, default_config_path())
    return parse(format(PythonLexer().get_tokens(x), BPythonFormatter(config.color_scheme)))
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def parsekeywordpairs(signature):
    tokens = PythonLexer().get_tokens(signature)
    preamble = True
    stack = []
    substack = []
    parendepth = 0
    for token, value in tokens:
        if preamble:
            if token is Token.Punctuation and value == u"(":
                preamble = False

        if token is Token.Punctuation:
            if value in [u"(", u"{", u"["]:
                parendepth += 1
            elif value in [u")", u"}", u"]"]:
                parendepth -= 1
            elif value == ":" and parendepth == -1:
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def show_source(self):
            source = self.get_source_of_current_name()
        except SourceNotFound as e:
            self.status_bar.message("%s" % (e,))
            if self.config.highlight_show_source:
                source = format(
                    PythonLexer().get_tokens(source), TerminalFormatter()
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def next_token_inside_string(code_string, inside_string):
    """Given a code string s and an initial state inside_string, return
    whether the next token will be inside a string or not."""
    for token, value in PythonLexer().get_tokens(code_string):
        if token is Token.String:
            value = value.lstrip("bBrRuU")
            if value in ['"""', "'''", '"', "'"]:
                if not inside_string:
                    inside_string = value
                elif value == inside_string:
                    inside_string = False
    return inside_string