How to use the bottle.HTTPError function in bottle

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few bottle examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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github pyload / pyload-webui / module / web / View on Github external

    s = request.environ.get('beaker.session')
    # Accepts standard http auth
    auth = parse_auth(request.get_header('Authorization', ''))
    if 'session' in request.POST or 'session' in request.GET:
        # removes "' so it works on json strings
        s = s.get_by_id(remove_chars(request.params.get('session'), "'\""))
    elif auth:
        user = PYLOAD.checkAuth(auth[0], auth[1], request.environ.get('REMOTE_ADDR', None))
        # if auth is correct create a pseudo session
        if user: s = {'uid': user.uid}

    api = get_user_api(s)
    if not api:
        return HTTPError(401, dumps("Unauthorized"), **response.headers)

    if not PYLOAD.isAuthorized(func, api.user):
        return HTTPError(403, dumps("Forbidden"), **response.headers)

    if not hasattr(PYLOAD.EXTERNAL, func) or func.startswith("_"):
        print "Invalid API call", func
        return HTTPError(404, dumps("Not Found"), **response.headers)

    # TODO: possible encoding
    # TODO Better error codes on invalid input

    args = [loads(unquote(arg)) for arg in args.split("/")[1:]]
    kwargs = {}

    # accepts body as json dict
    if request.json:
github pyload / pyload-webui / module / web / View on Github external
s = s.get_by_id(remove_chars(request.params.get('session'), "'\""))
    elif auth:
        user = PYLOAD.checkAuth(auth[0], auth[1], request.environ.get('REMOTE_ADDR', None))
        # if auth is correct create a pseudo session
        if user: s = {'uid': user.uid}

    api = get_user_api(s)
    if not api:
        return HTTPError(401, dumps("Unauthorized"), **response.headers)

    if not PYLOAD.isAuthorized(func, api.user):
        return HTTPError(403, dumps("Forbidden"), **response.headers)

    if not hasattr(PYLOAD.EXTERNAL, func) or func.startswith("_"):
        print "Invalid API call", func
        return HTTPError(404, dumps("Not Found"), **response.headers)

    # TODO: possible encoding
    # TODO Better error codes on invalid input

    args = [loads(unquote(arg)) for arg in args.split("/")[1:]]
    kwargs = {}

    # accepts body as json dict
    if request.json:
        kwargs = request.json

    # convert arguments from json to obj separately
    for x, y in chain(request.GET.iteritems(), request.POST.iteritems()):
        if not x or not y or x == "session": continue
        kwargs[x] = loads(unquote(y))
github bottlepy / bottle / View on Github external
def abort(code=500, text='Unknown Error: Application stopped.'):
    """ Aborts execution and causes a HTTP error. """
    raise HTTPError(code, text)
github Juniper / OpenClos / jnpr / openclos / overlay / View on Github external
def deleteNetwork(self, dbSession, networkId):
            networkObject = self.__dao.getObjectById(dbSession, OverlayNetwork, networkId)
  "OverlayNetwork[id='%s', name='%s']: delete request is submitted",,
            self._overlay.deleteNetwork(dbSession, networkObject, self._getForce())
        except bottle.HTTPError:
        except (exc.NoResultFound) as ex:
            logger.debug("No Overlay Network found with Id: '%s', exc.NoResultFound: %s", networkId, ex.message)
            raise bottle.HTTPError(404, exception=OverlayNetworkNotFound(networkId))
        except Exception as ex:
            logger.debug('StackTrace: %s', traceback.format_exc())
            raise bottle.HTTPError(500, exception=PlatformError(ex.message))

        return bottle.HTTPResponse(status=204)
github Juniper / OpenClos / jnpr / openclos / View on Github external
def getDeviceConfigsInZip(self, dbSession, podId):
        pod =, podId)
        if pod is None:
            raise bottle.HTTPError(404, exception=PodNotFound(podId))
        logger.debug('Pod name: %s',

        zippedConfigFiles = UnderlayRestRoutes.createZipArchive(pod)
        if zippedConfigFiles is not None:
            bottle.response.headers['Content-Type'] = 'application/zip'
            return zippedConfigFiles
            raise bottle.HTTPError(404, exception=DeviceConfigurationNotFound("Pod exists but no configs for devices.'%s " % (
github danny0838 / PyWebScrapBook / webscrapbook / lib / patch / View on Github external
breaking out of the ``root`` directory and leaking sensitive information
            to an attacker.
            Read-protected files or files outside of the ``root`` directory are
            answered with ``403 Access Denied``. Missing files result in a
            ``404 Not Found`` response. Conditional requests (``If-Modified-Since``,
            ``If-None-Match``) are answered with ``304 Not Modified`` whenever
            possible. ``HEAD`` and ``Range`` requests (used by download managers to
            check or continue partial downloads) are also handled automatically.

        root = os.path.join(os.path.abspath(root), '')
        filename = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(root, filename.strip('/\\')))
        headers = dict()

        if not filename.startswith(root):
            return HTTPError(403, "Access denied.")
        if not os.path.exists(filename) or not os.path.isfile(filename):
            return HTTPError(404, "File does not exist.")
        if not os.access(filename, os.R_OK):
            return HTTPError(403, "You do not have permission to access this file.")

        if mimetype is True:
            if download and download is not True:
                mimetype, encoding = mimetypes.guess_type(download)
                mimetype, encoding = mimetypes.guess_type(filename)
            if encoding: headers['Content-Encoding'] = encoding

        if mimetype:
            if (mimetype[:5] == 'text/' or mimetype == 'application/javascript')\
            and charset and 'charset' not in mimetype:
                mimetype += '; charset=%s' % charset
github telstra / open-kilda / services / lab-service / traffexam / kilda / traffexam / View on Github external
address = extract_payload_fields(payload, 'address')[0]
    vlan_tag = payload.pop('vlan', 0)
    if vlan_tag:
        iface = context.service.vlan.allocate_stack(vlan_tag).iface
        iface = None

        entity = model.IpAddress(address, iface=iface, **payload)
    except TypeError as e:
        return bottle.HTTPError(400, str(e))

    except exc.ServiceCreateCollisionError as e:
        return bottle.HTTPError(400, str(e))

    bottle.response.status = 201
    return address_response(entity)
github dolphin-emu / sadm / central / View on Github external
def gh_merge_do(owner, repo, pr_id):
    import github
    user = github.user_from_oauth(bottle.request.oauth_token)
    pr = github.get_pull_request(owner, repo, pr_id)
    if 'login' not in user:
        raise bottle.HTTPError(403, 'Could not identify user')
    if 'user' not in pr:
        raise bottle.HTTPError(403, 'Could not identify PR')
    if user['login'] != pr['user']['login']:
        raise bottle.HTTPError(403, 'Merge requester is not the PR author')
    if pr['merged']:
        raise bottle.HTTPError(403, 'PR is already merged')
    if not pr['mergeable']:
        raise bottle.HTTPError(403, 'PR cannot be merged. Please rebase')
    if not github.is_pull_request_buildable(pr):
        raise bottle.HTTPError(403, 'PR status not green. Wait or fix errors')
    if not github.is_pull_request_self_mergeable(pr):
        raise bottle.HTTPError(403, 'Nobody allowed you to merge this PR')
github Juniper / OpenClos / jnpr / openclos / overlay / View on Github external
def deleteAggregatedL2port(self, dbSession, aggregatedL2portId):
            aggregatedL2portObject = self.__dao.getObjectById(dbSession, OverlayAggregatedL2port, aggregatedL2portId)
  "OverlayAggregatedL2port[id='%s', name='%s']: delete request is submitted",,
            self._overlay.deleteAggregatedL2port(dbSession, aggregatedL2portObject, self._getForce())
        except bottle.HTTPError:
        except (exc.NoResultFound) as ex:
            logger.debug("No Overlay AggregatedL2port found with Id: '%s', exc.NoResultFound: %s", aggregatedL2portId, ex.message)
            raise bottle.HTTPError(404, exception=OverlayAggregatedL2portNotFound(aggregatedL2portId))
        except Exception as ex:
            logger.debug('StackTrace: %s', traceback.format_exc())
            raise bottle.HTTPError(500, exception=PlatformError(ex.message))

        return bottle.HTTPResponse(status=204)