How to use the function in birdears

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few birdears examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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github iacchus / birdears / birdears / View on Github external
@click.option('-u', '--n_repeats', type=click.IntRange(1, 10), default=1,
              metavar='', help='Times to repeat question.')
@click.option('-i', '--max_intervals', type=click.IntRange(2, 12), default=3,
              help='Max random intervals for the dictation.')
@click.option('-x', '--n_notes', type=click.IntRange(1, 20), default=4,
              help='Number of notes for the dictation.')
@click.option('-t', '--tonic', type=str, default='C', metavar='',
              help='Tonic of the question.')
@click.option('-o', '--octave', type=str, default='4',
              metavar='', help="Octave of the question.")
@click.option('-d', '--descending', is_flag=True,
              help='Wether the question interval is descending.')
@click.option('-c', '--chromatic', is_flag=True,
              help='If chosen, question has chromatic notes.')
@click.option('-n', '--n_octaves', type=click.IntRange(1, 2), default=1,
github iacchus / birdears / birdears / View on Github external
@click.option('-c', '--chromatic', is_flag=True,
              help='If chosen, question has chromatic notes.')
@click.option('-n', '--n_octaves', type=click.IntRange(1, 2), default=1,
              metavar='', help='Maximum number of octaves.')
@click.option('-v', '--valid_intervals', type=str, default=CHROMATIC_TYPE,
              metavar='<1,2,..>', help='A comma-separated list without spaces\
              of valid scale degrees to be chosen for the question.')
@click.option('-q', '--user_durations', type=str, default=None,
              metavar='<1,0.5,n..>', help='A comma-separated list without\
              spaces with PRECISELY 9 floating values. Or \'n\' for default\
@click.option('-p', '--prequestion_method', type=str, default='none',
              help='The name of a pre-question method.')
@click.option('-r', '--resolution_method', type=str, default='nearest_tonic',
              help='The name of a resolution method.')
github iacchus / birdears / birdears / View on Github external
@click.option('-t', '--tonic', type=str, default='C', metavar='',
              help='Tonic of the question.')
@click.option('-o', '--octave', type=str, default='4',
              help="Octave of the question.")
@click.option('-d', '--descending', is_flag=True,
              help='Whether the question interval is descending.')
@click.option('-c', '--chromatic', is_flag=True,
              help='If chosen, question has chromatic notes.')
@click.option('-n', '--n_octaves', type=click.IntRange(1, 2), default=1,
              metavar='', help='Maximum number of octaves.')
@click.option('-v', '--valid_intervals', type=str, default=CHROMATIC_TYPE,
              metavar='<1,2,..>', help='A comma-separated list without spaces\
              of valid scale degrees to be chosen for the question.')
@click.option('-q', '--user_durations', type=str, default=None,
              metavar='<1,0.5,n..>', help='A comma-separated list without\
              spaces with PRECISLY 9 floating values. Or \'n\' for default\
github iacchus / birdears / birdears / View on Github external
@click.option('-w', '--wait_time', type=click.IntRange(1, 60), default=7,
              help='Time in seconds for next question/repeat.')
@click.option('-u', '--n_repeats', type=click.IntRange(1, 10), default=1,
              metavar='', help='Times to repeat question.')
@click.option('-i', '--max_intervals', type=click.IntRange(2, 12), default=3,
              help='Max random intervals for the dictation.')
@click.option('-x', '--n_notes', type=click.IntRange(1, 20), default=4,
              help='Number of notes for the dictation.')
@click.option('-t', '--tonic', type=str, default='C', metavar='',
              help='Tonic of the question.')
@click.option('-o', '--octave', type=str, default='4',
              metavar='', help="Octave of the question.")
@click.option('-d', '--descending', is_flag=True,
              help='Wether the question interval is descending.')
github iacchus / birdears / birdears / View on Github external
@click.option('-r', '--resolution_method', type=str, default='repeat_only',
              help='The name of a resolution method.')
def instrumental(*args, **kwargs):
    """Instrumental melodic time-based dictation

    kwargs.update({'exercise': 'instrumental'})
    load_interface(*args, **kwargs)
github iacchus / birdears / birdears / View on Github external
@click.option('-n', '--n_octaves', type=click.IntRange(1, 2), default=1,
              metavar='', help='Maximum number of octaves.')
@click.option('-v', '--valid_intervals', type=str, default=CHROMATIC_TYPE,
              metavar='<1,2,..>', help='A comma-separated list without spaces\
              of valid scale degrees to be chosen for the question.')
@click.option('-q', '--user_durations', type=str, default=None,
              metavar='<1,0.5,n..>', help='A comma-separated list without\
              spaces with PRECISELY 9 floating values. Or \'n\' for default\
@click.option('-p', '--prequestion_method', type=str, default='none',
              help='The name of a pre-question method.')
@click.option('-r', '--resolution_method', type=str, default='nearest_tonic',
              help='The name of a resolution method.')
def harmonic(*args, **kwargs):
    """Harmonic interval recognition
github iacchus / birdears / birdears / View on Github external
@click.option('-c', '--chromatic', is_flag=True,
              help='If chosen, question has chromatic notes.')
@click.option('-n', '--n_octaves', type=click.IntRange(1, 2), default=1,
              metavar='', help='Maximum number of octaves.')
@click.option('-v', '--valid_intervals', type=str, default=CHROMATIC_TYPE,
              metavar='<1,2,..>', help='A comma-separated list without spaces\
              of valid scale degrees to be chosen for the question.')
@click.option('-q', '--user_durations', type=str, default=None,
              metavar='<1,0.5,n..>', help='A comma-separated list without\
              spaces with PRECISELY 9 floating values. Or \'n\' for default\
@click.option('-p', '--prequestion_method', type=str,
              default='progression_i_iv_v_i', metavar='',
              help='The name of a pre-question method.')
@click.option('-r', '--resolution_method', type=str, default='repeat_only',
              help='The name of a resolution method.')
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@click.option('-m', '--mode', metavar='', type=click.Choice(VALID_MODES),
              default='major', help="Mode of the question.")
@click.option('-w', '--wait_time', type=click.IntRange(1, 60), default=7,
              help='Time in seconds for next question/repeat.')
@click.option('-u', '--n_repeats', type=click.IntRange(1, 10), default=1,
              metavar='', help='Times to repeat question.')
@click.option('-i', '--max_intervals', type=click.IntRange(2, 12), default=3,
              help='Max random intervals for the dictation.')
@click.option('-x', '--n_notes', type=click.IntRange(1, 20), default=4,
              help='Number of notes for the dictation.')
@click.option('-t', '--tonic', type=str, default='C', metavar='',
              help='Tonic of the question.')
@click.option('-o', '--octave', type=str, default='4',
              metavar='', help="Octave of the question.")
github iacchus / birdears / birdears / View on Github external
@click.option('-n', '--n_octaves', type=click.IntRange(1, 2), default=1,
              metavar='', help='Maximum number of octaves.')
@click.option('-v', '--valid_intervals', type=str, default=CHROMATIC_TYPE,
              metavar='<1,2,..>', help='A comma-separated list without spaces\
              of valid scale degrees to be chosen for the question.')
@click.option('-q', '--user_durations', type=str, default=None,
              metavar='<1,0.5,n..>', help='A comma-separated list without\
              spaces with PRECISELY 9 floating values. Or \'n\' for default\
@click.option('-p', '--prequestion_method', type=str,
              default='progression_i_iv_v_i', metavar='',
              help='The name of a pre-question method.')
@click.option('-r', '--resolution_method', type=str, default='repeat_only',
              help='The name of a resolution method.')
def instrumental(*args, **kwargs):
    """Instrumental melodic time-based dictation
github iacchus / birdears / birdears / View on Github external
@click.option('-d', '--descending', is_flag=True,
              help='Wether the question interval is descending.')
@click.option('-c', '--chromatic', is_flag=True,
              help='If chosen, question has chromatic notes.')
@click.option('-n', '--n_octaves', type=click.IntRange(1, 2), default=1,
              metavar='', help='Maximum number of octaves.')
@click.option('-v', '--valid_intervals', type=str, default=CHROMATIC_TYPE,
              metavar='<1,2,..>', help='A comma-separated list without spaces\
              of valid scale degrees to be chosen for the question.')
@click.option('-q', '--user_durations', type=str, default=None,
              metavar='<1,0.5,n..>', help='A comma-separated list without\
              spaces with PRECISELY 9 floating values. Or \'n\' for default\
@click.option('-p', '--prequestion_method', type=str,
              default='progression_i_iv_v_i', metavar='',
              help='The name of a pre-question method.')
@click.option('-r', '--resolution_method', type=str, default='repeat_only',