How to use the bidict._common.KeyAndValueDuplicationError function in bidict

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*OVERWRITE*, or if no duplication is found, return the dedup result
        *(isdupkey, isdupval, invbyval, fwdbykey)*.
        fwd = self._fwd
        inv = self._inv
        fwdbykey = fwd.get(key, _MISS)
        invbyval = inv.get(val, _MISS)
        isdupkey = fwdbykey is not _MISS
        isdupval = invbyval is not _MISS
        if isdupkey and isdupval:
            if self._isdupitem(key, val, invbyval, fwdbykey):
                # (key, val) duplicates an existing item -> no-op.
            # key and val each duplicate a different existing item.
            if on_dup_kv is RAISE:
                raise KeyAndValueDuplicationError(key, val)
            elif on_dup_kv is IGNORE:
            # else on_dup_kv is OVERWRITE. Fall through to return on last line.
        elif isdupkey:
            if on_dup_key is RAISE:
                raise KeyDuplicationError(key)
            elif on_dup_key is IGNORE:
            # else on_dup_key is OVERWRITE. Fall through to return on last line.
        elif isdupval:
            if on_dup_val is RAISE:
                raise ValueDuplicationError(val)
            elif on_dup_val is IGNORE:
            # else on_dup_val is OVERWRITE. Fall through to return on last line.
        # else neither isdupkey nor isdupval.