How to use the function in beem

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few beem examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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def test_market(self):
        bts = self.bts
        m1 = Market(u'STEEM', u'SBD', steem_instance=bts)
        self.assertEqual(m1.get_string(), u'SBD:STEEM')
        m2 = Market(steem_instance=bts)
        self.assertEqual(m2.get_string(), u'SBD:STEEM')
        m3 = Market(u'STEEM:SBD', steem_instance=bts)
        self.assertEqual(m3.get_string(), u'STEEM:SBD')
        self.assertTrue(m1 == m2)

        base = Asset("SBD", steem_instance=bts)
        quote = Asset("STEEM", steem_instance=bts)
        m = Market(base, quote, steem_instance=bts)
        self.assertEqual(m.get_string(), u'STEEM:SBD')
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def test_volume(self):
        bts = self.bts
        m = Market(u'STEEM:SBD', steem_instance=bts)
        volume = m.volume24h()
        self.assertEqual(volume['STEEM']["symbol"], u'STEEM')
        self.assertEqual(volume['SBD']["symbol"], u'SBD')
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def test_buy(self):
        bts = self.bts
        m = Market(u'STEEM:SBD', steem_instance=bts)
        tx =, 0.1, account="test")
        op = tx["operations"][0][1]
        self.assertIn("test", op["owner"])
        self.assertEqual(str(Amount('0.100 STEEM', steem_instance=bts)), op["min_to_receive"])
        self.assertEqual(str(Amount('0.500 SBD', steem_instance=bts)), op["amount_to_sell"])

        p = Price(5, u"SBD:STEEM", steem_instance=bts)
        tx =, 0.1, account="test")
        op = tx["operations"][0][1]
        self.assertEqual(str(Amount('0.100 STEEM', steem_instance=bts)), op["min_to_receive"])
        self.assertEqual(str(Amount('0.500 SBD', steem_instance=bts)), op["amount_to_sell"])
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def test_market(self, node_param):
        if node_param == "instance":
            o = Market()
            self.assertIn(o.steem.rpc.url, self.urls)
            with self.assertRaises(
                Market(steem_instance=Steem(node="https://abc.d", autoconnect=False, num_retries=1))
            set_shared_steem_instance(Steem(node="https://abc.d", autoconnect=False, num_retries=1))
            stm = self.bts
            o = Market(steem_instance=stm)
            self.assertIn(o.steem.rpc.url, self.urls)
            with self.assertRaises(
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def test_market(self, node_param):
        if node_param == "instance":
            o = Market()
            self.assertIn(o.steem.rpc.url, self.urls)
            with self.assertRaises(
                Market(steem_instance=Steem(node="https://abc.d", autoconnect=False, num_retries=1))
            set_shared_steem_instance(Steem(node="https://abc.d", autoconnect=False, num_retries=1))
            stm = self.bts
            o = Market(steem_instance=stm)
            self.assertIn(o.steem.rpc.url, self.urls)
            with self.assertRaises(
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def test_orderbook(self):
        bts = self.bts
        m = Market(u'STEEM:SBD', steem_instance=bts)
        orderbook = m.orderbook(limit=10)
        self.assertEqual(len(orderbook['asks_date']), 10)
        self.assertEqual(len(orderbook['asks']), 10)
        self.assertEqual(len(orderbook['bids_date']), 10)
        self.assertEqual(len(orderbook['bids']), 10)
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        self.steem = steem_instance or shared_steem_instance()

        if quote is None and isinstance(base, str):
            quote_symbol, base_symbol = assets_from_string(base)
            quote = Asset(quote_symbol, steem_instance=self.steem)
            base = Asset(base_symbol, steem_instance=self.steem)
            super(Market, self).__init__({"base": base, "quote": quote})
        elif base and quote:
            quote = Asset(quote, steem_instance=self.steem)
            base = Asset(base, steem_instance=self.steem)
            super(Market, self).__init__({"base": base, "quote": quote})
        elif base is None and quote is None:
            quote = Asset("SBD", steem_instance=self.steem)
            base = Asset("STEEM", steem_instance=self.steem)
            super(Market, self).__init__({"base": base, "quote": quote})
            raise ValueError("Unknown Market config")
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if not accounts:
        accounts = [stm.config["default_account"]]
    if not comment and not curation and not post:
        post = True
        permlink = True
    if days < 0:
        days = 1

    utc = pytz.timezone('UTC')
    now = utc.localize(datetime.utcnow())
    limit_time = now - timedelta(days=days)
    for account in accounts:
        sum_reward = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
        account = Account(account, steem_instance=stm)
        median_price = Price(stm.get_current_median_history(), steem_instance=stm)
        m = Market(steem_instance=stm)
        latest = m.ticker()["latest"]
        if author and permlink:
            t = PrettyTable(["Author", "Permlink", "Payout", "SBD", "SP + STEEM", "Liquid USD", "Invested USD"])
        elif author and title:
                t = PrettyTable(["Author", "Title", "Payout", "SBD", "SP + STEEM", "Liquid USD", "Invested USD"])
        elif author:
            t = PrettyTable(["Author", "Payout", "SBD", "SP + STEEM", "Liquid USD", "Invested USD"])
        elif not author and permlink:
            t = PrettyTable(["Permlink", "Payout", "SBD", "SP + STEEM", "Liquid USD", "Invested USD"])
        elif not author and title:
            t = PrettyTable(["Title", "Payout", "SBD", "SP + STEEM", "Liquid USD", "Invested USD"])
            t = PrettyTable(["Received", "SBD", "SP + STEEM", "Liquid USD", "Invested USD"])
        t.align = "l"
        rows = []
        start_op = account.estimate_virtual_op_num(limit_time)
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def orderbook(chart, limit, show_date, width, height, ascii):
    """Obtain orderbook of the internal market"""
    stm = shared_steem_instance()
    if stm.rpc is not None:
    market = Market(steem_instance=stm)
    orderbook = market.orderbook(limit=limit, raw_data=False)
    if not show_date:
        header = ["Asks Sum SBD", "Sell Orders", "Bids Sum SBD", "Buy Orders"]
        header = ["Asks date", "Sell Orders", "Bids date", "Buy Orders"]
    t = PrettyTable(header, hrules=0)
    t.align = "r"
    asks = []
    bids = []
    asks_date = []
    bids_date = []
    sumsum_asks = []
    sum_asks = 0
    sumsum_bids = []
    sum_bids = 0
    n = 0
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accounts = [stm.config["default_account"]]
    if not comment and not curation and not post:
        post = True
        permlink = True
    if days < 0:
        days = 1
    if days > 7:
        days = 7

    utc = pytz.timezone('UTC')
    limit_time = utc.localize(datetime.utcnow()) - timedelta(days=days)
    for account in accounts:
        sum_reward = [0, 0, 0, 0]
        account = Account(account, steem_instance=stm)
        median_price = Price(stm.get_current_median_history(), steem_instance=stm)
        m = Market(steem_instance=stm)
        latest = m.ticker()["latest"]
        if author and permlink:
            t = PrettyTable(["Author", "Permlink", "Cashout", "SBD", "SP", "Liquid USD", "Invested USD"])
        elif author and title:
            t = PrettyTable(["Author", "Title", "Cashout", "SBD", "SP", "Liquid USD", "Invested USD"])
        elif author:
            t = PrettyTable(["Author", "Cashout", "SBD", "SP", "Liquid USD", "Invested USD"])
        elif not author and permlink:
            t = PrettyTable(["Permlink", "Cashout", "SBD", "SP", "Liquid USD", "Invested USD"])
        elif not author and title:
            t = PrettyTable(["Title", "Cashout", "SBD", "SP", "Liquid USD", "Invested USD"])
            t = PrettyTable(["Cashout", "SBD", "SP", "Liquid USD", "Invested USD"])
        t.align = "l"
        rows = []
        c_list = {}