How to use the function in b2

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few b2 examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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def configure_version_specific(toolset_arg, version, conditions):
    # Starting with versions 7.0, the msvc compiler have the /Zc:forScope and
    # /Zc:wchar_t options that improve C++ standard conformance, but those
    # options are off by default. If we are sure that the msvc version is at
    # 7.*, add those options explicitly. We can be sure either if user specified
    # version 7.* explicitly or if we auto-detected the version ourselves.
    if not'^6\\.', version):
        toolset.flags('{}.compile'.format(toolset_arg), 'CFLAGS',conditions, ['/Zc:forScope','/Zc:wchar_t'])
        toolset.flags('{}.compile.c++'.format(toolset_arg), 'C++FLAGS',conditions, ['/wd4675'])

        # Explicitly disable the 'function is deprecated' warning. Some msvc
        # versions have a bug, causing them to emit the deprecation warning even
        # with /W0.
        toolset.flags('{}.compile'.format(toolset_arg), 'CFLAGS',extend_conditions(conditions,['off']), ['/wd4996'])
        if'^[78]\.', version):
            # 64-bit compatibility warning deprecated since 9.0, see
            toolset.flags('{}.compile'.format(toolset_arg), 'CFLAGS',extend_conditions(conditions,['all']), ['/Wp64'])

    # Processor-specific optimization.
    if'^[67]', version ):
        # 8.0 deprecates some of the options.
github dennisferron / LikeMagic-GameEngine / Common / boost_1_54_0 / tools / build / v2 / tools / View on Github external
# the latter have their HPP type derived from H. The type of compilation
    # is determined entirely by the destination type.
    generators.register(MsvcPchGenerator('msvc.compile.c.pch', False, ['H'], ['C_PCH','OBJ'], ['on', 'msvc']))
    generators.register(MsvcPchGenerator('msvc.compile.c++.pch', False, ['H'], ['CPP_PCH','OBJ'], ['on', 'msvc']))

    generators.override('msvc.compile.c.pch', 'pch.default-c-pch-generator')
    generators.override('msvc.compile.c++.pch', 'pch.default-cpp-pch-generator')

    toolset.flags('msvc.compile', 'PCH_FILE'  , ['on'], [''  ])
    toolset.flags('msvc.compile', 'PCH_SOURCE', ['on'], [''])
    toolset.flags('msvc.compile', 'PCH_HEADER', ['on'], [''])

    # Declare flags for compilation.
    toolset.flags('msvc.compile', 'CFLAGS', ['speed'], ['/O2'])
    toolset.flags('msvc.compile', 'CFLAGS', ['space'], ['/O1'])

    toolset.flags('msvc.compile', 'CFLAGS',  [ a + '/' + t for a in __cpu_arch_ia64 for t in __cpu_type_itanium ], ['/G1'])
    toolset.flags('msvc.compile', 'CFLAGS',  [ a + '/' + t for a in __cpu_arch_ia64 for t in __cpu_type_itanium2 ], ['/G2'])

    toolset.flags('msvc.compile', 'CFLAGS', ['on/object'], ['/Z7'])
    toolset.flags('msvc.compile', 'CFLAGS', ['on/database'], ['/Zi'])
    toolset.flags('msvc.compile', 'CFLAGS', ['off'], ['/Od'])
    toolset.flags('msvc.compile', 'CFLAGS', ['off'], ['/Ob0'])
    toolset.flags('msvc.compile', 'CFLAGS', ['on'], ['/Ob1'])
    toolset.flags('msvc.compile', 'CFLAGS', ['full'], ['/Ob2'])

    toolset.flags('msvc.compile', 'CFLAGS', ['on'], ['/W3'])
    toolset.flags('msvc.compile', 'CFLAGS', ['off'], ['/W0'])
    toolset.flags('msvc.compile', 'CFLAGS', ['all'], ['/W4'])
    toolset.flags('msvc.compile', 'CFLAGS', ['on'], ['/WX'])
github boostorg / build / src / tools / View on Github external
['LIB', 'OBJ'],
        GccLinkingGenerator('', True,
            ['LIB', 'OBJ'],

# Declare flags for linking.
# First, the common flags.
flags('', 'OPTIONS', ['on'], ['-g'])
flags('', 'OPTIONS', ['on'], ['-pg'])
flags('', 'USER_OPTIONS', [], [''])
flags('', 'LINKPATH', [], [''])
flags('', 'FINDLIBS-ST', [], [''])
flags('', 'FINDLIBS-SA', [], [''])
flags('', 'LIBRARIES', [], [''])

# For static we made sure there are no dynamic libraries in the
# link. On HP-UX not all system libraries exist as archived libraries (for
# example, there is no libunwind.a), so, on this platform, the -static option
# cannot be specified.
if os_name() != 'HPUX':
    flags('', 'OPTIONS', ['static'], ['-static'])

# Now, the vendor specific flags.
# The parameter linker can be either gnu, darwin, osf, hpux or sun.
def init_link_flags(toolset, linker, condition):
        Now, the vendor specific flags.
        The parameter linker can be either gnu, darwin, osf, hpux or sun.
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# The linker disables the default optimizations when using /DEBUG so we
    # have to enable them manually for release builds with debug symbols.
    toolset.flags('msvc', 'LINKFLAGS', ['on/off'], ['/OPT:REF,ICF'])

    toolset.flags('msvc', 'LINKFLAGS', ['console'], ['/subsystem:console'])
    toolset.flags('msvc', 'LINKFLAGS', ['gui'], ['/subsystem:windows'])
    toolset.flags('msvc', 'LINKFLAGS', ['wince'], ['/subsystem:windowsce'])
    toolset.flags('msvc', 'LINKFLAGS', ['native'], ['/subsystem:native'])
    toolset.flags('msvc', 'LINKFLAGS', ['auto'], ['/subsystem:posix'])

    toolset.flags('', 'OPTIONS', [], [''])
    toolset.flags('', 'LINKPATH', [], [''])

    toolset.flags('', 'FINDLIBS_ST', [], [''])
    toolset.flags('', 'FINDLIBS_SA', [], [''])
    toolset.flags('', 'LIBRARY_OPTION', ['msvc'], [''])
    toolset.flags('', 'LIBRARIES_MENTIONED_BY_FILE', [], [''])

    toolset.flags('msvc.archive', 'AROPTIONS', [], [''])
github stan-dev / math / lib / boost_1.69.0 / tools / build / src / tools / View on Github external
class NotfileGenerator(generators.Generator):

    def run(self, project, name, ps, sources):
        action_name = ps.get('action')[0]
        if action_name[0] == '@':
            action = virtual_target.Action(get_manager(), sources, action_name[1:], ps)
            action = virtual_target.Action(get_manager(), sources, "", ps)

        return [get_manager().virtual_targets().register(
            virtual_target.NotFileTarget(name, project, action))]

generators.register(NotfileGenerator("notfile.main", False, [], ["NOTFILE_MAIN"]))

toolset.flags("", "ACTION", [], [""])

get_manager().engine().register_action("", "$(ACTION)")

@bjam_signature((["target_name"], ["action"], ["sources", "*"], ["requirements", "*"],
                 ["default_build", "*"]))
def notfile(target_name, action, sources, requirements, default_build):

    requirements.append("" + action)

    return targets.create_typed_metatarget(target_name, "NOTFILE_MAIN", sources, requirements,
                                           default_build, [])

get_manager().projects().add_rule("notfile", notfile)
github dennisferron / LikeMagic-GameEngine / Common / boost_1_54_0 / tools / build / v2 / tools / View on Github external
flags(toolset_link, 'RPATH', condition, ['']) # : unchecked ;
        flags(toolset_link, 'RPATH_LINK', condition, ['']) # : unchecked ;

    elif linker == 'osf':
        # No --strip-all, just -s.
        flags(toolset_link, 'OPTIONS', map(lambda x: x + '/off', condition), ['-Wl,-s'])
            # : unchecked ;
        flags(toolset_link, 'RPATH', condition, ['']) # : unchecked ;
        # This does not supports -R.
        flags(toolset_link, 'RPATH_OPTION', condition, ['-rpath']) # : unchecked ;
        # -rpath-link is not supported at all.

    elif linker == 'sun':
        flags(toolset_link, 'OPTIONS', map(lambda x: x + '/off', condition), ['-Wl,-s'])
            # : unchecked ;
        flags(toolset_link, 'RPATH', condition, ['']) # : unchecked ;
        # Solaris linker does not have a separate -rpath-link, but allows to use
        # -L for the same purpose.
        flags(toolset_link, 'LINKPATH', condition, ['']) # : unchecked ;

        # This permits shared libraries with non-PIC code on Solaris.
        # VP, 2004/09/07: Now that we have -fPIC hardcode in link.dll, the
        # following is not needed. Whether -fPIC should be hardcoded, is a
        # separate question.
        # AH, 2004/10/16: it is still necessary because some tests link against
        # static libraries that were compiled without PIC.
        flags(toolset_link, 'OPTIONS', map(lambda x: x + '/shared', condition), ['-mimpure-text'])
            # : unchecked ;

    elif linker == 'hpux':
        flags(toolset_link, 'OPTIONS', map(lambda x: x + '/off', condition),
            ['-Wl,-s']) # : unchecked ;
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if debug():
                for cpu_condition in cpu_conditions:
                    print "notice: [msvc-cfg] condition: '{}', setup: '{}'".format(cpu_condition,setup_script)

            cpu_assembler = assembler
            if not cpu_assembler:
                cpu_assembler = locals()['default_assembler_{}'.format(c)]

            toolset.flags('msvc.compile', '.CC' , cpu_conditions, ['{}{} /Zm800 -nologo'         .format(setup_script, compiler)])
            toolset.flags('msvc.compile', '.RC' , cpu_conditions, ['{}{}'                        .format(setup_script, resource_compiler)])
            toolset.flags('msvc.compile', '.ASM', cpu_conditions, ['{}{} -nologo'                .format(setup_script, cpu_assembler)])
            toolset.flags(''   , '.LD' , cpu_conditions, ['{}{} /NOLOGO /INCREMENTAL:NO'.format(setup_script, linker)])
            toolset.flags('msvc.archive', '.LD' , cpu_conditions, ['{}{} /lib /NOLOGO'           .format(setup_script, linker)])
            toolset.flags('msvc.compile', '.IDL', cpu_conditions, ['{}{}'                        .format(setup_script, idl_compiler)])
            toolset.flags('msvc.compile', '.MC' , cpu_conditions, ['{}{}'                        .format(setup_script, mc_compiler)])
            toolset.flags(''   , '.MT' , cpu_conditions, ['{}{} -nologo'                .format(setup_script, manifest_tool)])

            if cc_filter:
                toolset.flags('msvc', '.CC.FILTER', cpu_conditions, ['"|" {}'.format(cc_filter)])

        # Set version-specific flags.
        configure_version_specific('msvc', version, conditions)
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# By default 8.0 enables rtti support while prior versions disabled it. We
    # simply enable or disable it explicitly so we do not have to depend on this
    # default behaviour.
    toolset.flags('msvc.compile', 'CFLAGS', ['on'], ['/GR'])
    toolset.flags('msvc.compile', 'CFLAGS', ['off'], ['/GR-'])
    toolset.flags('msvc.compile', 'CFLAGS', ['off/shared'], ['/MD'])
    toolset.flags('msvc.compile', 'CFLAGS', ['on/shared'], ['/MDd'])

    toolset.flags('msvc.compile', 'CFLAGS', ['off/static/multi'], ['/MT'])
    toolset.flags('msvc.compile', 'CFLAGS', ['on/static/multi'], ['/MTd'])

    toolset.flags('msvc.compile', 'OPTIONS', [], [''])
    toolset.flags('msvc.compile.c++', 'OPTIONS', [], [''])

    toolset.flags('msvc.compile', 'PDB_CFLAG', ['on/database'],['/Fd'])

    toolset.flags('msvc.compile', 'DEFINES', [], [''])
    toolset.flags('msvc.compile', 'UNDEFS', [], [''])
    toolset.flags('msvc.compile', 'INCLUDES', [], [''])

    # Declare flags for the assembler.
    toolset.flags('msvc.compile.asm', 'USER_ASMFLAGS', [], [''])

    toolset.flags('msvc.compile.asm', 'ASMFLAGS', ['on'], ['/Zi', '/Zd'])

    toolset.flags('msvc.compile.asm', 'ASMFLAGS', ['on'], ['/W3'])
    toolset.flags('msvc.compile.asm', 'ASMFLAGS', ['off'], ['/W0'])
    toolset.flags('msvc.compile.asm', 'ASMFLAGS', ['all'], ['/W4'])
    toolset.flags('msvc.compile.asm', 'ASMFLAGS', ['on'], ['/WX'])

    toolset.flags('msvc.compile.asm', 'DEFINES', [], [''])
github PDAL / PDAL / boost / tools / build / v2 / tools / View on Github external
        GccLinkingGenerator('', True,
            ['LIB', 'OBJ'],

# Declare flags for linking.
# First, the common flags.
flags('', 'OPTIONS', ['on'], ['-g'])
flags('', 'OPTIONS', ['on'], ['-pg'])
flags('', 'USER_OPTIONS', [], [''])
flags('', 'LINKPATH', [], [''])
flags('', 'FINDLIBS-ST', [], [''])
flags('', 'FINDLIBS-SA', [], [''])
flags('', 'LIBRARIES', [], [''])

# For static we made sure there are no dynamic libraries in the
# link. On HP-UX not all system libraries exist as archived libraries (for
# example, there is no libunwind.a), so, on this platform, the -static option
# cannot be specified.
if os_name() != 'HPUX':
    flags('', 'OPTIONS', ['static'], ['-static'])

# Now, the vendor specific flags.
# The parameter linker can be either gnu, darwin, osf, hpux or sun.
def init_link_flags(toolset, linker, condition):
        Now, the vendor specific flags.
        The parameter linker can be either gnu, darwin, osf, hpux or sun.
    toolset_link = toolset + '.link'
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lib_path = [os.path.join(root, 'bin'),
                    os.path.join(root, 'lib'),
                    os.path.join(root, 'lib32'),
                    os.path.join(root, 'lib64')]
        if debug():
            print 'notice: using gcc libraries ::', condition, '::', lib_path
        toolset.flags('', 'RUN_PATH', condition, lib_path)

    # If it's not a system gcc install we should adjust the various programs as
    # needed to prefer using the install specific versions. This is essential
    # for correct use of MinGW and for cross-compiling.

    # - The archive builder.
    archiver = common.get_invocation_command('gcc',
            'ar', feature.get_values('', options), [bin], path_last=True)
    toolset.flags('gcc.archive', '.AR', condition, [archiver])
    if debug():
        print 'notice: using gcc archiver ::', condition, '::', archiver

    # - Ranlib
    ranlib = common.get_invocation_command('gcc',
            'ranlib', feature.get_values('', options), [bin], path_last=True)
    toolset.flags('gcc.archive', '.RANLIB', condition, [ranlib])
    if debug():
        print 'notice: using gcc archiver ::', condition, '::', ranlib

    # - The resource compiler.
    rc_command = common.get_invocation_command_nodefault('gcc',
            'windres', feature.get_values('', options), [bin], path_last=True)
    rc_type = feature.get_values('', options)

    if not rc_type: