How to use the function in azure-servicebus

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few azure-servicebus examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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('MaxSizeInMegabytes', 'max_size_in_megabytes', int),
            ('RequiresDuplicateDetection', 'requires_duplicate_detection', _parse_bool),
            ('DuplicateDetectionHistoryTimeWindow', 'duplicate_detection_history_time_window', None),
            ('EnableBatchedOperations', 'enable_batched_operations', _parse_bool),
            ('SizeInBytes', 'size_in_bytes', int),

        for map in mappings:
            if _read_etree_element(topic_element, map[0], topic, map[1], map[2]):
                invalid_topic = False

    if invalid_topic:
        raise WindowsAzureError(_ERROR_TOPIC_NOT_FOUND)

    # extract id, updated and name value from feed entry and set them of topic.
    for name, value in _ETreeXmlToObject.get_entry_properties_from_element(
        entry_element, True).items():
        setattr(topic, name, value)

    return topic
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_read_etree_element(rule_node, map[0], rule, map[1], map[2])

                rights_nodes = rule_node.find('./sb:Rights', _etree_sb_feed_namespaces)
                if rights_nodes is not None:
                    for access_rights_node in rights_nodes.findall('./sb:AccessRights', _etree_sb_feed_namespaces):
                        node_value = _get_etree_text(access_rights_node)
                        if node_value:


    if invalid_event_hub:
        raise WindowsAzureError(_ERROR_EVENT_HUB_NOT_FOUND)

    # extract id, updated and name value from feed entry and set them of queue.
    for name, value in _ETreeXmlToObject.get_entry_properties_from_element(
        entry_element, True).items():
        if name == 'name':
            value = value.partition('?')[0]
        setattr(hub, name, value)

    return hub
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if subscription_element is not None:
        mappings = [
            ('LockDuration', 'lock_duration', None),
            ('RequiresSession', 'requires_session', _parse_bool),
            ('DefaultMessageTimeToLive', 'default_message_time_to_live', None),
            ('DeadLetteringOnFilterEvaluationExceptions', 'dead_lettering_on_filter_evaluation_exceptions', _parse_bool),
            ('DeadLetteringOnMessageExpiration', 'dead_lettering_on_message_expiration', _parse_bool),
            ('EnableBatchedOperations', 'enable_batched_operations', _parse_bool),
            ('MaxDeliveryCount', 'max_delivery_count', int),
            ('MessageCount', 'message_count', int),

        for map in mappings:
            _read_etree_element(subscription_element, map[0], subscription, map[1], map[2])

    for name, value in _ETreeXmlToObject.get_entry_properties_from_element(
        entry_element, True, '/subscriptions').items():
        setattr(subscription, name, value)

    return subscription


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