How to use the function in azure-devops

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few azure-devops examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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# Last resort, make the call to the server
        options_uri = self._combine_url(self.config.base_url, '_apis')
        request = ClientRequest(method='OPTIONS', url=self._client.format_url(options_uri))
        if all_host_types:
            query_parameters = {'allHostTypes': True}
        headers = {'Accept': 'application/json'}
        if self._suppress_fedauth_redirect:
            headers['X-TFS-FedAuthRedirect'] = 'Suppress'
        if self._force_msa_pass_through:
            headers['X-VSS-ForceMsaPassThrough'] = 'true'
        response = self._send_request(request, headers=headers)
        wrapper = self._base_deserialize('VssJsonCollectionWrapper', response)
        if wrapper is None:
            raise AzureDevOpsClientRequestError("Failed to retrieve resource locations from: {}".format(options_uri))
        collection = wrapper.value
        returned_locations = self._base_deserialize('[ApiResourceLocation]',
        if all_host_types:
            self._all_host_types_locations = returned_locations
            self._locations = returned_locations
                OPTIONS_FILE_CACHE[self.normalized_url] = wrapper.value
            except SerializationError as ex:
                logger.debug(ex, exc_info=True)
        return returned_locations
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def _get_url_for_client_instance(self, client_class):
        resource_id = client_class.resource_area_identifier
        if resource_id is None:
            return self.base_url
            resource_areas = self._get_resource_areas()
            if resource_areas is None:
                raise AzureDevOpsClientRequestError(('Failed to retrieve resource areas '
                                                     + 'from server: {url}').format(url=self.base_url))
            if not resource_areas:
                # For OnPrem environments we get an empty list.
                return self.base_url
            for resource_area in resource_areas:
                if == resource_id.lower():
                    return resource_area.location_url

            # Check SPS deployment level for the resource area
            resource_area = self._get_deployment_resource_area_from_sps(resource_id)
            if resource_area is not None:
                return resource_area.location_url

            raise AzureDevOpsClientRequestError(('Could not find information for resource area {id} '
                                                 + 'from server: {url}').format(id=resource_id,
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wrapped_exception = self._base_deserialize('WrappedException', response)
                if wrapped_exception is not None and wrapped_exception.message is not None:
                    raise AzureDevOpsServiceError(wrapped_exception)
                    # System exceptions from controllers are not returning wrapped exceptions.
                    # Following code is to handle this unusual exception json case.
                    # TODO: dig into this.
                    collection_wrapper = self._base_deserialize('VssJsonCollectionWrapper', response)
                    if collection_wrapper is not None and collection_wrapper.value is not None:
                        wrapped_exception = self._base_deserialize('ImproperException', collection_wrapper.value)
                        if wrapped_exception is not None and wrapped_exception.message is not None:
                            raise AzureDevOpsClientRequestError(wrapped_exception.message)
                # if we get here we still have not raised an exception, try to deserialize as a System Exception
                system_exception = self._base_deserialize('SystemException', response)
                if system_exception is not None and system_exception.message is not None:
                    raise AzureDevOpsClientRequestError(system_exception.message)
            except DeserializationError:
        elif response.content is not None:
            error_message = response.content.decode("utf-8") + '  '
        if response.status_code == 401:
            full_message_format = '{error_message}The requested resource requires user authentication: {url}'
            raise AzureDevOpsAuthenticationError(full_message_format.format(error_message=error_message,
            full_message_format = '{error_message}Operation returned a {status_code} status code.'
            raise AzureDevOpsClientRequestError(full_message_format.format(error_message=error_message,
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content_type = response.headers.get('Content-Type')
        error_message = ''
        if content_type is None or content_type.find('text/plain') < 0:
                wrapped_exception = self._base_deserialize('WrappedException', response)
                if wrapped_exception is not None and wrapped_exception.message is not None:
                    raise AzureDevOpsServiceError(wrapped_exception)
                    # System exceptions from controllers are not returning wrapped exceptions.
                    # Following code is to handle this unusual exception json case.
                    # TODO: dig into this.
                    collection_wrapper = self._base_deserialize('VssJsonCollectionWrapper', response)
                    if collection_wrapper is not None and collection_wrapper.value is not None:
                        wrapped_exception = self._base_deserialize('ImproperException', collection_wrapper.value)
                        if wrapped_exception is not None and wrapped_exception.message is not None:
                            raise AzureDevOpsClientRequestError(wrapped_exception.message)
                # if we get here we still have not raised an exception, try to deserialize as a System Exception
                system_exception = self._base_deserialize('SystemException', response)
                if system_exception is not None and system_exception.message is not None:
                    raise AzureDevOpsClientRequestError(system_exception.message)
            except DeserializationError:
        elif response.content is not None:
            error_message = response.content.decode("utf-8") + '  '
        if response.status_code == 401:
            full_message_format = '{error_message}The requested resource requires user authentication: {url}'
            raise AzureDevOpsAuthenticationError(full_message_format.format(error_message=error_message,
            full_message_format = '{error_message}Operation returned a {status_code} status code.'
            raise AzureDevOpsClientRequestError(full_message_format.format(error_message=error_message,
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raise AzureDevOpsClientRequestError(wrapped_exception.message)
                # if we get here we still have not raised an exception, try to deserialize as a System Exception
                system_exception = self._base_deserialize('SystemException', response)
                if system_exception is not None and system_exception.message is not None:
                    raise AzureDevOpsClientRequestError(system_exception.message)
            except DeserializationError:
        elif response.content is not None:
            error_message = response.content.decode("utf-8") + '  '
        if response.status_code == 401:
            full_message_format = '{error_message}The requested resource requires user authentication: {url}'
            raise AzureDevOpsAuthenticationError(full_message_format.format(error_message=error_message,
            full_message_format = '{error_message}Operation returned a {status_code} status code.'
            raise AzureDevOpsClientRequestError(full_message_format.format(error_message=error_message,


Python wrapper around the Azure DevOps 7.x APIs

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