How to use the function in azure-cognitiveservices-vision-face

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few azure-cognitiveservices-vision-face examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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        :param return_recognition_model: A value indicating whether the
         operation should return 'recognitionModel' in response.
        :type return_recognition_model: bool
        :param dict custom_headers: headers that will be added to the request
        :param bool raw: returns the direct response alongside the
         deserialized response
        :param operation_config: :ref:`Operation configuration
        :return: list or ClientRawResponse if raw=true
        :rtype: list[]
         or ~msrest.pipeline.ClientRawResponse
        image_url = models.ImageUrl(url=url)

        # Construct URL
        url = self.detect_with_url.metadata['url']
        path_format_arguments = {
            'Endpoint': self._serialize.url("self.config.endpoint", self.config.endpoint, 'str', skip_quote=True)
        url = self._client.format_url(url, **path_format_arguments)

        # Construct parameters
        query_parameters = {}
        if return_face_id is not None:
            query_parameters['returnFaceId'] = self._serialize.query("return_face_id", return_face_id, 'bool')
        if return_face_landmarks is not None:
            query_parameters['returnFaceLandmarks'] = self._serialize.query("return_face_landmarks", return_face_landmarks, 'bool')
        if return_face_attributes is not None:
            query_parameters['returnFaceAttributes'] = self._serialize.query("return_face_attributes", return_face_attributes, '[FaceAttributeType]', div=',')
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E.g. "targetFace=10,10,100,100". If there is more than one face in the
         image, targetFace is required to specify which face to add. No
         targetFace means there is only one face detected in the entire image.
        :type target_face: list[int]
        :param dict custom_headers: headers that will be added to the request
        :param bool raw: returns the direct response alongside the
         deserialized response
        :param operation_config: :ref:`Operation configuration
        :return: PersistedFace or ClientRawResponse if raw=true
        :rtype: or
        image_url = models.ImageUrl(url=url)

        # Construct URL
        url = self.add_face_from_url.metadata['url']
        path_format_arguments = {
            'Endpoint': self._serialize.url("self.config.endpoint", self.config.endpoint, 'str', skip_quote=True),
            'faceListId': self._serialize.url("face_list_id", face_list_id, 'str', max_length=64, pattern=r'^[a-z0-9-_]+$')
        url = self._client.format_url(url, **path_format_arguments)

        # Construct parameters
        query_parameters = {}
        if user_data is not None:
            query_parameters['userData'] = self._serialize.query("user_data", user_data, 'str', max_length=1024)
        if target_face is not None:
            query_parameters['targetFace'] = self._serialize.query("target_face", target_face, '[int]', div=',')
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E.g. "targetFace=10,10,100,100". If there is more than one face in the
         image, targetFace is required to specify which face to add. No
         targetFace means there is only one face detected in the entire image.
        :type target_face: list[int]
        :param dict custom_headers: headers that will be added to the request
        :param bool raw: returns the direct response alongside the
         deserialized response
        :param operation_config: :ref:`Operation configuration
        :return: PersistedFace or ClientRawResponse if raw=true
        :rtype: or
        image_url = models.ImageUrl(url=url)

        # Construct URL
        url = self.add_face_from_url.metadata['url']
        path_format_arguments = {
            'Endpoint': self._serialize.url("self.config.endpoint", self.config.endpoint, 'str', skip_quote=True),
            'personGroupId': self._serialize.url("person_group_id", person_group_id, 'str', max_length=64, pattern=r'^[a-z0-9-_]+$'),
            'personId': self._serialize.url("person_id", person_id, 'str')
        url = self._client.format_url(url, **path_format_arguments)

        # Construct parameters
        query_parameters = {}
        if user_data is not None:
            query_parameters['userData'] = self._serialize.query("user_data", user_data, 'str', max_length=1024)
        if target_face is not None:
            query_parameters['targetFace'] = self._serialize.query("target_face", target_face, '[int]', div=',')
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E.g. "targetFace=10,10,100,100". If there is more than one face in the
         image, targetFace is required to specify which face to add. No
         targetFace means there is only one face detected in the entire image.
        :type target_face: list[int]
        :param dict custom_headers: headers that will be added to the request
        :param bool raw: returns the direct response alongside the
         deserialized response
        :param operation_config: :ref:`Operation configuration
        :return: PersistedFace or ClientRawResponse if raw=true
        :rtype: or
        image_url = models.ImageUrl(url=url)

        # Construct URL
        url = self.add_face_from_url.metadata['url']
        path_format_arguments = {
            'Endpoint': self._serialize.url("self.config.endpoint", self.config.endpoint, 'str', skip_quote=True),
            'largePersonGroupId': self._serialize.url("large_person_group_id", large_person_group_id, 'str', max_length=64, pattern=r'^[a-z0-9-_]+$'),
            'personId': self._serialize.url("person_id", person_id, 'str')
        url = self._client.format_url(url, **path_format_arguments)

        # Construct parameters
        query_parameters = {}
        if user_data is not None:
            query_parameters['userData'] = self._serialize.query("user_data", user_data, 'str', max_length=1024)
        if target_face is not None:
            query_parameters['targetFace'] = self._serialize.query("target_face", target_face, '[int]', div=',')


Microsoft Azure Cognitive Services Face Client Library for Python

Latest version published 2 months ago

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