How to use the asttokens.util.walk function in asttokens

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few asttokens examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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github crew102 / reprexpy / reprexpy / View on Github external
                for i, j in enumerate(code) if'REPREX_RUNNING', j)
            if x:
                code = code[(x[0] + 1):]
        scode = '\n'.join(code)
        tokes = asttokens.ASTTokens(scode, parse=True)

        def _get_one_mod(node):
            tnode = type(node).__name__
            if tnode == 'Import':
                return [ for i in node.names]
            elif tnode == 'ImportFrom':
                return [node.module]

        mlist = [_get_one_mod(i) for i in asttokens.util.walk(tokes.tree)]
        return {j for i in mlist if i is not None for j in i}