How to use asteroid - 10 common examples

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few asteroid examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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github mpariente / AsSteroid / egs / fuss / baseline / View on Github external
improved = mask_conf.pop('improved')
    # We will take magnitude and concat with ReIm
    if improved:
        masker = TDCNpp(in_chan=3 * enc.filterbank.n_feats_out // 2,
                        n_src=3,  # Hardcoded here because of FUSS
        masker = TDConvNet(in_chan=3 * enc.filterbank.n_feats_out // 2,
                           n_src=3,  # Hardcoded here because of FUSS

    model = Model(enc, masker, dec, learnable_scaling=mask_conf["learnable_scaling"])
    # Define optimizer of this model
    optimizer = make_optimizer(model.parameters(), **conf['optim'])
    return model, optimizer
github mpariente / AsSteroid / egs / wsj0-mix / DeepClustering / View on Github external
def make_model_and_optimizer(conf):
    """ Function to define the model and optimizer for a config dictionary.
        conf: Dictionary containing the output of hierachical argparse.
        model, optimizer.
    The main goal of this function is to make reloading for resuming
    and evaluation very simple.
    enc, dec = fb.make_enc_dec('stft', **conf['filterbank'])
    masker = Chimera(enc.n_feats_out // 2,
    model = Model(enc, masker, dec)
    optimizer = make_optimizer(model.parameters(), **conf['optim'])
    return model, optimizer
github mpariente / AsSteroid / egs / fuss / baseline / View on Github external
def make_model_and_optimizer(conf):
    """ Function to define the model and optimizer for a config dictionary.
        conf: Dictionary containing the output of hierachical argparse.
        model, optimizer.
    The main goal of this function is to make reloading for resuming
    and evaluation very simple.
    # Define building blocks for local model
    # Filterbank can be either stftfb or freefb
    enc, dec = fb.make_enc_dec(**conf['filterbank'])
    mask_conf = dict(conf['masknet'])  # Make a copy
    improved = mask_conf.pop('improved')
    # We will take magnitude and concat with ReIm
    if improved:
        masker = TDCNpp(in_chan=3 * enc.filterbank.n_feats_out // 2,
                        n_src=3,  # Hardcoded here because of FUSS
        masker = TDConvNet(in_chan=3 * enc.filterbank.n_feats_out // 2,
                           n_src=3,  # Hardcoded here because of FUSS

    model = Model(enc, masker, dec, learnable_scaling=mask_conf["learnable_scaling"])
    # Define optimizer of this model
github mpariente / AsSteroid / egs / fuss / baseline / View on Github external
        self.in_chan = in_chan
        self.n_src = n_src
        out_chan = out_chan if out_chan else in_chan
        self.out_chan = out_chan
        self.n_blocks = n_blocks
        self.n_repeats = n_repeats
        self.bn_chan = bn_chan
        self.hid_chan = hid_chan
        self.skip_chan = skip_chan
        self.kernel_size = kernel_size
        self.norm_type = norm_type
        self.mask_act = mask_act
        self.learnable_scaling = learnable_scaling

        layer_norm = norms.get(norm_type)(in_chan)
        bottleneck_conv = nn.Conv1d(in_chan, bn_chan, 1)
        self.bottleneck = nn.Sequential(layer_norm, bottleneck_conv)
        # Succession of Conv1DBlock with exponentially increasing dilation.
        self.TCN = nn.ModuleList()
        for r in range(n_repeats):
            for x in range(n_blocks):
                padding = (kernel_size - 1) * 2**x // 2
                self.TCN.append(Conv1DBlock(bn_chan, hid_chan, skip_chan,
                                            kernel_size, padding=padding,
                                            dilation=2**x, norm_type=norm_type))
        # Dense connection in TDCNpp
        self.dense_skip = nn.ModuleList()
        for r in range(n_repeats-1):
            self.dense_skip.append(nn.Conv1d(bn_chan, bn_chan, 1))

        scaling_param = torch.tensor([0.9**l for l in range(1, n_blocks)])
github mpariente / AsSteroid / asteroid / masknn / View on Github external
norm_type="gLN", mask_act='relu'):
        super(TDConvNet, self).__init__()
        self.in_chan = in_chan
        self.n_src = n_src
        out_chan = out_chan if out_chan else in_chan
        self.out_chan = out_chan
        self.n_blocks = n_blocks
        self.n_repeats = n_repeats
        self.bn_chan = bn_chan
        self.hid_chan = hid_chan
        self.skip_chan = skip_chan
        self.kernel_size = kernel_size
        self.norm_type = norm_type
        self.mask_act = mask_act

        layer_norm = norms.get(norm_type)(in_chan)
        bottleneck_conv = nn.Conv1d(in_chan, bn_chan, 1)
        self.bottleneck = nn.Sequential(layer_norm, bottleneck_conv)
        # Succession of Conv1DBlock with exponentially increasing dilation.
        self.TCN = nn.ModuleList()
        for r in range(n_repeats):
            for x in range(n_blocks):
                padding = (kernel_size - 1) * 2**x // 2
                self.TCN.append(Conv1DBlock(bn_chan, hid_chan, skip_chan,
                                            kernel_size, padding=padding,
                                            dilation=2**x, norm_type=norm_type))
        mask_conv_inp = skip_chan if skip_chan else bn_chan
        mask_conv = nn.Conv1d(mask_conv_inp, n_src*out_chan, 1)
        self.mask_net = nn.Sequential(nn.PReLU(), mask_conv)
        # Get activation function.
        mask_nl_class = activations.get(mask_act)
        # For softmax, feed the source dimension.
github mpariente / AsSteroid / asteroid / masknn / View on Github external
self.out_chan = out_chan
        self.bn_chan = bn_chan
        self.hid_size = hid_size
        self.chunk_size = chunk_size
        hop_size = hop_size if hop_size is not None else chunk_size // 2
        self.hop_size = hop_size
        self.n_repeats = n_repeats
        self.n_src = n_src
        self.norm_type = norm_type
        self.mask_act = mask_act
        self.bidirectional = bidirectional
        self.rnn_type = rnn_type
        self.num_layers = num_layers
        self.dropout = dropout

        layer_norm = norms.get(norm_type)(in_chan)
        bottleneck_conv = nn.Conv1d(in_chan, bn_chan, 1)
        self.bottleneck = nn.Sequential(layer_norm, bottleneck_conv)

        # Succession of DPRNNBlocks.
        net = []
        for x in range(self.n_repeats):
            net += [DPRNNBlock(bn_chan, hid_size, norm_type=norm_type,
                               bidirectional=bidirectional, rnn_type=rnn_type,
                               num_layers=num_layers, dropout=dropout)] = nn.Sequential(*net)
        # Masking in 3D space
        net_out_conv = nn.Conv2d(bn_chan, n_src*bn_chan, 1)
        self.first_out = nn.Sequential(nn.PReLU(), net_out_conv)
        # Gating and masking in 2D space (after fold)
        self.net_out = nn.Sequential(nn.Conv1d(bn_chan, bn_chan, 1), nn.Tanh())
        self.net_gate = nn.Sequential(nn.Conv1d(bn_chan, bn_chan, 1),
github mpariente / AsSteroid / egs / wsj0-mix / DeepClustering / View on Github external
def make_model_and_optimizer(conf):
    """ Function to define the model and optimizer for a config dictionary.
        conf: Dictionary containing the output of hierachical argparse.
        model, optimizer.
    The main goal of this function is to make reloading for resuming
    and evaluation very simple.
    enc, dec = fb.make_enc_dec('stft', **conf['filterbank'])
    masker = Chimera(enc.n_feats_out // 2,
    model = Model(enc, masker, dec)
    optimizer = make_optimizer(model.parameters(), **conf['optim'])
    return model, optimizer
github mpariente / AsSteroid / asteroid / filterbanks / View on Github external
import torch
import torch.nn as nn
from .enc_dec import Filterbank

class FreeFB(Filterbank):
    """ Free filterbank without any constraints. Equivalent to

        n_filters (int): Number of filters.
        kernel_size (int): Length of the filters.
        stride (int, optional): Stride of the convolution.
            If None (default), set to ``kernel_size // 2``.

        n_feats_out (int): Number of output filters.

        [1] : "Filterbank design for end-to-end speech separation".
        Submitted to ICASSP 2020. Manuel Pariente, Samuele Cornell,
        Antoine Deleforge, Emmanuel Vincent.
github mpariente / AsSteroid / asteroid / filterbanks / View on Github external
import numpy as np
import torch
import torch.nn as nn
import warnings
from .enc_dec import Filterbank

class ParamSincFB(Filterbank):
    """Extension of the parameterized filterbank from [1] proposed in [2].
    Modified and extended from from ``__

        n_filters (int): Number of filters. Half of `n_filters` (the real
            parts) will have parameters, the other half will correspond to the
            imaginary parts. `n_filters` should be even.
        kernel_size (int): Length of the filters.
        stride (int, optional): Stride of the convolution. If None (default),
            set to ``kernel_size // 2``.
        sample_rate (int, optional): The sample rate (used for initialization).
        min_low_hz (int, optional): Lowest low frequency allowed (Hz).
        min_band_hz (int, optional): Lowest band frequency allowed (Hz).

        n_feats_out (int): Number of output filters.
github mpariente / AsSteroid / asteroid / filterbanks / View on Github external
import torch
import numpy as np
from .enc_dec import Filterbank

class STFTFB(Filterbank):
    """ STFT filterbank.

        n_filters (int): Number of filters. Determines the length of the STFT
            filters before windowing.
        kernel_size (int): Length of the filters (i.e the window).
        stride (int, optional): Stride of the convolution (hop size). If None
            (default), set to ``kernel_size // 2``.
        window (:class:`numpy.ndarray`, optional): If None, defaults to

        n_feats_out (int): Number of output filters.
    def __init__(self, n_filters, kernel_size, stride=None, window=None,