How to use aspire - 4 common examples

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few aspire examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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github jinserk / pytorch-asr / asr / models / ssvae / View on Github external
model = CapsuleModel(x_dim=p.NUM_PIXELS, y_dim=p.NUM_LABELS, **vars(args))

    # initializing local variables to maintain the best validation accuracy
    # seen across epochs over the supervised training set
    # and the corresponding testing set and the state of the networks
    best_valid_acc, corresponding_test_acc = 0.0, 0.0

    # run inference for a certain number of epochs
    for i in range(model.epoch, args.num_epochs):
        # if you want to limit the datasets' entry size
        sizes = { "train": 1000, "dev": 100 }

        # prepare data loaders
        datasets, data_loaders = dict(), dict()
        for mode in ["train", "dev"]:
            datasets[mode] = Aspire(mode=mode, data_size=sizes[mode])
            data_loaders[mode] = AudioDataLoader(datasets[mode], batch_size=args.batch_size,
                                                 num_workers=args.num_workers, shuffle=True,
                                                 use_cuda=args.use_cuda, pin_memory=True)
        # train an epoch
        model.train_epoch(data_loaders["train"])"epoch {model.epoch:03d}: "
                    f"training loss {model.meter_loss.value()[0]:5.3f} "
                    f"training accuracy {model.meter_accuracy.value()[0]:6.3f}")

        # validate
        model.test(data_loaders["dev"])"epoch {model.epoch:03d}: "
                    f"validating loss {model.meter_loss.value()[0]:5.3f} "
                    f"validating accuracy {model.meter_accuracy.value()[0]:6.3f}")

        # update the best validation accuracy and the corresponding
github jinserk / pytorch-asr / View on Github external
# randomly choose a number of data_size
        size = min(self.data_size, len(manifest))
        self.entries = random.sample(self.entries, size)
        if self.mode == "train_unsup":
            self.entry_frames = [_samples2frames(int(e[2])) for e in self.entries]
            self.entry_frames = [int(e[4]) for e in self.entries]"{len(self.entries)} entries, {sum(self.entry_frames)} frames are loaded.")

if __name__ == "__main__":
    if False:

    if True:
        train_dataset = Aspire(mode="test")
        loader = AudioDataLoader(train_dataset, batch_size=10, num_workers=4, shuffle=True)

        for i, data in enumerate(loader):
            tensors, targets = data
            #for tensors, targets in data:
            print(tensors, targets)
            if False:
                import matplotlib
                import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

                for tensor, target in zip(tensors, targets):
                    tensor = tensor.view(-1, p.CHANNEL, p.WIDTH, p.HEIGHT)
                    t = np.arange(0, tensor.size(3)) / 8000
github jinserk / pytorch-asr / asr / models / ssvae / View on Github external
def train_ssvae(args):
    if args.visualize:
        from plot import visualize_setup, plot_samples, plot_tsne

    # batch_size: number of images (and labels) to be considered in a batch
    ss_vae = SsVae(x_dim=p.NUM_PIXELS, y_dim=p.NUM_LABELS, **vars(args))

    # if you want to limit the datasets' entry size
    sizes = { "train_unsup": 200000, "train_sup": 1000, "dev": 1000 }

    # prepare data loaders
    datasets, data_loaders = dict(), dict()
    for mode in ["train_unsup", "train_sup", "dev"]:
        datasets[mode] = Aspire(mode=mode, data_size=sizes[mode])
        data_loaders[mode] = AudioDataLoader(datasets[mode], batch_size=args.batch_size,
                                             num_workers=args.num_workers, shuffle=True,
                                             use_cuda=args.use_cuda, pin_memory=True)

    # initializing local variables to maintain the best validation accuracy
    # seen across epochs over the supervised training set
    # and the corresponding testing set and the state of the networks
    best_valid_acc, corresponding_test_acc = 0.0, 0.0

    # run inference for a certain number of epochs
    for i in range(ss_vae.epoch, args.num_epochs):
        # get the losses for an epoch
        avg_losses_sup, avg_losses_unsup = ss_vae.train_epoch(data_loaders)
        # validate
        validation_accuracy = ss_vae.get_accuracy(data_loaders["dev"], desc="validating")
github jinserk / pytorch-asr / asr / models / ssvae / View on Github external
conv_am = ConvAM(x_dim=p.NUM_PIXELS, y_dim=p.NUM_LABELS, **vars(args))

    # initializing local variables to maintain the best validation accuracy
    # seen across epochs over the supervised training set
    # and the corresponding testing set and the state of the networks
    best_valid_acc, corresponding_test_acc = 0.0, 0.0

    # run inference for a certain number of epochs
    for i in range(conv_am.epoch, args.num_epochs):
        # if you want to limit the datasets' entry size
        sizes = { "train": 10000, "dev": 100 }

        # prepare data loaders
        datasets, data_loaders = dict(), dict()
        for mode in ["train", "dev"]:
            datasets[mode] = Aspire(mode=mode, data_size=sizes[mode])
            data_loaders[mode] = AudioDataLoader(datasets[mode], batch_size=args.batch_size,
                                                 num_workers=args.num_workers, shuffle=True,
                                                 use_cuda=args.use_cuda, pin_memory=True)
        # get the losses for an epoch
        avg_loss = conv_am.train_epoch(data_loaders["train"])
        # validate
        validation_accuracy = conv_am.get_accuracy(data_loaders["dev"], desc="validating")"epoch {conv_am.epoch:03d}: "
                    f"avg_loss {avg_loss:7.3f} "
                    f"val_accuracy {validation_accuracy:5.3f}")

        # update the best validation accuracy and the corresponding
        # testing accuracy and the state of the parent module (including the networks)
        if best_valid_acc < validation_accuracy:
            best_valid_acc = validation_accuracy


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