How to use the art.attacks.FastGradientMethod function in art

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few art examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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def test_fit_predict(self):
        (x_train, y_train), (x_test, y_test) = self.mnist

        attack = FastGradientMethod(self.classifier_k)
        x_test_adv = attack.generate(x_test)
        preds = np.argmax(self.classifier_k.predict(x_test_adv), axis=1)
        acc = np.sum(preds == np.argmax(y_test, axis=1)) / NB_TEST

        adv_trainer = AdversarialTrainer(self.classifier_k, attack), y_train, nb_epochs=5, batch_size=128)

        preds_new = np.argmax(adv_trainer.predict(x_test_adv), axis=1)
        acc_new = np.sum(preds_new == np.argmax(y_test, axis=1)) / NB_TEST
        self.assertGreaterEqual(acc_new, acc * ACCURACY_DROP)'Accuracy before adversarial training: %.2f%%', (acc * 100))'Accuracy after adversarial training: %.2f%%', (acc_new * 100))
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def test_two_attacks(self):
        (x_train, y_train), (x_test, y_test) = self.mnist

        attack1 = FastGradientMethod(self.classifier_k)
        attack2 = DeepFool(self.classifier_tf)
        x_test_adv = attack1.generate(x_test)
        preds = np.argmax(self.classifier_k.predict(x_test_adv), axis=1)
        acc = np.sum(preds == np.argmax(y_test, axis=1)) / NB_TEST

        adv_trainer = AdversarialTrainer(self.classifier_k, attacks=[attack1, attack2]), y_train, nb_epochs=5, batch_size=128)

        preds_new = np.argmax(adv_trainer.predict(x_test_adv), axis=1)
        acc_new = np.sum(preds_new == np.argmax(y_test, axis=1)) / NB_TEST
        # No reason to assert the newer accuracy is higher. It might go down slightly
        self.assertGreaterEqual(acc_new, acc * ACCURACY_DROP)'Accuracy before adversarial training: %.2f%%', (acc * 100))'\nAccuracy after adversarial training: %.2f%%', (acc_new * 100))
github IBM / adversarial-robustness-toolbox / tests / defences / View on Github external
def test_targeted_attack_error(self):
        Test the adversarial trainer using a targeted attack, which will currently result in a

        :return: None
        (x_train, y_train), (_, _) = self.mnist
        params = {'nb_epochs': 2, 'batch_size': BATCH_SIZE}

        classifier = self.classifier_k
        adv = FastGradientMethod(classifier, targeted=True)
        adv_trainer = AdversarialTrainer(classifier, attacks=adv)
        self.assertRaises(NotImplementedError,, x_train, y_train, **params)
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def test_iris_tf(self):
        classifier, _ = get_iris_classifier_tf()

        # Test untargeted attack
        attack = FastGradientMethod(classifier, eps=.1)
        x_test_adv = attack.generate(self.x_test)
        self.assertFalse((self.x_test == x_test_adv).all())
        self.assertLessEqual(np.amax(x_test_adv), 1.0)
        self.assertGreaterEqual(np.amin(x_test_adv), 0.0)

        predictions_adv = np.argmax(classifier.predict(x_test_adv), axis=1)
        self.assertFalse((np.argmax(self.y_test, axis=1) == predictions_adv).all())
        accuracy = np.sum(predictions_adv == np.argmax(self.y_test, axis=1)) / self.y_test.shape[0]'Accuracy on Iris with FGM adversarial examples: %.2f%%', (accuracy * 100))

        # Test targeted attack
        targets = random_targets(self.y_test, nb_classes=3)
        attack = FastGradientMethod(classifier, targeted=True, eps=.1, batch_size=128)
        x_test_adv = attack.generate(self.x_test, **{'y': targets})
        self.assertFalse((self.x_test == x_test_adv).all())
        self.assertLessEqual(np.amax(x_test_adv), 1.0)
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def test_iris_k_unbounded(self):
        classifier, _ = get_iris_classifier_kr()

        # Recreate a classifier without clip values
        classifier = KerasClassifier(model=classifier._model, use_logits=False, channel_index=1)
        attack = FastGradientMethod(classifier, eps=1)
        x_test_adv = attack.generate(self.x_test)
        self.assertFalse((self.x_test == x_test_adv).all())
        self.assertTrue((x_test_adv > 1).any())
        self.assertTrue((x_test_adv < 0).any())

        predictions_adv = np.argmax(classifier.predict(x_test_adv), axis=1)
        self.assertFalse((np.argmax(self.y_test, axis=1) == predictions_adv).all())
        accuracy = np.sum(predictions_adv == np.argmax(self.y_test, axis=1)) / self.y_test.shape[0]'Accuracy on Iris with FGM adversarial examples: %.2f%%', (accuracy * 100))
github IBM / adversarial-robustness-toolbox / tests / attacks / View on Github external
def test_classifier_type_check_fail_gradients(self):
        # Use a test classifier not providing gradients required by white-box attack
        from art.classifiers.scikitlearn import ScikitlearnDecisionTreeClassifier
        from sklearn.tree import DecisionTreeClassifier

        classifier = ScikitlearnDecisionTreeClassifier(model=DecisionTreeClassifier())
        with self.assertRaises(TypeError) as context:
            _ = FastGradientMethod(classifier=classifier)

        self.assertIn('For `FastGradientMethod` classifier must be an instance of '
                      '`art.classifiers.classifier.ClassifierGradients`, the provided classifier is instance of '
                      '(,).', str(context.exception))
github IBM / adversarial-robustness-toolbox / tests / detection / View on Github external
def test_binary_activation_detector(self):
        Test the binary activation detector end-to-end.
        # Get MNIST
        (x_train, y_train), (x_test, y_test), _, _ = load_mnist()
        x_train, y_train = x_train[:NB_TRAIN], y_train[:NB_TRAIN]
        x_test, y_test = x_test[:NB_TEST], y_test[:NB_TEST]

        # Keras classifier
        classifier = get_classifier_kr()

        # Generate adversarial samples:
        attacker = FastGradientMethod(classifier, eps=0.1)
        x_train_adv = attacker.generate(x_train[:NB_TRAIN])
        x_test_adv = attacker.generate(x_test[:NB_TRAIN])

        # Compile training data for detector:
        x_train_detector = np.concatenate((x_train[:NB_TRAIN], x_train_adv), axis=0)
        y_train_detector = np.concatenate((np.array([[1, 0]] * NB_TRAIN), np.array([[0, 1]] * NB_TRAIN)), axis=0)

        # Create a simple CNN for the detector
        activation_shape = classifier.get_activations(x_test[:1], 0, batch_size=128).shape[1:]
        number_outputs = 2
        model = Sequential()
        model.add(MaxPooling2D(pool_size=(2, 2), input_shape=activation_shape))
        model.add(Dense(number_outputs, activation='softmax'))
        model.compile(loss=keras.losses.categorical_crossentropy, optimizer=keras.optimizers.Adam(lr=0.01),
github IBM / adversarial-robustness-toolbox / examples / View on Github external
model.add(Dense(10, activation='softmax'))

model.compile(loss='categorical_crossentropy', optimizer='adam', metrics=['accuracy'])

classifier = KerasClassifier(model=model, clip_values=(min_, max_)), y_train, nb_epochs=5, batch_size=128)

# Evaluate the classifier on the test set
preds = np.argmax(classifier.predict(x_test), axis=1)
acc = np.sum(preds == np.argmax(y_test, axis=1)) / y_test.shape[0]
print("\nTest accuracy: %.2f%%" % (acc * 100))

# Craft adversarial samples with FGSM
epsilon = .1  # Maximum perturbation
adv_crafter = FastGradientMethod(classifier, eps=epsilon)
x_test_adv = adv_crafter.generate(x=x_test)

# Evaluate the classifier on the adversarial examples
preds = np.argmax(classifier.predict(x_test_adv), axis=1)
acc = np.sum(preds == np.argmax(y_test, axis=1)) / y_test.shape[0]
print("\nTest accuracy on adversarial sample: %.2f%%" % (acc * 100))
github IBM / adversarial-robustness-toolbox / examples / View on Github external
classifier = TFClassifier(clip_values=(min_pixel_value, max_pixel_value), input_ph=input_ph, output=logits,
                          labels_ph=labels_ph, train=train, loss=loss, learning=None, sess=sess)

# Step 4: Train the ART classifier, y_train, batch_size=64, nb_epochs=3)

# Step 5: Evaluate the ART classifier on benign test examples

predictions = classifier.predict(x_test)
accuracy = np.sum(np.argmax(predictions, axis=1) == np.argmax(y_test, axis=1)) / len(y_test)
print('Accuracy on benign test examples: {}%'.format(accuracy * 100))

# Step 6: Generate adversarial test examples
attack = FastGradientMethod(classifier=classifier, eps=0.2)
x_test_adv = attack.generate(x=x_test)

# Step 7: Evaluate the ART classifier on adversarial test examples

predictions = classifier.predict(x_test_adv)
accuracy = np.sum(np.argmax(predictions, axis=1) == np.argmax(y_test, axis=1)) / len(y_test)
print('Accuracy on adversarial test examples: {}%'.format(accuracy * 100))
github IBM / adversarial-robustness-toolbox / examples / View on Github external
classifier = MXClassifier(model=model, clip_values=(min_pixel_value, max_pixel_value), loss=loss,
                          input_shape=(28, 28, 1), nb_classes=10, optimizer=trainer, ctx=None, channel_index=1,
                          defences=None, preprocessing=(0, 1))

# Step 4: Train the ART classifier, y_train, batch_size=64, nb_epochs=3)

# Step 5: Evaluate the ART classifier on benign test examples

predictions = classifier.predict(x_test)
accuracy = np.sum(np.argmax(predictions, axis=1) == np.argmax(y_test, axis=1)) / len(y_test)
print('Accuracy on benign test examples: {}%'.format(accuracy * 100))

# Step 6: Generate adversarial test examples
attack = FastGradientMethod(classifier=classifier, eps=0.2)
x_test_adv = attack.generate(x=x_test)

# Step 7: Evaluate the ART classifier on adversarial test examples

predictions = classifier.predict(x_test_adv)
accuracy = np.sum(np.argmax(predictions, axis=1) == np.argmax(y_test, axis=1)) / len(y_test)
print('Accuracy on adversarial test examples: {}%'.format(accuracy * 100))