How to use the aiocache.base.API function in aiocache

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few aiocache examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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github argaen / aiocache / tests / ut / View on Github external
        async def dummy(self):
            await asyncio.sleep(0.005)
            return True
github argaen / aiocache / tests / ut / View on Github external
        async def dummy(*args, **kwargs):
            return True
github argaen / aiocache / tests / ut / View on Github external
        async def dummy(self, *args, **kwargs):
            return True
github argaen / aiocache / tests / ut / View on Github external
def test_register(self):
        def dummy():

        assert dummy in API.CMDS
github argaen / aiocache / aiocache / View on Github external
class BasePlugin:
    def add_hook(cls, func, hooks):
        for hook in hooks:
            setattr(cls, hook, func)

    async def do_nothing(self, *args, **kwargs):

    BasePlugin.do_nothing, ["pre_{}".format(method.__name__) for method in API.CMDS]
    BasePlugin.do_nothing, ["post_{}".format(method.__name__) for method in API.CMDS]

class TimingPlugin(BasePlugin):
    Calculates average, min and max times each command takes. The data is saved
    in the cache class as a dict attribute called ``profiling``. For example, to
    access the average time of the operation get, you can do ``cache.profiling['get_avg']``

    def save_time(cls, method):
        async def do_save_time(self, client, *args, took=0, **kwargs):
            if not hasattr(client, "profiling"):
                client.profiling = {}
github argaen / aiocache / aiocache / View on Github external
from aiocache.base import API

class BasePlugin:
    def add_hook(cls, func, hooks):
        for hook in hooks:
            setattr(cls, hook, func)

    async def do_nothing(self, *args, **kwargs):

    BasePlugin.do_nothing, ["pre_{}".format(method.__name__) for method in API.CMDS]
    BasePlugin.do_nothing, ["post_{}".format(method.__name__) for method in API.CMDS]

class TimingPlugin(BasePlugin):
    Calculates average, min and max times each command takes. The data is saved
    in the cache class as a dict attribute called ``profiling``. For example, to
    access the average time of the operation get, you can do ``cache.profiling['get_avg']``

    def save_time(cls, method):
        async def do_save_time(self, client, *args, took=0, **kwargs):
github argaen / aiocache / aiocache / View on Github external
    async def increment(self, key, delta=1, namespace=None, _conn=None):
        Increments value stored in key by delta (can be negative). If key doesn't
        exist, it creates the key with delta as value.

        :param key: str key to check
        :param delta: int amount to increment/decrement
        :param namespace: str alternative namespace to use
        :param timeout: int or float in seconds specifying maximum timeout
            for the operations to last
        :returns: Value of the key once incremented. -1 if key is not found.
        :raises: :class:`asyncio.TimeoutError` if it lasts more than self.timeout
        :raises: :class:`TypeError` if value is not incrementable
github argaen / aiocache / aiocache / View on Github external
    async def multi_get(self, keys, loads_fn=None, namespace=None, _conn=None):
        Get multiple values from the cache, values not found are Nones.

        :param keys: list of str
        :param loads_fn: callable alternative to use as loads function
        :param namespace: str alternative namespace to use
        :param timeout: int or float in seconds specifying maximum timeout
            for the operations to last
        :returns: list of objs
        :raises: :class:`asyncio.TimeoutError` if it lasts more than self.timeout
        start = time.monotonic()
        loads = loads_fn or self._serializer.loads
github argaen / aiocache / aiocache / View on Github external
def register(cls, func):
        return func
github argaen / aiocache / aiocache / View on Github external
    async def raw(self, command, *args, _conn=None, **kwargs):
        Send the raw command to the underlying client. Note that by using this CMD you
        will lose compatibility with other backends.

        Due to limitations with aiomcache client, args have to be provided as bytes.
        For rest of backends, str.

        :param command: str with the command.
        :param timeout: int or float in seconds specifying maximum timeout
            for the operations to last
        :returns: whatever the underlying client returns
        :raises: :class:`asyncio.TimeoutError` if it lasts more than self.timeout
        start = time.monotonic()