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def SF_gate_reference(sf_op, wires, *args):
"""SF reference circuit for gate tests"""
eng = sf.Engine("gaussian")
prog = sf.Program(2)
with prog.context as q:
sf.ops.S2gate(0.1) | q
sf_op(*args) | [q[i] for i in wires]
state =
return state.mean_photon(0)[0], state.mean_photon(1)[0]
def SF_expectation_reference(sf_expectation, wires, num_wires, *args):
"""SF reference circuit for expectation tests"""
eng = sf.Engine("gaussian")
# Allows returning the variance of tensor number for 3 modes
prog = sf.Program(num_wires)
with prog.context as q:
sf.ops.Dgate(0.1) | q[0]
sf.ops.S2gate(0.1) | (q[0], q[1])
state =
return sf_expectation(state, wires, args)[0]
def build_circuit(self):
params_counter = 0
sgates = []
dgates = []
kgates = []
for gate_structure in self.gates_structure:
if gate_structure[0] is Sgate:
sgates.append(ParametrizedGate(gate_structure[0], gate_structure[1], [make_param(**gate_structure[2]), make_param(**gate_structure[3])]))
if gate_structure[0] is Dgate:
dgates.append(ParametrizedGate(gate_structure[0], gate_structure[1], [make_param(**gate_structure[2]), make_param(**gate_structure[3])]))
if gate_structure[0] is Kgate:
kgates.append(ParametrizedGate(gate_structure[0], gate_structure[1], [make_param(**gate_structure[2])]))
eng, q = sf.Engine(self.n_qumodes)
rl, U = takagi(self.adj_matrix)
initial_squeezings = np.tanh(rl)
with eng:
for i ,squeeze_value in enumerate(initial_squeezings):
Sgate(squeeze_value) | i
Interferometer(U) | q
for gate in sgates:
gate.gate(gate.params[0], gate.params[1]) | gate.qumodes
Interferometer(self.interferometer_matrix) | q
for gate in dgates:
current_layer = int(gate_structure[2]['name'].split('_')[-1][0])
if gate_structure[0] is Sgate:
current_gate = ParametrizedGate(gate_structure[0], gate_structure[1], [make_param(**gate_structure[2]), make_param(**gate_structure[3])])
if gate_structure[0] is Dgate:
current_gate = ParametrizedGate(gate_structure[0], gate_structure[1], [make_param(**gate_structure[2]), make_param(**gate_structure[3])])
if gate_structure[0] is Kgate:
current_gate = ParametrizedGate(gate_structure[0], gate_structure[1], [make_param(**gate_structure[2])])
if gate_structure[0] is Vgate:
current_gate = ParametrizedGate(gate_structure[0], gate_structure[1], [make_param(**gate_structure[2])])
eng, q = sf.Engine(self.n_qumodes)
rl, U = takagi(adj_matrix)
initial_squeezings = np.arctanh(rl)
with eng:
for i ,squeeze_value in enumerate(initial_squeezings):
Sgate(squeeze_value) | i
Interferometer(U) | q
for layer in range(number_of_layers):
sgates = all_sgates[layer]
dgates = all_dgates[layer]
kgates = all_kgates[layer]
vgates = all_vgates[layer]
if len(sgates) != 0:
Interferometer(self.interferometer_matrix) | q
def build_circuit(self):
params_counter = 0
sgates = []
dgates = []
kgates = []
for gate_structure in self.gates_structure:
if gate_structure[0] is Sgate:
sgates.append(ParametrizedGate(gate_structure[0], gate_structure[1], [make_param(**gate_structure[2]), make_param(**gate_structure[3])]))
if gate_structure[0] is Dgate:
dgates.append(ParametrizedGate(gate_structure[0], gate_structure[1], [make_param(**gate_structure[2]), make_param(**gate_structure[3])]))
if gate_structure[0] is Kgate:
kgates.append(ParametrizedGate(gate_structure[0], gate_structure[1], [make_param(**gate_structure[2])]))
eng, q = sf.Engine(self.n_qumodes)
rl, U = takagi(self.adj_matrix)
initial_squeezings = np.arctanh(rl)
with eng:
for i ,squeeze_value in enumerate(initial_squeezings):
Sgate(squeeze_value) | i
Interferometer(U) | q
for gate in sgates:
gate.gate(gate.params[0], gate.params[1]) | gate.qumodes
Interferometer(self.interferometer_matrix) | q
for gate in dgates:
# displacement magnitudes (assume displacement is real for now)
d_r = params[6:9]
# beamsplitter theta
bs_theta1, bs_theta2, bs_theta3 = params[9:12]
# beamsplitter phi
bs_phi1, bs_phi2, bs_phi3 = params[12:]
# quantum circuit prior to entering the beamsplitter
prog = sf.Program(3)
with prog.context as q:
for k in range(3):
Sgate(sq_r[k], sq_phi[k]) | q[k]
Dgate(d_r[k]) | q[k]
eng = sf.Engine("fock", backend_options={"cutoff_dim": cutoff})
stateIn =
normIn = np.abs(stateIn.trace())
# norm of output state and probability
prog_BS = sf.Program(3)
with prog_BS.context as q:
BSgate(bs_theta1, bs_phi1) | (q[0], q[1])
BSgate(bs_theta2, bs_phi2) | (q[1], q[2])
BSgate(bs_theta3, bs_phi3) | (q[0], q[1])
stateOut =
normOut = np.abs(stateOut.trace())
rho =
# probability of meausring m1 and m2
prob = np.abs(np.trace(rho[m1, m1, m2, m2]))
phi = make_param(name='phi', stdev=0.2, shape=[depth], regularize=False)
theta = make_param(name='theta', stdev=0.2, shape=[depth], regularize=False)
a = make_param(name='a', stdev=0.2, shape=[depth], regularize=True, monitor=True)
rtheta = make_param(name='rtheta', stdev=0.2, shape=[depth], regularize=False, monitor=True)
r = make_param(name='r', stdev=0.2, shape=[depth], regularize=True, monitor=True)
kappa = make_param(name='kappa', stdev=0.2, shape=[depth], regularize=True, monitor=True)
# Define a single layer of gates
def layer(l):
BSgate(phi[l], theta[l]) | (q[0], q[1])
Dgate(a[l]) | q[0]
Rgate(rtheta[l]) | q[0]
Sgate(r[l]) | q[0]
Kgate(kappa[l]) | q[0]
eng, q = sf.Engine(2)
with eng:
# Make depth layers
for d in range(depth):
state ='tf', cutoff_dim=7, eval=False)
circuit_output = state.all_fock_probs()
return circuit_output
#!/usr/bin/env python3
import strawberryfields as sf
from strawberryfields.ops import *
from numpy import pi
# initialize engine and program objects
eng = sf.Engine(backend="fock", backend_options={"cutoff_dim": 5})
ham_simulation = sf.Program(2)
# set the Hamiltonian parameters
J = 1 # hopping transition
U = 1.5 # on-site interaction
k = 20 # Lie product decomposition terms
t = 1.086 # timestep
theta = -J*t/k
r = -U*t/(2*k)
with ham_simulation.context as q:
# prepare the initial state
Fock(2) | q[0]
# Two node tight-binding
# Hamiltonian simulation