How to use the splipy.BSplineBasis function in Splipy

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def read_basis(self):
        ncps, order = map(int, next(self.fstream).split())
        kts = list(map(float, next(self.fstream).split()))
        return BSplineBasis(order, kts, -1)
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a = 1.0/2/sqrt(2)
        b = 1.0/6 * (4*sqrt(2)-1)
        controlpoints = [[ 1,-a, 1],
                         [ 1, a, 1],
                         [ b, b, w],
                         [ a, 1, 1],
                         [-a, 1, 1],
                         [-b, b, w],
                         [-1, a, 1],
                         [-1,-a, 1],
                         [-b,-b, w],
                         [-a,-1, 1],
                         [ a,-1, 1],
                         [ b,-b, w]]
        knot = np.array([ -1, -1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 3, 3, 3, 4, 4, 4, 5, 5]) / 4.0 * 2 * pi
        result = Curve(BSplineBasis(5, knot, 1), controlpoints, True)
        raise ValueError('Unkown type: %s' %(type))

    result *= r
    result.rotate(rotate_local_x_axis(xaxis, normal))
    return flip_and_move_plane_geometry(result, center, normal)
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:param (int) p: Tuple of polynomial discretization order in each direction
        :param (int) n: Tuple of number of control points in each direction
        :return: A new approximate surface
        :rtype: Surface
        p = ensure_listlike(p, dups=2)
        n = ensure_listlike(n, dups=2)

        old_basis = self.bases
        basis = []
        u = []
        N = []
        # establish uniform open knot vectors
        for i in range(2):
            knot = [0] * p[i] + list(range(1, n[i] - p[i] + 1)) + [n[i] - p[i] + 1] * p[i]
            basis.append(BSplineBasis(p[i], knot))

            # make these span the same parametric domain as the old ones
            t0 = old_basis[i].start()
            t1 = old_basis[i].end()
            basis[i] *= (t1 - t0)
            basis[i] += t0

            # fetch evaluation points and evaluate basis functions

        # find interpolation points as evaluation of existing surface
        x = self.evaluate(u[0], u[1])

        # solve interpolation problem
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def get_cm1_mesh(self):
        # Create the C^{-1} mesh
        nx, ny, nz = self.n
        Xm1 = self.raw.get_discontinuous_all()
        b1 = BSplineBasis(2, sorted(list(range(self.n[0]+1))*2))
        b2 = BSplineBasis(2, sorted(list(range(self.n[1]+1))*2))
        b3 = BSplineBasis(2, sorted(list(range(self.n[2]+1))*2))
        discont_vol = Volume(b1, b2, b3, Xm1)
        return discont_vol
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knot += [knot[0], knot[-1]]
                for cp in np_pts:
                    startpoint = controlpoints[-1]
                    controlpoints.append(np.array([0, cp]) + startpoint)
                curve_piece = Curve(BSplineBasis(2, knot), controlpoints)
            elif piece[0] == 'V':
                # vertical piece, absolute position
                np_pts = np.array(points).astype('float')
                controlpoints = [startpoint]
                knot = list(range(len(np_pts)+1))
                knot += [knot[0], knot[-1]]
                for cp in np_pts:
                    controlpoints.append([startpoint[0], cp])
                curve_piece = Curve(BSplineBasis(2, knot), controlpoints)
            elif piece[0] == 'A' or piece[0] == 'a':
                np_pts = np.reshape(np.array(points).astype('float'), (int(len(points))))
                rx              = float(points[0])
                ry              = float(points[1])
                x_axis_rotation = float(points[2])
                large_arc_flag  = (points[3] != '0')
                sweep_flag      = (points[4] != '0')
                xend            = np.array([float(points[5]), float(points[6]) ])
                if piece[0] == 'a':
                    xend += startpoint

                R = np.array([[ np.cos(x_axis_rotation), np.sin(x_axis_rotation)],
                              [-np.sin(x_axis_rotation), np.cos(x_axis_rotation)]])
                xp = np.linalg.solve(R, (startpoint - xend)/2)
                if sweep_flag == large_arc_flag:
                    cprime = -(np.sqrt(abs(rx**2*ry**2 - rx**2*xp[1]**2 - ry**2*xp[0]**2) /
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# figure out how many new knots we require in this knot interval:
            # if we converge with *scale* and want an error of *target_error*
            # |e|^2 * (1/n)^scale = target_error^2

            conv_order = 4                   # cubic interpolateion is order=4
            square_conv_order = 2*conv_order # we are computing with square of error
            scale = square_conv_order + 4    # don't want to converge too quickly in case of highly non-uniform mesh refinement is required
            n = int(np.ceil(np.exp((np.log(err2[i]) - np.log(target_error))/scale)))

            # add *n* new interior knots to this knot span
            new_knots = np.linspace(knot_span[i], knot_span[i+1], n+1)
            knot_vector = knot_vector + list(new_knots[1:-1])

        # build new refined knot vector
        b = BSplineBasis(4, knot_vector)
        # do interpolation and return result
        t = np.array(b.greville())
        crv = interpolate(x(t), b, t)
        (err2, maxerr) = crv.error(x)
        length = crv.length()

    return crv
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controlpoints.append(2*x0 -xn1)
                for i,cp in enumerate(np_pts):
                    if i % 2 == 0 and i>0:
                        controlpoints.append(2*controlpoints[-1] - controlpoints[-2])
                curve_piece = Curve(BSplineBasis(4, knot), controlpoints)
            elif piece[0] == 'q':
                # quadratic spline, relatively positioned
                controlpoints = [startpoint]
                knot = list(range(int(len(np_pts)/2)+1)) * 2
                knot += [knot[0], knot[-1]]
                for cp in np_pts:
                    startpoint = controlpoints[int((len(controlpoints)-1)/2)*2]
                    controlpoints.append(cp + startpoint)
                curve_piece = Curve(BSplineBasis(3, knot), controlpoints)
            elif piece[0] == 'Q':
                # quadratic spline, absolute position
                controlpoints = [startpoint]
                knot = list(range(len(np_pts)/2+1)) * 2
                knot += [knot[0], knot[-1]]
                for cp in np_pts:
                curve_piece = Curve(BSplineBasis(3, knot), controlpoints)
            elif piece[0] == 'l':
                # linear spline, relatively positioned
                controlpoints = [startpoint]
                knot = list(range(len(np_pts)+1))
                knot += [knot[0], knot[-1]]
                for cp in np_pts:
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"""  Create a solid sphere

    :param float r: Radius
    :param array-like center: Local origin of the sphere
    :param string type: The type of parametrization ('radial' or 'square')
    :return: A solid ball
    :rtype: Volume
    if type == 'radial':
        shell    = SurfaceFactory.sphere(r, center)
        midpoint = shell*0 + center
        return edge_surfaces(shell, midpoint)
    elif type == 'square':
        # based on the work of James E.Cobb: "Tiling the Sphere with Rational Bezier Patches"
        # University of Utah, July 11, 1988. UUCS-88-009
        b = BSplineBasis(order=5)
        sr2 = sqrt(2)
        sr3 = sqrt(3)
        sr6 = sqrt(6)
        cp = [[      -4*(sr3-1),       4*(1-sr3),      4*(1-sr3),   4*(3-sr3)  ], # row 0
              [           -sr2 ,     sr2*(sr3-4),    sr2*(sr3-4), sr2*(3*sr3-2)],
              [              0 ,  4./3*(1-2*sr3), 4./3*(1-2*sr3),4./3*(5-sr3)  ],
              [            sr2 ,     sr2*(sr3-4),    sr2*(sr3-4), sr2*(3*sr3-2)],
              [       4*(sr3-1),       4*(1-sr3),      4*(1-sr3),   4*(3-sr3)  ],
              [    -sr2*(4-sr3),            -sr2,    sr2*(sr3-4), sr2*(3*sr3-2)], # row 1
              [    -(3*sr3-2)/2,     (2-3*sr3)/2,     -(sr3+6)/2,     (sr3+6)/2],
              [              0 , sr2*(2*sr3-7)/3,       -5*sr6/3, sr2*(sr3+6)/3],
              [     (3*sr3-2)/2,     (2-3*sr3)/2,     -(sr3+6)/2,     (sr3+6)/2],
              [     sr2*(4-sr3),            -sr2,    sr2*(sr3-4), sr2*(3*sr3-2)],
              [ -4./3*(2*sr3-1),               0, 4./3*(1-2*sr3),   4*(5-sr3)/3], # row 2
              [-sr2/3*(7-2*sr3),               0,       -5*sr6/3, sr2*(sr3+6)/3],
              [              0 ,               0,    4*(sr3-5)/3, 4*(5*sr3-1)/9],
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:rtype: Surface
    :raises ValueError: If the length of *curves* is not two or four
    type = kwargs.get('type', 'coons')
    if len(curves) == 1: # probably gives input as a list-like single variable
        curves = curves[0]
    if len(curves) == 2:
        crv1 = curves[0].clone()
        crv2 = curves[1].clone()
        Curve.make_splines_identical(crv1, crv2)
        (n, d) = crv1.controlpoints.shape  # d = dimension + rational

        controlpoints = np.zeros((2 * n, d))
        controlpoints[:n, :] = crv1.controlpoints
        controlpoints[n:, :] = crv2.controlpoints
        linear = BSplineBasis(2)

        return Surface(crv1.bases[0], linear, controlpoints, crv1.rational)
    elif len(curves) == 4:
        # reorganize input curves so they form a directed loop around surface
        rtol = state.controlpoint_relative_tolerance
        atol = state.controlpoint_absolute_tolerance
        mycurves = [c.clone() for c in curves] # wrap into list and clone all since we're changing them
        dim = np.max([c.dimension for c in mycurves])
        rat = np.any([c.rational  for c in mycurves])
        for i in range(4):
            for j in range(i+1,4):
                Curve.make_splines_compatible(mycurves[i], mycurves[j])

        if not (np.allclose(mycurves[0][-1], mycurves[1][0], rtol=rtol, atol=atol) and
                np.allclose(mycurves[1][-1], mycurves[2][0], rtol=rtol, atol=atol) and
                np.allclose(mycurves[2][-1], mycurves[3][0], rtol=rtol, atol=atol) and