How to use the qtawesome.__file__ function in QtAwesome

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few QtAwesome examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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github UAVCAN / gui_tool / View on Github external
            'include_msvcr': True,
            'include_files': [
                # cx_Freeze doesn't respect the DSDL definition files that are embedded into the package,
                # so we need to include the Pyuavcan package as data in order to work-around this problem.
                # Despite the fact that Pyuavcan is included as data, we still need cx_Freeze to analyze its
                # dependencies, so we don't exclude it explicitly.
                os.path.join(unpacked_eggs_dir, 'uavcan'),
                # Same thing goes with the main package - we want its directory structure untouched, so we include
                # it as data, too.
                # These packages don't work properly when packed in .zip, so here we have another bunch of ugly hacks
                os.path.join(unpacked_eggs_dir, os.path.dirname(PyQt5.__file__)),
                os.path.join(unpacked_eggs_dir, os.path.dirname(qtawesome.__file__)),
                os.path.join(unpacked_eggs_dir, os.path.dirname(qtconsole.__file__)),
                os.path.join(unpacked_eggs_dir, os.path.dirname(zmq.__file__)),
                os.path.join(unpacked_eggs_dir, os.path.dirname(pygments.__file__)),
                os.path.join(unpacked_eggs_dir, os.path.dirname(IPython.__file__)),
                os.path.join(unpacked_eggs_dir, os.path.dirname(ipykernel.__file__)),
                os.path.join(unpacked_eggs_dir, os.path.dirname(jupyter_client.__file__)),
                os.path.join(unpacked_eggs_dir, os.path.dirname(traitlets.__file__)),
                os.path.join(unpacked_eggs_dir, os.path.dirname(numpy.__file__)),
            ] + missing_dlls,
        'bdist_msi': {
            'initial_target_dir': '[ProgramFilesFolder]\\UAVCAN\\' + HUMAN_FRIENDLY_NAME,
    args['executables'] = [
        cx_Freeze.Executable(os.path.join('bin', PACKAGE_NAME),