How to use the pycbc.types.Array function in PyCBC

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few PyCBC examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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github gwastro / pycbc / test / View on Github external
def test_rev_complex_arr(self):
        for rev_dtype in [complex64,complex128]:
            # Don't do separate even/odd tests for complex
            inarr = ar(self.in_c2c_rev,dtype=rev_dtype)
            outexp = ar(self.out_c2c_rev,dtype=rev_dtype)
            # Random---we don't do that in 'reverse' tests, since both
            # directions are already tested in forward, and if we just passed
            # in arrays in the other order we'd only get exceptions
            # Check that exceptions are raised.  Need input and
            # output arrays; just reuse inarr and outexp (values won't
            # matter, we're just checking exceptions).
github gwastro / pycbc / test / View on Github external
def ourcopy(other):
    A convenience function to return an exact copy of a pycbc.type instance.
    if not isinstance(other,pycbc.types.Array):
        raise TypeError("ourcopy() can only be used to duplicate PyCBC types")
    if isinstance(other,pycbc.types.TimeSeries):
        return pycbc.types.TimeSeries(initial_array=other._data,dtype=other.dtype,
    if isinstance(other,pycbc.types.FrequencySeries):
        return pycbc.types.FrequencySeries(initial_array=other._data,dtype=other.dtype,
    if isinstance(other,pycbc.types.Array):
        return pycbc.types.Array(initial_array=other._data,dtype=other.dtype,copy=True)
github gwastro / pycbc / test / View on Github external
self.alist = [5+1j,3+3j,1+5j]
        if self.okind == 'real':
            self.b = self.type([10,8,6],dtype=self.odtype,**self.kwds)
            self.blist = [10,8,6]
            self.b = self.type([10+6j,8+4j,6+2j],dtype=self.odtype,**self.kwds)
            self.blist = [10+6j,8+4j,6+2j]
        # And the scalar to test on
        if self.okind == 'real':
            self.scalar = 5
            self.scalar = 5+2j

        # The weights used in the weighted inner product test are always an Array,
        # regardless of the types whose inner product is being tested.
        self.w = Array([1, 2, 1],dtype=self.dtype)

        # All the answers are stored here to make it easier to read in the actual tests.
        # Again, it makes a difference whether they are complex or real valued, so there
        # are four sets of possible answers, depending on the dtypes.
        if self.kind == 'real' and self.okind == 'real':

            self.mul = self.type([50, 24, 6],dtype=self.result_dtype,**self.kwds)
            self.mul_s = self.type([25, 15, 5],dtype=self.result_dtype,**self.kwds)

            self.add = self.type([15, 11, 7],dtype=self.result_dtype,**self.kwds)
            self.add_s = self.type([10, 8, 6],dtype=self.result_dtype,**self.kwds)

            #self.div = [.5, 3./8., 1./6.]
            self.div = self.type([.5, 0.375, .16666666666666666667],dtype=self.result_dtype,**self.kwds)
            #self.div_s = [1., 3./5., 1./5.]
github gwastro / pycbc / test / View on Github external
def test_fwd_real_arr(self):
        for fwd_dtype in [float32,float64]:
            # Even input
            inarr = ar(self.in_r2c_e,dtype=fwd_dtype)
            outexp = ar(self.out_r2c_e,dtype=_other_kind[fwd_dtype])
            # Odd input
            inarr = ar(self.in_r2c_o,dtype=fwd_dtype)
            outexp = ar(self.out_r2c_o,dtype=_other_kind[fwd_dtype])
            # Random
            rand_inarr = ar(zeros(self.rand_len_r,dtype=fwd_dtype))
            rand_outarr = ar(zeros(self.rand_len_c,dtype=_other_kind[fwd_dtype]))
            # Clean these up since they could be big:
            del rand_inarr
            del rand_outarr
            # Check that exceptions are raised.  Need input and
            # output arrays; just reuse inarr and outexp (values won't
            # matter, we're just checking exceptions).
github gwastro / pycbc / pycbc / strain / View on Github external
    # don't waste time trying to optimize a single FFT

    if high_freq_cutoff:
        strain = resample_to_delta_t(strain, 0.5 / high_freq_cutoff,
        strain = strain.copy()

    # taper strain
    corrupt_length = int(corrupt_time * strain.sample_rate)
    w = numpy.arange(corrupt_length) / float(corrupt_length)
    strain[0:corrupt_length] *= pycbc.types.Array(w, dtype=strain.dtype)
    strain[(len(strain) - corrupt_length):] *= \
        pycbc.types.Array(w[::-1], dtype=strain.dtype)

    if output_intermediates:

    # zero-pad strain to a power-of-2 length
    strain_pad_length = next_power_of_2(len(strain))
    pad_start = int(strain_pad_length / 2 - len(strain) / 2)
    pad_end = pad_start + len(strain)
    pad_epoch = strain.start_time - pad_start / float(strain.sample_rate)
    strain_pad = pycbc.types.TimeSeries(
            pycbc.types.zeros(strain_pad_length, dtype=strain.dtype),
            delta_t=strain.delta_t, copy=False, epoch=pad_epoch)
    strain_pad[pad_start:pad_end] = strain[:]

    # estimate the PSD
    psd = pycbc.psd.welch(strain[corrupt_length:(len(strain)-corrupt_length)],
github gwastro / pycbc / pycbc / strain / View on Github external
output_intermediates : {bool, False}
        Save intermediate time series for debugging.
    # don't waste time trying to optimize a single FFT

    if high_freq_cutoff:
        strain = resample_to_delta_t(strain, 0.5 / high_freq_cutoff,
        strain = strain.copy()

    # taper strain
    corrupt_length = int(corrupt_time * strain.sample_rate)
    w = numpy.arange(corrupt_length) / float(corrupt_length)
    strain[0:corrupt_length] *= pycbc.types.Array(w, dtype=strain.dtype)
    strain[(len(strain) - corrupt_length):] *= \
        pycbc.types.Array(w[::-1], dtype=strain.dtype)

    if output_intermediates:

    # zero-pad strain to a power-of-2 length
    strain_pad_length = next_power_of_2(len(strain))
    pad_start = int(strain_pad_length / 2 - len(strain) / 2)
    pad_end = pad_start + len(strain)
    pad_epoch = strain.start_time - pad_start / float(strain.sample_rate)
    strain_pad = pycbc.types.TimeSeries(
            pycbc.types.zeros(strain_pad_length, dtype=strain.dtype),
            delta_t=strain.delta_t, copy=False, epoch=pad_epoch)
    strain_pad[pad_start:pad_end] = strain[:]
github gwastro / pycbc / pycbc / waveform / View on Github external
The beta parameter to use for the Kaiser window. See
        ``scipy.signal.kaiser`` for details. Default is 8.
    side : {'left', 'right'}
        The side to apply the taper to. If ``'left'`` (``'right'``), the taper
        will roll up (down) between ``start`` and ``end``, with all values
        before ``start`` (after ``end``) set to zero. Default is ``'left'``.

        The tapered frequency series.
    out = out.copy()
    width = end - start
    winlen = 2 * int(width / out.delta_f)
    window = Array(signal.get_window(('kaiser', beta), winlen))
    kmin = int(start / out.delta_f)
    kmax = kmin + winlen//2
    if side == 'left':
        out[kmin:kmax] *= window[:winlen//2]
        out[:kmin] *= 0.
    elif side == 'right':
        out[kmin:kmax] *= window[winlen//2:]
        out[kmax:] *= 0.
        raise ValueError("unrecognized side argument {}".format(side))
    return out
github gwastro / pycbc / pycbc / fft / View on Github external
def _check_fft_args(invec, outvec):
    if not isinstance(invec,_Array):
        raise TypeError("Input is not a PyCBC Array")
    if not isinstance(outvec,_Array):
        raise TypeError("Output is not a PyCBC Array")

    if isinstance(invec,_TimeSeries) and not isinstance(
        raise TypeError(
            "When input is TimeSeries output must be FrequencySeries")
    if isinstance(outvec,_TimeSeries) and not isinstance(
        raise TypeError(
            "When output is TimeSeries input must be FrequencySeries")
    if isinstance(invec,_FrequencySeries) and not isinstance(
        raise TypeError(
            "When input is FrequencySeries output must be TimeSeries")
github gwastro / pycbc / pycbc / vetoes / View on Github external
bank_match = tmplt_bank_matches[i]
        if (abs(bank_match) > 0.99):
            # Not much point calculating bank_chisquared if the bank template
            # is very close to the filter template. Can also hit numerical
            # error due to approximations made in this calculation.
            # The value of 2 is the expected addition to the chisq for this
            # template
            bank_chisq += 2.
        bank_norm = sqrt((1 - bank_match*bank_match.conj()).real)

        bank_SNR = bank_snrs[i] * (bank_norms[i] / bank_norm)
        tmplt_SNR = tmplt_snr * (bank_match.conj() * tmplt_norm / bank_norm)

        bank_SNR = Array(bank_SNR, copy=False)
        tmplt_SNR = Array(tmplt_SNR, copy=False)

        bank_chisq += (bank_SNR - tmplt_SNR).squared_norm()

    if indices is not None:
        return bank_chisq
        return TimeSeries(bank_chisq, delta_t=tmplt_snr.delta_t,
                          epoch=tmplt_snr.start_time, copy=False)