How to use the pulp.server.config.config function in PuLP

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few PuLP examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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def get_log_type():
    Returns the log type as configured by the deployer.

    :returns: the value from VALID_LOGGERS to use as the log type. Defaults to "syslog".
    :rtype:   str
    log_type = config.config.get('server', 'log_type')
    if log_type not in VALID_LOGGERS:
        print >> sys.stderr, "log_type not properly set. Defaulting to syslog."
        log_type = 'syslog'

    if log_type == 'syslog':
        if not os.path.exists(LOG_PATH):
            print >> sys.stderr, "Unable to access log, {log_path}.".format(log_path=LOG_PATH)

    return log_type
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def sync(self, repo, repo_source, skip_dict={}, progress_callback=None):
        cacert = clicert = clikey = None
        if repo['ca'] and repo['cert'] and repo['key']:
            cacert = repo['ca'].encode('utf8')
            clicert = repo['cert'].encode('utf8')
            clikey = repo['key'].encode('utf8')

        num_threads = config.config.getint('yum', 'threads')
        remove_old = config.config.getboolean('yum', 'remove_old_packages')
        num_old_pkgs_keep = config.config.getint('yum', 'num_old_pkgs_keep')
        # check for proxy settings
        proxy_url = proxy_port = proxy_user = proxy_pass = None
        for proxy_cfg in ['proxy_url', 'proxy_port', 'proxy_user', 'proxy_pass']:
            if (config.config.has_option('yum', proxy_cfg)):
                vars()[proxy_cfg] = config.config.get('yum', proxy_cfg)
        self.yum_repo_grinder = YumRepoGrinder('', repo_source['url'].encode('ascii', 'ignore'),
                                num_threads, cacert=cacert, clicert=clicert, clikey=clikey, 
                                remove_old=remove_old, numOldPackages=num_old_pkgs_keep, skip=skip_dict,
                                proxy_url=proxy_url, proxy_port=proxy_port,
                                proxy_user=proxy_user, proxy_pass=proxy_pass)
        relative_path = repo['relative_path']
        if relative_path:
github pulp / pulp / server / pulp / server / managers / auth / View on Github external
def _check_username_password_ldap(self, username, password=None):
        Check a username and password against the ldap server.
        Return None if the username and password are not valid

        :type username: str
        :param username: the login of the user

        :type password: str or None
        :param password: password of the user, None => do not validate the password

        :rtype: L{pulp.server.db.model.auth.User} instance or None
        :return: user corresponding to the credentials

        ldap_uri = config.get('ldap', 'uri')
        ldap_base = config.get('ldap', 'base')
        ldap_tls = config.getboolean('ldap', 'tls')

        ldap_filter = None
        if config.has_option('ldap', 'filter'):
            ldap_filter = config.get('ldap', 'filter')

        ldap_server = ldap_connection.LDAPConnection(server=ldap_uri, tls=ldap_tls)
        user = ldap_server.authenticate_user(ldap_base, username, password,
        return user
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    @return: dictionary of data to send to a consumer for a bind
    @rtype:  dict

    if hostnames is None:
        hostnames = []

    if key_list is None:
        key_list = {}

    # Add in the pulp server itself as the last host in the list if there are CDS
    # instances; if there are none, the pulp server will be the only entry (default case)
    server_name = pulp.server.config.config.get('server', 'server_name')

    repo_hosted_url = pulp.server.config.config.get('server', 'relative_url')


    #repo_relative_path = repo['relative_path']
    repo_distributor_manager = manager_factory.repo_distributor_manager()
    distributor = repo_distributor_manager.get_distributors(repo['id'])[0]
    repo_relative_path = distributor['config'].get('relative_url')

    repo_urls = []
    for host in hostnames:
        repo_url = 'https://%s%s/%s' % (host, repo_hosted_url, repo_relative_path)
    # add certificates
github pulp / pulpcore / platform / src / pulp / server / itineraries / View on Github external
def sync_with_auto_publish_itinerary(repo_id, overrides=None):
    Create a call request list for the synchronization of a repository and the
    publishing of any distributors that are configured for auto publish.
    @param repo_id: id of the repository to create a sync call request list for
    @type repo_id: str
    @param overrides: dictionary of configuration overrides for this sync
    @type overrides: dict or None
    @return: list of call request instances
    @rtype: list

    repo_sync_manager = manager_factory.repo_sync_manager()

    sync_weight = pulp_config.config.getint('tasks', 'sync_weight')
    sync_tags = [resource_tag(dispatch_constants.RESOURCE_REPOSITORY_TYPE, repo_id),

    sync_call_request = CallRequest(repo_sync_manager.sync,
                                    {'sync_config_override': overrides},
    sync_call_request.updates_resource(dispatch_constants.RESOURCE_REPOSITORY_TYPE, repo_id)

    call_requests = [sync_call_request]
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def consumer_content_install_itinerary(consumer_id, units, options):
    Create an itinerary for consumer content installation.
    @param consumer_id: unique id of the consumer
    @type consumer_id: str
    @param units: units to install
    @type units: list or tuple
    @param options: options to pass to the install manager
    @type options: dict or None
    @return: list of call requests
    @rtype: list
    manager = managers_factory.consumer_agent_manager()
    args = [consumer_id]
    kwargs = {'units': units, 'options': options}
    weight = pulp_config.config.getint('tasks', 'consumer_content_weight')
    tags = [resource_tag(dispatch_constants.RESOURCE_CONSUMER_TYPE, consumer_id),
    call_request = CallRequest(manager.install_content, args, kwargs, weight=weight, tags=tags, archive=True, asynchronous=True)
    call_request.reads_resource(dispatch_constants.RESOURCE_CONSUMER_TYPE, consumer_id)
    return [call_request]
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    def storage_dir():
        The root storage path.

        :return: The root storage path.
        :rtype: str
        return config.get('server', 'storage_dir')
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def sync(self, repo, repo_source, skip_dict={}, progress_callback=None):
        cacert = clicert = clikey = None
        if repo['ca'] and repo['cert'] and repo['key']:
            cacert = repo['ca'].encode('utf8')
            clicert = repo['cert'].encode('utf8')
            clikey = repo['key'].encode('utf8')

        num_threads = config.config.getint('yum', 'threads')
        remove_old = config.config.getboolean('yum', 'remove_old_packages')
        num_old_pkgs_keep = config.config.getint('yum', 'num_old_pkgs_keep')
        # check for proxy settings
        proxy_url = proxy_port = proxy_user = proxy_pass = None
        for proxy_cfg in ['proxy_url', 'proxy_port', 'proxy_user', 'proxy_pass']:
            if (config.config.has_option('yum', proxy_cfg)):
                vars()[proxy_cfg] = config.config.get('yum', proxy_cfg)
        self.yum_repo_grinder = YumRepoGrinder('', repo_source['url'].encode('ascii', 'ignore'),
                                num_threads, cacert=cacert, clicert=clicert, clikey=clikey, 
                                remove_old=remove_old, numOldPackages=num_old_pkgs_keep, skip=skip_dict,
                                proxy_url=proxy_url, proxy_port=proxy_port,
                                proxy_user=proxy_user, proxy_pass=proxy_pass)
        relative_path = repo['relative_path']
        if relative_path:
            store_path = "%s/%s" % (pulp.server.util.top_repos_location(), relative_path)
            store_path = "%s/%s" % (pulp.server.util.top_repos_location(), repo['id'])
        report = self.yum_repo_grinder.fetchYumRepo(store_path, callback=progress_callback)
        self.progress = yum_rhn_progress_callback(report.last_progress)"YumSynchronizer reported %s successes, %s downloads, %s errors" \
github pulp / pulpcore / server / pulp / server / itineraries / View on Github external
def sync_with_auto_publish_itinerary(repo_id, overrides=None):
    Create a call request list for the synchronization of a repository and the
    publishing of any distributors that are configured for auto publish.
    @param repo_id: id of the repository to create a sync call request list for
    @type repo_id: str
    @param overrides: dictionary of configuration overrides for this sync
    @type overrides: dict or None
    @return: list of call request instances
    @rtype: list

    repo_sync_manager = manager_factory.repo_sync_manager()

    sync_weight = pulp_config.config.getint('tasks', 'sync_weight')
    sync_tags = [resource_tag(dispatch_constants.RESOURCE_REPOSITORY_TYPE, repo_id),

    sync_call_request = CallRequest(repo_sync_manager.sync, # rbarlow_converted
                                    {'sync_config_override': overrides},
    sync_call_request.updates_resource(dispatch_constants.RESOURCE_REPOSITORY_TYPE, repo_id)

    call_requests = [sync_call_request]

    repo_publish_manager = manager_factory.repo_publish_manager()
    auto_publish_tags = [resource_tag(dispatch_constants.RESOURCE_REPOSITORY_TYPE, repo_id),
                         action_tag('auto_publish'), action_tag('publish')]
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if repo is None:
                raise MissingResource(repo_id)
            manager = manager_factory.repo_distributor_manager()
            distributor = manager.get_distributors(repo_id)[0]
            distconfig = distributor['config']

            # Load the repo cert bundle
            repo_cert_bundles[repo['id']] = distconfig.get('auth_cert')
            repo['name'] = repo['display_name']
            repo['relative_path'] = distconfig['relative_url']


        # Repository base URL for this pulp server
        server_url = constants.SERVER_SCHEME + config.config.get('server', 'server_name')
        repo_relative_url = config.config.get('server', 'relative_url')
        repo_base_url = '%s/%s' % (server_url, repo_relative_url)

        # Global cert bundle, if any (repo cert bundles are handled above)
        global_cert_bundle = repo_cert_utils.read_global_cert_bundle()

        # Assemble the list of CDS hostnames in the same cluster
        if cds['cluster_id'] is not None:
            cluster_id = cds['cluster_id']
            cds_members = list(self.collection.find({'cluster_id' : cds['cluster_id']}))
            member_hostnames = [c['hostname'] for c in cds_members]
            cluster_id = None
            member_hostnames = None

        payload = {
            'repos'              : repos,