How to use the poap.controller.Controller function in POAP

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few POAP examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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filter: Predicate to use for filtering candidates
            reraise: Flag indicating whether exceptions in the
              objective function evaluations should be re-raised,
              terminating the optimization.

            Record minimizing merit() and satisfying filter();
            or None if nothing satisfies the filter
            return self._run(merit=merit, filter=filter, reraise=reraise)

class ThreadController(Controller):
    """Thread-based optimization controller.

    The optimizer dispatches work to a queue of workers.
    Each worker has methods of the form


    These methods are asynchronous: they start a function evaluation
    or termination, but do not necessarily complete it.  The worker
    must respond to eval requests, but may ignore kill requests.  On
    eval requests, the worker should either attempt the evaluation or
    mark the record as killed.  The worker sends status updates back
    to the controller in terms of lambdas (executed at the controller)
    that update the relevant record.  When the worker becomes
    available again, it should use add_worker to add itself back to
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            merit: Function to minimize (default is r.value)
            filter: Predicate to use for filtering candidates

            Record minimizing merit() and satisfying filter();
            or None if nothing satisfies the filter
            return self._run(merit=merit, filter=filter)

class ScriptedController(Controller):
    """Run a test script of actions from the controller.

    The ScriptedController is meant to test that a strategy adheres
    to an expected sequence of proposed actions in a given scenario.

        strategy: Strategy for choosing optimization actions.
        fevals: Database of function evaluations

    def __init__(self):
        self._can_work = True

    def add_timer(self, timeout, callback):
        "Add timer."
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import logging

from threading import Thread
from mpi4py import MPI
from poap.controller import Controller

# Get module-level logger
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

# Get MPI communicator and rank
rank = comm.Get_rank()
nproc = comm.Get_size()

class MPIController(Controller):
    """MPI controller.

    The MPI controller *must* run at rank 0.

    The server sends messages of the form
        ('eval', record_id, args, extra_args)
        ('eval', record_id, args)
        ('kill', record_id)
    The default messages received are
        ('update_dict', record_id, dict)
        ('running', record_id)
        ('kill', record_id)
        ('cancel', record_id)
        ('complete', record_id, value)
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if self.process is not None and self.process.poll() is None:
            logger.debug("ProcessWorker is killing subprocess")

    def kill(self, record):
        "Send kill message."
        super(ProcessWorkerThread, self).kill(record)

    def terminate(self):
        "Send termination message."
        super(ProcessWorkerThread, self).terminate()

class SimTeamController(Controller):
    """Simulated parallel optimization controller.

    Run events in simulated time.  If two events are scheduled at the
    same time, we prioritize by when the event was added to the queue.

        strategy: Strategy for choosing optimization actions.
        objective: Objective function
        delay: Time delay function
        workers: Number of workers available
        fevals: Database of function evaluations
        time: Current simulated time
        time_events: Time-stamped event heap

    def __init__(self, objective, delay, workers):
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import logging

from threading import Thread
from mpi4py import MPI
from poap.controller import Controller

# Get module-level logger
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

# Get MPI communicator and rank
rank = comm.Get_rank()
nproc = comm.Get_size()

class MPIController(Controller):
    """MPI controller.

    The MPI controller *must* run at rank 0.

    The server sends messages of the form
        ('eval', record_id, args, extra_args)
        ('eval', record_id, args)
        ('kill', record_id)
    The default messages received are
        ('update_dict', record_id, dict)
        ('running', record_id)
        ('kill', record_id)
        ('cancel', record_id)
        ('complete', record_id, value)
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    def remove_term_callback(self, callback):
        "Remove a callback from the term callback list."
        self.term_callbacks = [
            c for c in self.term_callbacks if c != callback

    def remove_feval_callback(self, callback):
        "Remove a callback from the feval callback list."
        self.feval_callbacks = [
            c for c in self.feval_callbacks if c != callback

class SerialController(Controller):
    """Serial optimization controller.

        strategy: Strategy for choosing optimization actions.
        objective: Objective function
        fevals: Database of function evaluations
        skip: if True, skip over "None" proposals

    def __init__(self, objective, skip=False):
        """Initialize the controller.

            objective: Objective function
            skip: if True, skip over "None" proposals