How to use the jinja2._compat.text_type function in Jinja2

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few Jinja2 examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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github trailofbits / cb-multios / cqe-challenges / NRFIN_00007 / support / mixcodegen / jinja2 / View on Github external
def test_lower(value):
    """Return true if the variable is lowercased."""
    return text_type(value).islower()
github pallets / jinja / tests / View on Github external
def test_string_literal_var(env):
    t = env.from_string("[{{ 'all' }}]")
    result = t.render()
    assert isinstance(result, text_type)
    assert result == "[all]"
github fxgsell / GG-Edge-Inference / device-configuration-tool / jinja2 / View on Github external
value = imap(make_attrgetter(eval_ctx.environment, attribute), value)

    # no automatic escaping?  joining is a lot eaiser then
    if not eval_ctx.autoescape:
        return text_type(d).join(imap(text_type, value))

    # if the delimiter doesn't have an html representation we check
    # if any of the items has.  If yes we do a coercion to Markup
    if not hasattr(d, '__html__'):
        value = list(value)
        do_escape = False
        for idx, item in enumerate(value):
            if hasattr(item, '__html__'):
                do_escape = True
                value[idx] = text_type(item)
        if do_escape:
            d = escape(d)
            d = text_type(d)
        return d.join(value)

    # no html involved, to normal joining
    return soft_unicode(d).join(imap(soft_unicode, value))
github commaai / openpilot / jinja2 / View on Github external
def preprocess(self, source, name=None, filename=None):
        """Preprocesses the source with all extensions.  This is automatically
        called for all parsing and compiling methods but *not* for :meth:`lex`
        because there you usually only want the actual source tokenized.
        return reduce(lambda s, e: e.preprocess(s, name, filename),
                      self.iter_extensions(), text_type(source))
github opencv / opencv / 3rdparty / jinja2 / View on Github external
def unicode_join(seq):
    """Simple args to unicode conversion and concatenation."""
    return concat(imap(text_type, seq))
github tranquilit / WAPT / lib / site-packages / jinja2 / View on Github external
It is also possible to join certain attributes of an object:

    .. sourcecode:: jinja

        {{ users|join(', ', attribute='username') }}

    .. versionadded:: 2.6
       The `attribute` parameter was added.
    if attribute is not None:
        value = imap(make_attrgetter(eval_ctx.environment, attribute), value)

    # no automatic escaping?  joining is a lot eaiser then
    if not eval_ctx.autoescape:
        return text_type(d).join(imap(text_type, value))

    # if the delimiter doesn't have an html representation we check
    # if any of the items has.  If yes we do a coercion to Markup
    if not hasattr(d, '__html__'):
        value = list(value)
        do_escape = False
        for idx, item in enumerate(value):
            if hasattr(item, '__html__'):
                do_escape = True
                value[idx] = text_type(item)
        if do_escape:
            d = escape(d)
            d = text_type(d)
        return d.join(value)
github fxgsell / GG-Edge-Inference / device-configuration-tool / jinja2 / View on Github external
def unicode_urlencode(obj, charset='utf-8', for_qs=False):
    """URL escapes a single bytestring or unicode string with the
    given charset if applicable to URL safe quoting under all rules
    that need to be considered under all supported Python versions.

    If non strings are provided they are converted to their unicode
    representation first.
    if not isinstance(obj, string_types):
        obj = text_type(obj)
    if isinstance(obj, text_type):
        obj = obj.encode(charset)
    safe = not for_qs and b'/' or b''
    rv = text_type(url_quote(obj, safe))
    if for_qs:
        rv = rv.replace('%20', '+')
    return rv
github spack / spack / lib / spack / external / jinja2 / View on Github external
def do_center(value, width=80):
    """Centers the value in a field of a given width."""
    return text_type(value).center(width)
github pallets / jinja / jinja2 / View on Github external
value = imap(make_attrgetter(eval_ctx.environment, attribute), value)

    # no automatic escaping?  joining is a lot easier then
    if not eval_ctx.autoescape:
        return text_type(d).join(imap(text_type, value))

    # if the delimiter doesn't have an html representation we check
    # if any of the items has.  If yes we do a coercion to Markup
    if not hasattr(d, '__html__'):
        value = list(value)
        do_escape = False
        for idx, item in enumerate(value):
            if hasattr(item, '__html__'):
                do_escape = True
                value[idx] = text_type(item)
        if do_escape:
            d = escape(d)
            d = text_type(d)
        return d.join(value)

    # no html involved, to normal joining
    return soft_unicode(d).join(imap(soft_unicode, value))
github kivy / python-for-android / src / buildlib / jinja2.egg / jinja2 / View on Github external
def unicode_urlencode(obj, charset='utf-8'):
    """URL escapes a single bytestring or unicode string with the
    given charset if applicable to URL safe quoting under all rules
    that need to be considered under all supported Python versions.

    If non strings are provided they are converted to their unicode
    representation first.
    if not isinstance(obj, string_types):
        obj = text_type(obj)
    if isinstance(obj, text_type):
        obj = obj.encode(charset)
    return text_type(url_quote(obj))