How to use the glances.compat.iterkeys function in Glances

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few Glances examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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github nicolargo / glances / glances / exports / View on Github external
                    # Points are stored as tuple (date, value)
                    x, y = zip(*h[i['name']])
                    plt.plot_date(x, y,
                                  fmt='', drawstyle='default', linestyle='-',
                                  xdate=True, ydate=False)
                    if index_graph == 1:
                        # Title only on top of the first graph
                    # The key did not exist
                    # Find if anothers key ends with the key
                    # Ex: key='tx' => 'ethernet_tx'
                    # Add one curve per chart
                    stats_history_filtered = sorted([key for key in iterkeys(h) if key.endswith('_' + i['name'])])
                    logger.debug("Generate graphs: %s %s" %
                                 (p, stats_history_filtered))
                    if len(stats_history_filtered) > 0:
                        # Create 'n' graph
                        # Each graph iter through the stats
                        index_item = 0
                        for k in stats_history_filtered:
                            index_item += 1
                                len(stats_history_filtered), 1, index_item)
                            # Legend
                            plt.ylabel(self.get_graph_yunit(i, pre_label=k))
                            # Curves
                            # Points are stored as tuple (date, value)
github nicolargo / glances / glances / exports / View on Github external
for p in stats.getPluginsList():
            # History
            h = stats.get_plugin(p).get_export_history()
            # Current plugin item history list
            ih = stats.get_plugin(p).get_items_history_list()
            # Check if we must process history
            if h is None or ih is None:
                # History (h) not available for plugin (p)
            # Init graph
            index_graph = 0
            handles = []
            labels = []
            for i in ih:
                if i['name'] in iterkeys(h):
                    # The key exist
                    # Add the curves in the current chart
                    logger.debug("Generate graph: %s %s" % (p, i['name']))
                    index_graph += 1
                    # Labels
                    handles.append(plt.Rectangle((0, 0), 1, 1, fc=self.get_graph_color(i), ec=self.get_graph_color(i), linewidth=2))
                    # Legend
                    plt.ylabel(self.get_graph_yunit(i, pre_label=''))
                    # Curves
                    # Points are stored as tuple (date, value)
                    x, y = zip(*h[i['name']])
                    plt.plot_date(x, y,
                                  fmt='', drawstyle='default', linestyle='-',
github nicolargo / glances / glances / View on Github external
def update_processcount(self, plist):
        """Update the global process count from the current processes list"""
        # Update the maximum process ID (pid) number
        self.processcount['pid_max'] = self.pid_max
        # For each key in the processcount dict
        # count the number of processes with the same status
        for k in iterkeys(self.processcount):
            self.processcount[k] = len(list(filter(lambda v: v['status'] is k,
        # Compute thread
        self.processcount['thread'] = sum(i['num_threads'] for i in plist
                                          if i['num_threads'] is not None)
        # Compute total
        self.processcount['total'] = len(plist)
github nicolargo / glances / glances / exports / View on Github external
def __build_export(self, stats):
        """Build the export lists."""
        export_names = []
        export_values = []

        if isinstance(stats, dict):
            # Stats is a dict
            # Is there a key ?
            if 'key' in iterkeys(stats) and stats['key'] in iterkeys(stats):
                pre_key = '{}.'.format(stats[stats['key']])
                pre_key = ''
            # Walk through the dict
            for key, value in iteritems(stats):
                if isinstance(value, bool):
                    value = json.dumps(value)
                if isinstance(value, list):
                        value = value[0]
                    except IndexError:
                        value = ''
                if isinstance(value, dict):
                    item_names, item_values = self.__build_export(value)
                    item_names = [pre_key + key.lower() + str(i) for i in item_names]
                    export_names += item_names
github nicolargo / glances / glances / plugins / View on Github external
def update_views(self):
        """Update stats views."""
        # Call the father's method
        super(Plugin, self).update_views()

        # Add specifics informations
        # Optional
        for key in iterkeys(self.stats):
            self.views[key]['optional'] = True
github nicolargo / glances / glances / exports / View on Github external
csv_data = [time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')]

        # Loop over plugins to export
        for plugin in self.plugins_to_export():
            if isinstance(all_stats[plugin], list):
                for stat in all_stats[plugin]:
                    # First line: header
                    if self.first_line:
                        csv_header += ('{}_{}_{}'.format(
                            plugin, self.get_item_key(stat), item) for item in stat)
                    # Others lines: stats
                    csv_data += itervalues(stat)
            elif isinstance(all_stats[plugin], dict):
                # First line: header
                if self.first_line:
                    fieldnames = iterkeys(all_stats[plugin])
                    csv_header += ('{}_{}'.format(plugin, fieldname)
                                   for fieldname in fieldnames)
                # Others lines: stats
                csv_data += itervalues(all_stats[plugin])

        # Export to CSV
        # Manage header
        if self.first_line:
            if self.old_header is None:
                # New file, write the header on top on the CSV file
            # File already exist, check if header are compatible
            if self.old_header != csv_header:
                # Header are differents, log an error and do not write data
                logger.error("Cannot append data to existing CSV file. Headers are differents.")
                logger.debug("Old header: {}".format(self.old_header))
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if not self.stats or self.is_disable():
            return ret

        # Max size for the interface name
        name_max_width = max_width - 12

        # Header
        msg = '{:{width}}'.format('RAID disks',
        ret.append(self.curse_add_line(msg, "TITLE"))
        msg = '{:>7}'.format('Used')
        msg = '{:>7}'.format('Avail')
        # Data
        arrays = sorted(iterkeys(self.stats))
        for array in arrays:
            # New line
            # Display the current status
            status = self.raid_alert(self.stats[array]['status'],
            # Data: RAID type name | disk used | disk available
            array_type = self.stats[array]['type'].upper() if self.stats[array]['type'] is not None else 'UNKNOWN'
            # Build the full name = array type + array name
            full_name = '{} {}'.format(array_type, array)
            msg = '{:{width}}'.format(full_name,
            if self.stats[array]['type'] == 'raid0' and self.stats[array]['status'] == 'active':
github nicolargo / glances / glances / plugins / View on Github external
stats['total'] = int(
                                fs_stat[fs]['size']) * int(fs_stat[fs]['alloc_unit'])
                            stats['used'] = int(
                                fs_stat[fs]['used']) * int(fs_stat[fs]['alloc_unit'])
                            stats['percent'] = float(
                                stats['used'] * 100 / stats['total'])
                            stats['free'] = stats['total'] - stats['used']
                stats = self.get_stats_snmp(snmp_oid=snmp_oid['default'])

                if stats['total'] == '':
                    return stats

                for key in iterkeys(stats):
                    if stats[key] != '':
                        stats[key] = float(stats[key]) * 1024

                # used=total-free
                stats['used'] = stats['total'] - stats['free']

                # percent: the percentage usage calculated as (total -
                # available) / total * 100.
                stats['percent'] = float(
                    (stats['total'] - stats['free']) / stats['total'] * 100)

        # Update the stats
        self.stats = stats

        return self.stats