How to use the geoalchemy2.functions.GenericFunction function in GeoAlchemy2

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few GeoAlchemy2 examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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class ST_Multi(GenericFunction):
    name = 'ST_Multi'
    type = Geometry

class ST_Collect(GenericFunction):
    name = 'ST_Collect'
    type = Geometry

class ST_Union(GenericFunction):
    name = 'ST_Union'
    type = Geometry

class ST_Buffer(GenericFunction):
    name = 'ST_Buffer'
    type = Geometry

class ST_SetSRID(GenericFunction):
    name = 'ST_SetSRID'
    type = Geometry

DBSession = scoped_session(sessionmaker(extension=ZopeTransactionExtension()))
Base = declarative_base()

users_licenses_table = Table(
    'users_licenses', Base.metadata,
    Column('user', BigInteger, ForeignKey('')),
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class ST_Buffer(GenericFunction):
    """ Exposes PostGIS ST_Buffer function """

    name = "ST_Buffer"
    type = Geometry

class ST_Intersects(GenericFunction):
    """ Exposes PostGIS ST_Intersects function """

    name = "ST_Intersects"
    type = Geometry

class ST_MakeEnvelope(GenericFunction):
    """ Exposes PostGIS ST_MakeEnvelope function """

    name = "ST_MakeEnvelope"
    type = Geometry

class ST_X(GenericFunction):
    """ Exposes PostGIS ST_X function """

    name = "ST_X"
    type = Geometry

class ST_Y(GenericFunction):
    """ Exposes PostGIS ST_Y function """
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from pyramid.threadlocal import get_current_registry

class ST_Multi(GenericFunction):
    name = 'ST_Multi'
    type = Geometry

class ST_Collect(GenericFunction):
    name = 'ST_Collect'
    type = Geometry

class ST_Union(GenericFunction):
    name = 'ST_Union'
    type = Geometry

class ST_Buffer(GenericFunction):
    name = 'ST_Buffer'
    type = Geometry

class ST_SetSRID(GenericFunction):
    name = 'ST_SetSRID'
    type = Geometry

DBSession = scoped_session(sessionmaker(extension=ZopeTransactionExtension()))
Base = declarative_base()
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class ST_Collect(GenericFunction):
    name = 'ST_Collect'
    type = Geometry

class ST_Union(GenericFunction):
    name = 'ST_Union'
    type = Geometry

class ST_Buffer(GenericFunction):
    name = 'ST_Buffer'
    type = Geometry

class ST_SetSRID(GenericFunction):
    name = 'ST_SetSRID'
    type = Geometry

DBSession = scoped_session(sessionmaker(extension=ZopeTransactionExtension()))
Base = declarative_base()

users_licenses_table = Table(
    'users_licenses', Base.metadata,
    Column('user', BigInteger, ForeignKey('')),
    Column('license', Integer, ForeignKey('')))

# user roles
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class ST_Centroid(GenericFunction):
    """ Exposes PostGIS ST_Centroid function """

    name = "ST_Centroid"
    type = Geometry

class ST_Transform(GenericFunction):
    """ Exposes PostGIS ST_Transform function """

    name = "ST_Transform"
    type = Geometry

class ST_Area(GenericFunction):
    """ Exposes PostGIS ST_Area function """

    name = "ST_Area"
    type = None

class ST_Buffer(GenericFunction):
    """ Exposes PostGIS ST_Buffer function """

    name = "ST_Buffer"
    type = Geometry

class ST_Intersects(GenericFunction):
    """ Exposes PostGIS ST_Intersects function """
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    elif doc is not None:

    if type_ is not None:
        attributes['type'] = type_

        type_str = '{0}.{1}'.format(type_.__module__, type_.__name__)
        docs.append('Return type: :class:`{0}`.'.format(type_str))

    if len(docs) != 0:
        attributes['__doc__'] = '\n\n'.join(docs)

    globals()[name] = type(name, (GenericFunction,), attributes)

# Define compiled versions for functions in SpatiaLite whose names don't have
# the ST_ prefix.

    "ST_GeomFromEWKT": "GeomFromEWKT",
    "ST_GeomFromEWKB": "GeomFromEWKB",
    "ST_AsBinary": "AsBinary",
    "ST_AsEWKB": "AsEWKB",
    "ST_AsGeoJSON": "AsGeoJSON",
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return datetime.datetime.utcnow()

class ST_GeomFromText(GenericFunction):
    """ Export the postgis ST_GeomFromText function """
    name = 'ST_GeomFromText'
    type = Geometry

class ST_Intersects(GenericFunction):
    """ Exposes PostGIS ST_Intersects function """
    name = 'ST_Intersects'
    type = Geometry

class ST_MakeEnvelope(GenericFunction):
    """ Exposes PostGIS ST_MakeEnvelope function """
    name = 'ST_MakeEnvelope'
    type = Geometry

class ST_AsText(GenericFunction):
    """ Exposes PostGIS ST_AsText function """
    name = 'ST_AsText'
    type = Geometry
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class ST_Area(GenericFunction):
    """ Exposes PostGIS ST_Area function """

    name = "ST_Area"
    type = None

class ST_Buffer(GenericFunction):
    """ Exposes PostGIS ST_Buffer function """

    name = "ST_Buffer"
    type = Geometry

class ST_Intersects(GenericFunction):
    """ Exposes PostGIS ST_Intersects function """

    name = "ST_Intersects"
    type = Geometry

class ST_MakeEnvelope(GenericFunction):
    """ Exposes PostGIS ST_MakeEnvelope function """

    name = "ST_MakeEnvelope"
    type = Geometry

class ST_X(GenericFunction):
    """ Exposes PostGIS ST_X function """
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from sqlalchemy_i18n import (

from pyramid.threadlocal import get_current_registry

class ST_Multi(GenericFunction):
    name = 'ST_Multi'
    type = Geometry

class ST_Collect(GenericFunction):
    name = 'ST_Collect'
    type = Geometry

class ST_Union(GenericFunction):
    name = 'ST_Union'
    type = Geometry

class ST_Buffer(GenericFunction):
    name = 'ST_Buffer'
    type = Geometry

class ST_SetSRID(GenericFunction):
    name = 'ST_SetSRID'
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class VersionNotFound(Exception):
    """ Custom exception to indicate that model version is not found """

class PredictionsNotFound(Exception):
    """ Custom exception to indicate that no predictions were found """

def timestamp():
    """ Used in SQL Alchemy models to ensure we refresh
    timestamp when new models initialised"""
    return datetime.datetime.utcnow()

class ST_GeomFromText(GenericFunction):
    """ Export the postgis ST_GeomFromText function """
    name = 'ST_GeomFromText'
    type = Geometry

class ST_Intersects(GenericFunction):
    """ Exposes PostGIS ST_Intersects function """
    name = 'ST_Intersects'
    type = Geometry

class ST_MakeEnvelope(GenericFunction):
    """ Exposes PostGIS ST_MakeEnvelope function """
    name = 'ST_MakeEnvelope'
    type = Geometry