How to use the genshi.core.END function in Genshi

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github tav / tweetapp / app / third_party / genshi / View on Github external
def _test(event, namespaces, variables, updateonly=False):
            kind, data, pos = event[:3]
            retval = None
            for steps, size, cursors, cutoff, counter in paths:
                # Manage the stack that tells us "where we are" in the stream
                if kind is END:
                    if cursors:
                elif kind is START:
                    cursors.append(cursors and cursors[-1] or 0)
                elif kind is START_NS or kind is END_NS \
                        or kind is START_CDATA or kind is END_CDATA:

                if updateonly or retval or not cursors:
                cursor = cursors[-1]
                depth = len(cursors)

                if cutoff and depth + int(kind is not START) > cutoff[0]:
github edgewall / genshi / genshi / filters / View on Github external
for mark, event in stream:
            if mark is None:
                yield mark, event
            result = test(event, namespaces, variables)
            # XXX This is effectively genshi.core._ensure() for transform
            # streams.
            if result is True:
                if event[0] is START:
                    yield ENTER, event
                    depth = 1
                    while depth > 0:
                        mark, subevent = next()
                        if subevent[0] is START:
                            depth += 1
                        elif subevent[0] is END:
                            depth -= 1
                        if depth == 0:
                            yield EXIT, subevent
                            yield INSIDE, subevent
                        test(subevent, namespaces, variables, updateonly=True)
                    yield OUTSIDE, event
            elif isinstance(result, Attrs):
                # XXX  Selected *attributes* are given a "kind" of None to
                # indicate they are not really part of the stream.
                yield ATTR, (ATTR, (QName(event[1][0] + '@*'), result), event[2])
                yield None, event
            elif isinstance(result, tuple):
                yield OUTSIDE, result
            elif result:
github timonwong / OmniMarkupPreviewer / OmniMarkupLib / Renderers / libs / python3 / genshi / View on Github external
def _generate(stream=stream, ns=namespaces, vs=variables):
            next = stream.__next__
            test = self.test()
            for event in stream:
                result = test(event, ns, vs)
                if result is True:
                    yield event
                    if event[0] is START:
                        depth = 1
                        while depth > 0:
                            subevent = next()
                            if subevent[0] is START:
                                depth += 1
                            elif subevent[0] is END:
                                depth -= 1
                            yield subevent
                            test(subevent, ns, vs, updateonly=True)
                elif result:
                    yield result
        return Stream(_generate(),
github html5lib / html5lib-python / html5lib / treeadapters / View on Github external
name = "{%s}%s" % (token["namespace"], token["name"])
                name = token["name"]
            attrs = Attrs([(QName("{%s}%s" % attr if attr[0] is not None else attr[1]), value)
                           for attr, value in token["data"].items()])
            yield (START, (QName(name), attrs), (None, -1, -1))
            if type == "EmptyTag":
                type = "EndTag"

        if type == "EndTag":
            if token["namespace"]:
                name = "{%s}%s" % (token["namespace"], token["name"])
                name = token["name"]

            yield END, QName(name), (None, -1, -1)

        elif type == "Comment":
            yield COMMENT, token["data"], (None, -1, -1)

        elif type == "Doctype":
            yield DOCTYPE, (token["name"], token["publicId"],
                            token["systemId"]), (None, -1, -1)

            pass  # FIXME: What to do?

    if text:
        yield TEXT, "".join(text), (None, -1, -1)
github tav / tweetapp / app / third_party / genshi / View on Github external
attrns = attr.namespace
                    if attrns:
                        if attrns not in namespaces:
                            prefix = _gen_prefix()
                            _push_ns(prefix, attrns)
                            _push_ns_attr(('xmlns:%s' % prefix, attrns))
                            prefix = namespaces[attrns][-1]
                        if prefix:
                            attrname = u'%s:%s' % (prefix, attrname)
                    new_attrs.append((attrname, value))

                yield kind, (tagname, Attrs(ns_attrs + new_attrs)), pos
                del ns_attrs[:]

            elif kind is END:
                tagname = data.localname
                tagns = data.namespace
                if tagns:
                    prefix = namespaces[tagns][-1]
                    if prefix:
                        tagname = u'%s:%s' % (prefix, tagname)
                yield kind, tagname, pos

            elif kind is START_NS:
                prefix, uri = data
                if uri not in namespaces:
                    prefix = prefixes.get(uri, [prefix])[-1]
                    _push_ns_attr(_make_ns_attr(prefix, uri))
                _push_ns(prefix, uri)

            elif kind is END_NS:
github pypa / pipenv / pipenv / patched / notpip / _vendor / html5lib / treeadapters / View on Github external
name = "{%s}%s" % (token["namespace"], token["name"])
                name = token["name"]
            attrs = Attrs([(QName("{%s}%s" % attr if attr[0] is not None else attr[1]), value)
                           for attr, value in token["data"].items()])
            yield (START, (QName(name), attrs), (None, -1, -1))
            if type == "EmptyTag":
                type = "EndTag"

        if type == "EndTag":
            if token["namespace"]:
                name = "{%s}%s" % (token["namespace"], token["name"])
                name = token["name"]

            yield END, QName(name), (None, -1, -1)

        elif type == "Comment":
            yield COMMENT, token["data"], (None, -1, -1)

        elif type == "Doctype":
            yield DOCTYPE, (token["name"], token["publicId"],
                            token["systemId"]), (None, -1, -1)

            pass  # FIXME: What to do?

    if text:
        yield TEXT, "".join(text), (None, -1, -1)
github edgewall / genshi / genshi / View on Github external
while 1:
                    while not done and len(self._queue) == 0:
                        data =
                        if data == '': # end of data
                            done = True
                    for kind, data, pos in self._queue:
                        yield kind, data, pos
                    self._queue = []
                    if done:
                        open_tags = self._open_tags
                        for tag in open_tags:
                            yield END, QName(tag), pos
            except html.HTMLParseError, e:
                msg = '%s: line %d, column %d' % (e.msg, e.lineno, e.offset)
                raise ParseError(msg, self.filename, e.lineno, e.offset)
        return Stream(_generate()).filter(_coalesce)
github pinax / pinax / libs / external_libs / Genshi-0.5.1 / genshi / View on Github external
have_decl = have_doctype = False
        in_cdata = False

        for filter_ in self.filters:
            stream = filter_(stream)
        for kind, data, pos in stream:

            if kind is START or kind is EMPTY:
                tag, attrib = data
                buf = ['<', tag]
                for attr, value in attrib:
                    buf += [' ', attr, '="', escape(value), '"']
                buf.append(kind is EMPTY and '/>' or '>')
                yield Markup(u''.join(buf))

            elif kind is END:
                yield Markup('' % data)

            elif kind is TEXT:
                if in_cdata:
                    yield data
                    yield escape(data, quotes=False)

            elif kind is COMMENT:
                yield Markup('' % data)

            elif kind is XML_DECL and not have_decl:
                version, encoding, standalone = data
                buf = ['
github mitsuhiko / htmldiff / View on Github external
self.delete(old_start + idx, old_end + idx)

            # the best case. We're in both cases dealing with the same
            # event type. This is the easiest because all routines we
            # have can deal with that.
            if old_event[0] == new_event[0]:
                type = old_event[0]
                # start tags are easy. handle them first.
                if type == START:
                    _, (tag, attrs), pos = new_event
                    self.enter_mark_replaced(pos, tag, attrs)
                # ends in replacements are a bit tricker, we try to
                # leave the new one first, then the old one. One
                # should succeed.
                elif type == END:
                    _, tag, pos = new_event
                    if not self.leave(pos, tag):
                        self.leave(pos, old_event[1])
                # replaced text is internally diffed again
                elif type == TEXT:
                    _, new_text, pos = new_event
                    self.diff_text(pos, old_event[1], new_text)
                # for all other stuff we ignore the old event

            # ob boy, now the ugly stuff starts. Let's handle the
            # easy one first. If the old event was text and the
            # new one is the start or end of a tag, we just process
            # both of them. The text is deleted, the rest is handled.
            elif old_event[0] == TEXT and new_event[0] in (START, END):