How to use the fireworks.FireTaskBase function in FireWorks

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few FireWorks examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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from automatminer.featurization import AutoFeaturizer
from automatminer.preprocessing import DataCleaner, FeatureReducer
from automatminer.automl.adaptors import TPOTAdaptor, SinglePipelineAdaptor
from automatminer.pipeline import MatPipe

from automatminer_dev.config import LP

Tasks for dev benchmarking.


class RunPipe(FireTaskBase):
    _fw_name = "RunPipe"

    def run_task(self, fw_spec):
        # Read data from fw_spec
        pipe_config_dict = fw_spec["pipe_config"]
        fold = fw_spec["fold"]
        kfold_config = fw_spec["kfold_config"]
        target = fw_spec["target"]
        data_file = fw_spec["data_file"]
        clf_pos_label = fw_spec["clf_pos_label"]
        problem_type = fw_spec["problem_type"]
        learner_name = pipe_config_dict["learner_name"]
        cache = fw_spec["cache"]
        learner_kwargs = pipe_config_dict["learner_kwargs"]
        reducer_kwargs = pipe_config_dict["reducer_kwargs"]
        cleaner_kwargs = pipe_config_dict["cleaner_kwargs"]
github hackingmaterials / rocketsled / old / perovskites / View on Github external
from fireworks import Firework, LaunchPad, FWAction, FireTaskBase
from fireworks.core.rocket_launcher import launch_rocket
from fireworks.utilities.fw_utilities import explicit_serialize
from old.reference import ref_dict
from turboworks.utils import random_guess

from old.assorted.optimize_task import OptimizeTask

class CalculateTask(FireTaskBase):
    _fw_name = "CalculateTask"

    def run_task(self, fw_spec):
        A = fw_spec['Structure']['A']
        B = fw_spec['Structure']['B']
        C = fw_spec['Structure']['C']

        D_output = {'energy': {'good_estimate': A * B / C}}
        # D_output = {'output': {'D':A*C}}
        # Modify changes in spec
        return FWAction(update_spec=D_output)

class SkoptimizeTask(OptimizeTask):
    _fw_name = "SkoptimizeTask"
github hackingmaterials / rocketsled / rocketsled / examples / View on Github external
from fireworks.core.rocket_launcher import rapidfire
from fireworks.utilities.fw_utilities import explicit_serialize

from rocketsled import MissionControl, OptTask

# Setting up the FireWorks LaunchPad
launchpad = LaunchPad(name="rsled")
opt_label = "opt_default"
db_info = {"launchpad": launchpad, "opt_label": opt_label}

# We constrain our dimensions to 3 integers, each between 1 and 5
x_dim = [(1, 5), (1, 5), (1, 5)]

class ObjectiveFuncTask(FireTaskBase):
    An example task which just evaluates the following simple function:

    f(x) = x[0] * x[1] / x[2]

    Replace this code with your objective function if your objective function
    is relatively simple (i.e., only needs one Firework).

    _fw_name = "ObjectiveFuncTask"

    def run_task(self, fw_spec):
        x = fw_spec["_x"]
        y = x[0] * x[1] / x[2]
        return FWAction(update_spec={"_y": y})
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structure_dict = fw_spec["structure"]

        if self.get("rescale_volume", False):
            spec_structure = Structure.from_dict(structure_dict)
            scaling_volume = spec_structure.volume * self["rescale_volume"]

            structure_dict = spec_structure.as_dict()

        _poscar = Poscar(structure_dict)
        return FWAction()

class SaveStructureTask(FireTaskBase):
    required_params = []
    optional_params = []

    def run_task(self, fw_spec):
        osw = list(os.walk("."))[0]
        files = []

        for file_name in osw[2]:
            if "CONTCAR" in file_name:

        _poscar = Poscar.from_file(filename=files[-1], check_for_POTCAR=True, read_velocities=True)
        _structure = _poscar.structure.as_dict()

        return FWAction(update_spec={"structure": _structure})
github materialsproject / MPWorks / mpworks / firetasks / View on Github external
import numpy as np
from pymatgen import Composition
from pymatgen.electronic_structure.bandstructure import BandStructure
from pymatgen.electronic_structure.boltztrap import BoltztrapRunner, BoltztrapAnalyzer
from pymatgen.entries.compatibility import MaterialsProjectCompatibility
from pymatgen.entries.computed_entries import ComputedEntry

__author__ = 'Geoffroy Hautier, Anubhav Jain'
__copyright__ = 'Copyright 2014, The Materials Project'
__version__ = '0.1'
__maintainer__ = 'Anubhav Jain'
__email__ = ''
__date__ = 'Feb 24, 2014'

class BoltztrapRunTask(FireTaskBase, FWSerializable):
    _fw_name = "Boltztrap Run Task"
    TAU = 1E-14
    KAPPAL = 1

    def generate_te_doping(self, d):
        types = ['p', 'n']
        target = 'seebeck_doping'  # root key for getting all temps, etc

        pf_dict = defaultdict(lambda: defaultdict(int))
        zt_dict = defaultdict(lambda: defaultdict(int))

        for type in types:
            for t in d[target][type]:  # temperatures
                outside_pf_array = []
                outside_zt_array = []
                for didx, tensor in enumerate(d[target][type][t]):  # doping idx
github materialsproject / mpmorph / mpmorph / workflow / View on Github external
corr_vol = RescaleVolume.of_poscar(poscar_path="./POSCAR", initial_temperature=initial_temperature,
                                           target_temperature=target_temperature, alpha=alpha, beta=beta)
        # Rescale volume based on temperature difference first. Const T will return no volume change:
        # TO DB ("Rescaled volume due to delta T: ", corr_vol.structure.volume)
        # Rescale volume based on pressure difference:
        # TO DB ("Rescaled volume due to delta P: ", corr_vol.structure.volume)
        # Pass the rescaled volume to Poscar
        return FWAction(stored_data=corr_vol.structure.as_dict())

class CopyCalsHome(FireTaskBase):
    required_params = ["calc_home", "run_name"]
    optional_params = ["files"]

    def run_task(self, fw_spec):
        default_list = ["INCAR", "POSCAR", "CONTCAR", "OUTCAR", "POTCAR", "vasprun.xml", "XDATCAR", "OSZICAR", "DOSCAR"]
        files = self.get("files", default_list)
        calc_home = self["calc_home"]
        run_name = self["run_name"]
        target_dir = os.path.join(calc_home, run_name)
        if not os.path.exists(calc_home):
        if not os.path.exists(target_dir):
        for f in files:
                shutil.copy2(f, target_dir)
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from atomate.common.firetasks.glue_tasks import PassCalcLocs
import shutil
import numpy as np
from import MITMDSet
import os

__author__ = 'Muratahan Aykol '

# TODO: 2. Add option to lead to a production run of specified length after density is found
# TODO: 3. Switch to MPRelax Parameters in MD
# TODO: 4. Database insertion?
# TODO: 5. Parser tasks

class AmorphousMakerTask(FireTaskBase):
    Create a constrained-random packed structure from composition and box dimensions.
    Required params:
        composition: (dict) a dict of target composition with integer atom numbers
                        e.g. {"V":22, "Li":10, "O":75, "B":10}
        box_scale: (float) all lattice vectors are multiplied with this scalar value.
                        e.g. edge length of a cubic simulation box.
    Optional params:
        tol (float): tolerance factor for how close the atoms can get (angstroms).
                        e.g. tol = 2.0 angstroms
        packmol_path (str): path to the packmol executable. Defaults to "packmol"
        clean (bool): whether the intermedite files generated are deleted. Defaults to True.

    required_params = ["composition", "box_scale"]
    optional_params = ["packmol_path", "clean", "tol"]
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fws.append(Firework(tasks=[t], name="run0", parents=[], spec=priority_spec))

    t = SpawnTask(spawn_count=0, spawn_limit=3, priority_spec=priority_spec)
    fws.append(Firework(tasks=[t], name="spawn_0", parents=fws[len(fws)-1], spec=priority_spec))

    wf = Workflow(fireworks=fws, name="Empty_WF_01")
    return wf

class EmptyTask(FireTaskBase):

    def run_task(self, fw_spec):
        return FWAction()

class SpawnTask(FireTaskBase):
    required_params = ["spawn_count", "spawn_limit", "priority_spec"]
    optional_params = ["diffusion"]
    def run_task(self, fw_spec):
        spawn_count = self["spawn_count"]
        spawn_limit = self["spawn_limit"]
        priority_spec = self["priority_spec"]
        diffusion = self.get("diffusion", False)
        fws = []
        if spawn_count < spawn_limit:
            fws.append(Firework(SpawnTask(spawn_count=spawn_count+1, spawn_limit=spawn_limit, priority_spec=priority_spec, diffusion=diffusion),
                                name="spawn_"+ str(spawn_count+1), spec=priority_spec))
            if diffusion:
                fws.append(Firework(EmptyTask(), name="longrun_0", spec=priority_spec))
                fws.append(Firework(EmptyTask(), name="longrun_1", spec=priority_spec, parents=fws[len(fws)-1]))
                fws.append(Firework(EmptyTask(), name="longrun_2", spec=priority_spec, parents=fws[len(fws)-1]))
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from automatminer.preprocessing import DataCleaner, FeatureReducer
from automatminer.automl.adaptors import TPOTAdaptor, SinglePipelineAdaptor
from automatminer.pipeline import MatPipe
from automatminer.utils.log import initialize_logger, AMM_LOGGER_BASENAME

from automatminer_dev.config import LP

Tasks for dev benchmarking.


class RunPipe(FireTaskBase):
    _fw_name = 'RunPipe'
    def run_task(self, fw_spec):
        # Read data from fw_spec
        pipe_config_dict = fw_spec["pipe_config"]
        fold = fw_spec["fold"]
        kfold_config = fw_spec["kfold_config"]
        target = fw_spec["target"]
        data_file = fw_spec["data_file"]
        clf_pos_label = fw_spec["clf_pos_label"]
        problem_type = fw_spec["problem_type"]
        learner_name = pipe_config_dict["learner_name"]
        cache = fw_spec["cache"]
        learner_kwargs = pipe_config_dict["learner_kwargs"]
        reducer_kwargs = pipe_config_dict["reducer_kwargs"]
        cleaner_kwargs = pipe_config_dict["cleaner_kwargs"]
        autofeaturizer_kwargs = pipe_config_dict["autofeaturizer_kwargs"]
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calc_home=calc_home, snap=snap_num, priority_spec=priority_spec)

        if snap_num == 0:
            name = str(structure.composition.reduced_formula)
            temps = self.get("temps", [500, 1000, 1500])
            for temp in temps:
                _wf = get_wf_density(structure=structure, temperature=temp, pressure_threshold=5,
                                     name=name + "_snap_" + str(snap_num) + '_diffusion_' + str(temp), db_file=db_file,
                                     copy_calcs=copy_calcs, calc_home=calc_home, cool=False, diffusion=True,

        return FWAction(additions=wfs)

class DiffusionTask(FireTaskBase):

    required_params = ["copy_calcs", "calc_home", "snap_num"]
    optional_params = ["temps", "name", "db_file", "priority_spec"]
    def run_task(self, fw_spec):
        copy_calcs = self["copy_calcs"]
        calc_home = self["calc_home"]
        snap_num = self["snap_num"]
        db_file = self.get("db_file", None)
        priority_spec = self.get("priority_spec", {})

        if os.path.exists(os.path.join(os.getcwd(),'XDATCAR.gz')):
            xdat = Xdatcar(os.path.join(os.getcwd(),'XDATCAR.gz'))
            xdat = Xdatcar(os.path.join(os.getcwd(), 'XDATCAR'))
        structure = xdat.structures[len(xdat.structures)-1]