How to use the eve.utils.config.ETAG function in Eve

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github MongoEngine / eve-mongoengine / tests / View on Github external
def assert_correct_etag(self, patch_response):
        etag = patch_response.get_json()[config.ETAG]
        get_resp = self.client.get(self.url).get_json()
        get_etag = get_resp[config.ETAG]
        self.assertEqual(etag, get_etag)
github MongoEngine / eve-mongoengine / tests / View on Github external
def test_post_with_pre_save_hook(self):
        # resulting etag has to match (etag must be computed from
        # modified data, not from original!)
        data = {'a': 'hey'}
        response ='/hawkeydoc/', data='{"a": "hey"}',
        self.assertEqual(response.status_code, 201)
        resp_json = response.get_json()
        self.assertEqual(resp_json[config.STATUS], "OK")
        etag = resp_json[config.ETAG]

        # verify etag
        resp = self.client.get('/hawkeydoc/%s' % resp_json['_id'])
        self.assertEqual(etag, resp.get_json()[config.ETAG])
github MongoEngine / eve-mongoengine / tests / View on Github external
def test_etag_in_item_and_resource(self):
        # etag of some entity has to be the same when fetching one item compared
        # to etag of part of feed (resource)
        d = ComplexDoc().save()
        feed = self.client.get('/complexdoc/').get_json()
        item = self.client.get('/complexdoc/%s' %
            self.assertEqual(feed[config.ITEMS][0][config.ETAG], item[config.ETAG])
github pyeve / eve-sqlalchemy / eve_sqlalchemy / View on Github external
def sqla_object_to_dict(obj, fields):
    """ Creates a dict containing copies of the requested fields from the
    SQLAlchemy query result """
    if config.LAST_UPDATED not in fields:
    if config.DATE_CREATED not in fields:
    if config.ETAG not in fields \
            and getattr(config, 'IF_MATCH', True):

    result = {}
    for field in map(lambda f: f.split('.', 1)[0], fields):
            val = obj.__getattribute__(field)

            # If association proxies are embedded, their values must be copied
            # since they are garbage collected when Eve try to encode the
            # response.
            if hasattr(val, 'copy'):
                val = val.copy()

            result[field] = _sanitize_value(val)
        except AttributeError:
            # Ignore if the requested field does not exist
            # (may be wrong embedding parameter)
github pyeve / eve-sqlalchemy / eve_sqlalchemy / View on Github external
def sqla_object_to_dict(obj, fields):
    """ Creates a dict containing copies of the requested fields from the
    SQLAlchemy query result """
    if config.LAST_UPDATED not in fields:
    if config.DATE_CREATED not in fields:
    if config.ETAG not in fields \
            and getattr(config, 'IF_MATCH', True):

    result = {}
    for field in map(lambda f: f.split('.', 1)[0], fields):
            val = obj.__getattribute__(field)

            # If association proxies are embedded, their values must be copied
            # since they are garbage collected when Eve try to encode the
            # response.
            if hasattr(val, 'copy'):
                val = val.copy()

            result[field] = _sanitize_value(val)
        except AttributeError:
github pyeve / eve / eve / methods / View on Github external
latest_doc = None
    cursor = None

    # calculate last_modified before get_old_document rolls back the document,
    # allowing us to invalidate the cache when _latest_version changes
    last_modified = last_updated(document)

    # synthesize old document version(s)
    if resource_def["versioning"] is True:
        latest_doc = document
        document = get_old_document(resource, req, lookup, document, version)

    # meld into response document
    build_response_document(document, resource, embedded_fields, latest_doc)
    if config.IF_MATCH:
        etag = document[config.ETAG]
        if resource_def["versioning"] is True:
            # In order to keep the LATEST_VERSION field up to date in client
            # caches, changes to the latest version should invalidate cached
            # copies of previous verisons. Incorporate the latest version into
            # versioned document ETags on the fly to ensure 'If-None-Match'
            # comparisons support this caching behavior.
            etag += str(document[config.LATEST_VERSION])

    # check embedded fields resolved in build_response_document() for more
    # recent last updated timestamps. We don't want to respond 304 if embedded
    # fields have changed
    for field in embedded_fields:
        embedded_document = document.get(field)
        if isinstance(embedded_document, dict):
            embedded_last_updated = last_updated(embedded_document)
            if embedded_last_updated > last_modified:
github pyeve / eve / eve / io / mongo / View on Github external
.. versionchanged:: 0.7
           Only raise OriginalChangedError() if IF_MATCH is enabled. Closes

        .. versionchanged:: 0.6.1
           Support for PyMongo 3.0.

        .. versionchanged:: 0.6
           Return 400 if an attempt is made to update/replace an immutable
        id_field = config.DOMAIN[resource]['id_field']
        query = {id_field: id_}
        if config.ETAG in original:
            query[config.ETAG] = original[config.ETAG]

        datasource, filter_, _, _ = self._datasource_ex(
            resource, query)

        coll = self.get_collection_with_write_concern(datasource, resource)
            result = coll.replace_one(filter_, changes) if replace else \
                coll.update_one(filter_, changes)

            if (result and result.acknowledged and config.IF_MATCH and
                    result.modified_count == 0):
                raise self.OriginalChangedError()
        except pymongo.errors.DuplicateKeyError as e:
            abort(400, description=debug_error_message(
                'pymongo.errors.DuplicateKeyError: %s' % e
github pyeve / eve / eve / methods / View on Github external
# ``ENFORCE_IF_MATCH`` fields.
                description="To edit a document "
                "its etag must be provided using the If-Match header",

        # ensure the retrieved document has LAST_UPDATED and DATE_CREATED,
        # eventually with same default values as in GET.
        document[config.LAST_UPDATED] = last_updated(document)
        document[config.DATE_CREATED] = date_created(document)

        if req.if_match and concurrency_check:
            ignore_fields = config.DOMAIN[resource]["etag_ignore_fields"]
            etag = document.get(
                config.ETAG, document_etag(document, ignore_fields=ignore_fields)
            if req.if_match != etag:
                # client and server etags must match, or we don't allow editing
                # (ensures that client's version of the document is up to date)
                abort(412, description="Client and server etags don't match")

    return document
github pyeve / eve / eve / methods / View on Github external
abort(412, description="Client and server etags don't match")

            # update oplog if needed
            oplog_push(resource, document, "PUT")

            insert_versioning_documents(resource, document)

            # notify callbacks
            getattr(app, "on_replaced")(resource, document, original)
            getattr(app, "on_replaced_%s" % resource)(document, original)

            # build the full response document
            build_response_document(document, resource, embedded_fields, document)
            response = document
            if config.IF_MATCH:
                etag = response[config.ETAG]
            issues = validator.errors
    except DocumentError as e:
        # TODO should probably log the error and abort 400 instead (when we
        # got logging)
        issues["validator exception"] = str(e)
    except exceptions.HTTPException as e:
        raise e
    except Exception as e:
        # consider all other exceptions as Bad Requests
        abort(400, description=debug_error_message("An exception occurred: %s" % e))

    if issues:
        response[config.ISSUES] = issues
        response[config.STATUS] = config.STATUS_ERR
github pyeve / eve-sqlalchemy / eve_sqlalchemy / View on Github external
'item_url': 'regex("[0-9]+")'
        projection = domain[resource]['datasource']['projection'] = {}

        if hasattr(cls_, '_eve_resource'):
            dict_update(domain[resource], cls_._eve_resource)

        all_orm_descriptors = inspect(cls_).all_orm_descriptors

        for desc in all_orm_descriptors:
            if isinstance(desc, InstrumentedAttribute):
                prop =
                if prop.key in (config.LAST_UPDATED,
                if hasattr(prop, 'columns') and \
                   hasattr(prop.columns[0], 'foreign_keys') and \
                   len(prop.columns[0].foreign_keys) > 0:
                schema = domain[resource]['schema'][prop.key] = {}
                self.register_column(prop, schema, projection)

            elif desc.extension_type is HYBRID_PROPERTY:
                schema = domain[resource]['schema'][desc.__name__] = {}
                schema['unique'] = False
                schema['required'] = False
                schema['readonly'] = True
                schema['type'] = 'string'
                projection[desc.__name__] = 1