Secure your code as it's written. Use Snyk Code to scan source code in minutes - no build needed - and fix issues immediately.
parts = s.split(maxsplit=1)
if len(parts) != 2:
return None
date = _parse_date(parts[0])
if date is None:
return None
time = _parse_time(parts[1])
if time is None:
return None
if isinstance(time, datetime.time):
return datetime.datetime.combine(date, time)
return _EventRelativeDateTime(date, time.event_name, time.offset)
if e.friday == 1:
if e.saturday == 1:
if e.sunday == 1:
day = "BYDAY=" + ",".join(str(d) for d in day)
frequency = "FREQ=WEEKLY"
elif e.repeat_on == "Every Week":
frequency = "FREQ=WEEKLY"
elif e.repeat_on == "Every Month":
end_date = datetime.combine(add_days(e.repeat_till, 1), datetime.min.time()).strftime('UNTIL=%Y%m%dT%H%M%SZ')
elif e.repeat_on == "Every Year":
frequency = "FREQ=YEARLY"
return None
wst = "WKST=SU"
elements = [frequency, end_date, wst, day]
return ";".join(str(e) for e in elements if e is not None and not not e)
def _get_test_filter_params(date_from, date_to):
date_from = datetime.combine(date_from, time(0, 0))
date_to = datetime.combine(date_to, time(23, 59, 59, 99))
filter = {
'record_metadata__record_last_updated_gmt__gte': date_from,
'record_metadata__record_last_updated_gmt__lte': date_to,
order_by = ['record_metadata__record_last_updated_gmt']
prefetch_related = [
+ '__varfield_set',
select_related = ['record_metadata', 'location', 'itype']
return [
daylight_hours = 0
cloud_cover = 0
production = float(soup.find(id='ctl00_cphMain_lbProdTotalByChart').text)
if not day and production == 0 and cloud_cover == 0 and daylight_hours == 0:
raise Exception("Problem getting current production level: %.1f, %d, %.1f" % (production,
cloud_cover, daylight_hours))
if daylight_hours == 0:
SolarCity has had outages where they cant provide the cloud cover/weather information.
If the weather data appears empty here, we'll go get it from another source
if day:
ts = datetime.datetime.combine(day, datetime.datetime.max.time()).strftime("%s")
ts = time.time()
w = get_daytime_weather_data(log, ts)
cloud_cover = w["cloud_cover"]
daylight_hours = w["daylight"]
return daylight_hours, cloud_cover, production
def _absolute_9_clock(self):
nowutc = datetime.datetime.utcnow()
nowutc_time = nowutc.time()
nowutc_date =
clock = datetime.time(1, 0, 0)
if nowutc_time > clock:
nowutc_date = nowutc_date + datetime.timedelta(hours=24)
return datetime.datetime.combine(nowutc_date, clock)
#print self.timesched_min, self.timesched_max
if (self.timesched_min < self.timesched_max):
#print playlist.time
playlist.ar_scheduledatetime=datetime.datetime.combine(, playlist.time)
# we are around midnight we have to check the correct date (today, tomorrow)
if playlist.time > datetime.time(12):
playlist.ar_scheduledatetime=datetime.datetime.combine(, playlist.time)
playlist.ar_scheduledatetime=datetime.datetime.combine(, playlist.time)
# # calcolo la lunghezza del programma
# relpath= os.path.basename(playlist.ar_filename)
# basedir=os.path.dirname(playlist.ar_filename)
# try:
# meta = metadata.metadata_from_file(relpath, \
# basedir, tracknrandtitlere, postprocessors)
# playlist.ar_length=meta.length
# except:
# playlist.ar_length=3600
def start_datetime(self):
"""A convenience method to combine ``start_date`` and ``start_time``
into one :class:`datetime`.
:returns: The combined datetime, or ``None` if ``start_date`` or
``start_time`` are ``None``.
:rtype: :class:`datetime`.
# Check times against None, because midnight is represented by 0.
if self.start_date is None or self.start_time is None:
return None
return datetime.combine(self.start_date, self.start_time)
from esp.program.models import Program, StudentRegistration, ClassSection
from esp.users.models import ESPUser
from esp.users.models.userbits import UserBit
from esp.datatree.models import GetNode
from datetime import datetime, timedelta, date, time
from django.db.models.aggregates import Min
# Spark 2013
prog = Program.objects.get(id=88)
# classes that started more than 120 minutes ago
passed_sections = prog.sections().annotate(begin_time=Min("meeting_times__start")).filter(status=10, parent_class__status=10, - timedelta(minutes=120), begin_time__start__gt = datetime.combine(, time(0, 0)))
# students who are enrolled in a class that started more than 120 minutes ago, who have not checked in
#students = ESPUser.objects.filter(studentregistration__in=StudentRegistration.valid_objects(), studentregistration__relationship=1, studentregistration__section__in=passed_sections).distinct().exclude(userbit__in=UserBit.valid_objects(), userbit__qsc=prog.anchor, userbit__verb=GetNode('V/Flags/Registration/Attended'))
all_students = ESPUser.objects.filter(studentregistration__in=StudentRegistration.valid_objects(), studentregistration__relationship=1, studentregistration__section__in=passed_sections).distinct()
students = set(all_students) - set(all_students.filter(userbit__in=UserBit.valid_objects(), userbit__qsc=prog.anchor, userbit__verb=GetNode('V/Flags/Registration/Attended')))
# classes that start today
upcoming_sections = prog.sections().annotate(begin_time=Min("meeting_times__start")).filter(status=10, parent_class__status=10,, begin_time__start__lt=datetime.combine(, time(23, 59)))
# registrations of missing students for upcoming classes
registrations = StudentRegistration.valid_objects().filter(user__in=students, section__in=upcoming_sections, relationship=1)
# filter out materials-intensive classes
registrations = registrations.exclude(section__parent_class__id__in=[6866,6914,6926,6927,6932,6943,6948,6958,6970,6971,6993,7006,7009,7021,7191,7187,7186,7026,7030,7180,7178,7047,7168,7050,7051,7056,7059,7164,7060,7161,7063,7156,7151,7150,7146,7144,7141,7064,7077,7137,7082,7135,7127,7123,7117,7104,7102,7098,7097,7089,7088,7087,7083])
print list(registrations)
def datetime_factory(value):
if value in {None, '', 'None'}:
return None
elif isinstance(value, datetime):
return value
elif isinstance(value, date):
return datetime.combine(value, time(tzinfo=timezone.utc))
elif value in {'today', 'now', 'utcnow'}:
return parse_datetime(value)