How to use the cython.double function in Cython

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few Cython examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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github cython / cython / tests / run / View on Github external
>>> raised[1] is None
    result = False
    should_raise_bool = True if should_raise else False  # help the type inference ...
    with nogil:
        with cython.nogil:
            result = True
            if should_raise_bool:
                raise ValueError("RAISED!")
    return result

MyUnion = cython.union(, x=cython.double)
MyStruct = cython.struct(is_integral=cython.bint, data=MyUnion)
MyStruct2 = cython.typedef(MyStruct[2])

def test_struct(n, x):
    >>> test_struct(389, 1.64493)
    (389, 1.64493)
    a = cython.declare(MyStruct2)
    a[0] = MyStruct(is_integral=True, data=MyUnion(n=n))
    a[1] = MyStruct(is_integral=False, data={'x': x})
    return a[0].data.n, a[1].data.x

import cython as cy
from cython import declare, cast, locals, address, typedef, p_void, compiled
from cython import declare as my_declare, locals as my_locals, p_void as my_void_star, typedef as my_typedef, compiled as my_compiled
github cython / cython / docs / examples / tutorial / pure / View on Github external
def func():
    # Cython types are evaluated as for cdef declarations
    x:               # cdef int x
    y: cython.double = 0.57721  # cdef double y = 0.57721
    z: cython.float = 0.57721   # cdef float z  = 0.57721

    # Python types shadow Cython types for compatibility reasons
    a: float = 0.54321          # cdef double a = 0.54321
    b: int = 5                  # cdef object b = 5
    c: long = 6                 # cdef object c = 6
github cython / cython / Demos / benchmarks / View on Github external
    @cython.locals(other="GVector", l1=cython.double, l2_=cython.double)
    def linear_combination(self, other, l1, l2=None):
        l2_ = 1 - l1 if l2 is None else l2
        v = GVector(self.x * l1 + other.x * l2_,
                    self.y * l1 + other.y * l2_,
                    self.z * l1 + other.z * l2_)
        return v
github ibell / pdsim / PDSim / flow / View on Github external
                   h_valve=cython.double,a_valve=cython.double, l_valve=cython.double, 
    def __init__(self, d_valve, d_port, C_D, h_valve, a_valve,
                 l_valve, rho_valve, E, x_stopper, key_up, key_down):
        I=(d_valve*h_valve**3)/12  #Moment of Intertia for discharge valve,[m^4]
        k_valve=(6*E*I)/(a_valve**2*(3*l_valve-a_valve))    #Valve stiffness
        m_eff=(1/3)*rho_valve*l_valve*d_valve*h_valve      #Effective mass of valve reeds
        self.E = E
        self.rho_valve = rho_valve
        self.a_valve = a_valve
        self.l_valve = l_valve
        self.h_valve = h_valve
        self.d_valve = d_valve
        self.d_port = d_port
github erdc / proteus / proteus / mprans / View on Github external
def __cpp_calculate_phi(self, x, t):
        xx[0] = x[0]
        xx[1] = x[1]
        xx[2] = x[2]
        level = self.WT.mwl + self.WT.eta(xx, t)
        return x[self.vert_axis] - level
github cython / cython / Demos / benchmarks / View on Github external
                   seg_length=cython.double, start=cython.double, end=cython.double,
    def transform_point(self, point, trafo=None):
        x = (point.x - self.minx) / self.width
        y = (point.y - self.miny) / self.height
        if trafo is None:
            trafo = self.get_random_trafo()
        start, end = self.splines[trafo[0]].GetDomain()
        length = end - start
        seg_length = length / self.num_trafos[trafo[0]]
        t = start + seg_length * trafo[1] + seg_length * x
        basepoint = self.splines[trafo[0]](t)
        if t + 1/50000 > end:
            neighbour = self.splines[trafo[0]](t - 1/50000)
            derivative = neighbour - basepoint
            neighbour = self.splines[trafo[0]](t + 1/50000)
github pmorissette / bt / bt / View on Github external
    def __init__(self, name, multiplier=1):
        Node.__init__(self, name, parent=None, children=None)
        self._value = 0
        self._price = 0
        self._weight = 0
        self._position = 0
        self.multiplier = multiplier

        # opt
        self._last_pos = 0
        self._issec = True
        self._needupdate = True
        self._outlay = 0
github pmorissette / bt / bt / View on Github external
    @cy.locals(delta=cy.double, weight=cy.double, base=cy.double)
    def rebalance(self, weight, child, base=np.nan, update=True):
        Rebalance a child to a given weight.

        This is a helper method to simplify code logic. This method is used
        when we want to se the weight of a particular child to a set amount.
        It is similar to allocate, but it calculates the appropriate allocation
        based on the current weight.

            * weight (float): The target weight. Usually between -1.0 and 1.0.
            * child (str): child to allocate to - specified by name.
            * base (float): If specified, this is the base amount all weight
                delta calculations will be based off of. This is useful when we
                determine a set of weights and want to rebalance each child
                given these new weights. However, as we iterate through each