How to use the cherrypy.session.get function in CherryPy

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few CherryPy examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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github gvb / filelocker2 / src / lib / View on Github external
def __del__(self, *args, **kwargs):
            uploadKey = None
            if cherrypy.session.has_key("user"):
                uploadKey = cherrypy.session.get('user').id
            elif cherrypy.session.has_key("uploadRequest"):
                uploadKey = cherrypy.session.get("uploadRequest").owner_id+":"+cherrypy.session.get("uploadRequest").id
            if cherrypy.file_uploads.has_key(uploadKey):
                for transfer in cherrypy.file_uploads[uploadKey]:
                    if == self.file_location:
                if len(cherrypy.file_uploads[uploadKey]) == 0:
                    del cherrypy.file_uploads[uploadKey]
            if os.path.isfile(self.file_location):
                tempFileName = self.file_location.split(os.path.sep)[-1]
        except KeyError:
        except AttributeError, ae:
        except OSError, oe:
github gvb / filelocker2 / View on Github external
def make_file(self, binary=None):
                if self.filename is not None:
                    uploadIndex = None
                    if cherrypy.request.headers.has_key("uploadindex"):
                        uploadIndex = cherrypy.request.headers['uploadindex']
                    fo = ProgressFile(self.bufsize, self.filename, uploadIndex=uploadIndex)
                    self.file_location =
                    uploadKey = None
                    if cherrypy.session.has_key("uploadTicket"):
                        uploadKey = cherrypy.session.get("uploadTicket").ownerId+":"+cherrypy.session.get("uploadTicket").ticketId
                    elif cherrypy.session.has_key("user"):
                        uploadKey = cherrypy.session.get('user').userId

                    if cherrypy.file_uploads.has_key(uploadKey):
                        cherrypy.file_uploads[uploadKey] = [fo,]
                    return fo
                    return StringIO.StringIO("")
        cherrypy._cpcgifs.FieldStorage = FileFieldStorage
github dmwm / WMCore / src / python / WMCore / WebTools / View on Github external
def get_session(self):
        oidsession = cherrypy.session.get(self.session_name, None)

        if not oidsession or not isinstance(oidsession, dict):
            oidsession = {}
        if 'sid' not in oidsession:
            sid = randomString(16, '0123456789abcdef')
            oidsession['sid'] = sid
            cherrypy.session[self.session_name] = oidsession
            cherrypy.session[self.session_name]['status'] = UNKNOWN

        return cherrypy.session[self.session_name]
github dmwm / WMCore / src / python / WMCore / WebTools / View on Github external
def session(self):
        Uses cherrypy sessions instead of implementing by my own because:
        - The sessionid is bounded to the user-agent and then less subject
        to sessionid hijacking (when the cookie is theft or the sessionid
        is guessed)
        - It has a protection against session fixation attacks
        - It allows me to choose the backend to store session information
        Another more secure solution to consider would be to use the SSL/TLS
        session identifier. But it would require changing the frontend config
        to set the SSL_SESSION_ID variable into the request sent to the backend
        oidsession = cherrypy.session.get(self.sessname, None)
        if not oidsession:
            cherrypy.session[self.sessname] = {}
            cherrypy.session[self.sessname]['status'] = UNKNOWN  # auth state of this session
            cherrypy.session[self.sessname]['user_url'] = None
                                  # The user related to this session
                                  # user_url = self.oidserver+'id/'+the real
                                  #            username seen by the oid server
                                  #            (will come from Hypernews/SiteDB)
            cherrypy.session[self.sessname]['debug_info'] = None
            cherrypy.session[self.sessname]['fullname'] = None
            cherrypy.session[self.sessname]['dn'] = None
            cherrypy.session[self.sessname]['permissions'] = None # user roles

        return cherrypy.session[self.sessname]
github Luxoft / Twister / server / View on Github external
    def check_passwd(realm, user, passwd):
        This function is called before ALL XML-RPC calls,
        to check the username and password.
        A user CANNOT use Twister if he doesn't authenticate.
        user_passwd = binascii.hexlify(user + ':' + passwd)

        if (not user) or (not passwd):
            return False

        with usr_pwds_lock:
            sess_user = cherrypy.session.get('username')
            if cherrypy.session.get('user_passwd') == user_passwd:
                return True
            elif user in usrs_and_pwds and usrs_and_pwds.get(user) == passwd:
                if not sess_user or sess_user != user:
                    cherrypy.session['username'] = user
                    cherrypy.session['user_passwd'] = user_passwd
                return True
            elif passwd == 'EP':
                if not sess_user or sess_user != user:
                    cherrypy.session['username'] = user
                return True

        t = paramiko.Transport(('localhost', 22))
        t.logger.setLevel(40) # Less spam, please

        # This operation is pretty heavy!!!
github motoz / PellMon / src / Pellmonweb / View on Github external
    def logView(self):
        #Look for temlates in this directory
        tmpl = self.lookup.get_template("logview.html")
        return tmpl.render(username = cherrypy.session.get('_cp_username'), webroot=cherrypy.request.script_name)
github gvb / filelocker2 / src / controller / View on Github external
    def get_role_permissions(self, roleId, format="json", **kwargs):
        user, sMessages, fMessages, permissionData = (cherrypy.session.get("user"),[], [], [])
            roleId = strip_tags(roleId)
            role = session.query(Role).filter( == roleId).one()
            permissions = session.query(Permission).all()
            for permission in permissions:
                if permission in role.permissions:
                    permissionData.append({'permissionId':, 'permissionName':, 'inheritedFrom': "role"})
                    permissionData.append({'permissionId':, 'permissionName':, 'inheritedFrom': ""})
        except sqlalchemy.orm.exc.NoResultFound:
            fMessages.append("The role ID: %s does not exist" % str(roleId))
        except Exception, e:
            cherrypy.log.error("[%s] [get_role_permissions] [Couldn't get permissions for role %s: %s]" % (, roleId, str(e)))
            fMessages.append("Could not get permissions: %s" % str(e))
        return fl_response(sMessages, fMessages, format, data=permissionData)
github Luxoft / Twister / server / View on Github external
    def service_mngr_command(self, command, name='', *args, **kwargs):
        Send commands to Service Manager.\n
        Valid commands are: list, start, stop, status, get config, save config, get log.
        # Check the username from CherryPy connection
        user = cherrypy.session.get('username')
        user_roles = self.project.authenticate(user)
        if not user_roles:
            return False
        if 'CHANGE_SERVICES' not in user_roles['roles']:
            logDebug('Privileges ERROR! Username `{user}` cannot use Service Manager!'.format(**user_roles))
            return False
        return self.project.manager.send_command(command, name, args, kwargs)
github LukeMurphey / splunk-web-input / src / appserver / controllers / View on Github external
def hasCapability(capabilities, user=None, session_key=None):
        Determine if the user has the given capabilities.

        # Assign defaults if the user or session key is None
        if user is None:
            user = cherrypy.session['user']['name']

        if session_key is None:
            session_key = cherrypy.session.get('sessionKey')

        # Convert the capability to a list if it was a scalar
        if not isinstance(capabilities, list) or isinstance(capabilities, basestring):
            capabilities = [capabilities]

        # Get the capabilities that the user has
            users_capabilities = WebInputController.getCapabilities4User(user, session_key)
        except splunk.LicenseRestriction:
            # This can happen when the Splunk install is using the free license

            # Check to see if the Splunk install is using the free license and allow access if so
            # We are only going to check for this if it is the admin user since that is the user
            # that the non-authenticated user is logged in as when the free license is used.
            if user == 'admin':
github devsnd / cherrymusic / cherrymusicserver / api / v1 / View on Github external
def isAuthorized(self):
            sessionUsername = cherrypy.session.get('username', None)
            sessionUserId = cherrypy.session.get('userid', -1)
            nameById = self.userdb.getNameById(sessionUserId)
        except (UnicodeDecodeError, ValueError) as e:
            # workaround for python2/python3 jump, filed bug in cherrypy
Dropping all sessions! Try not to change between python 2 and 3,
everybody has to relogin now.''')
            sessionUsername = None
        if not sessionUsername:
            return self.autoLoginIfPossible()
        elif sessionUsername != nameById:
            return False
        return True