How to use the censusdata.printtable function in CensusData

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few CensusData examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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github jtleider / censusdata / test / View on Github external
def test_printtable(self):
		testtable = censusdata.censustable('acs5', 2015, 'B19013')
		printedtable = io.StringIO()
		sys.stdout = printedtable
		sys.stdout = sys.__stdout__
		self.assertEqual(printedtable.getvalue(), textwrap.dedent(
			Variable     | Table                          | Label                                                    | Type 
			B19013_001E  | B19013. Median Household Incom | Median household income in the past 12 months (in 2015 I | int  
		printedtable = io.StringIO()
		sys.stdout = printedtable
		censusdata.printtable(testtable, moe=True)
		sys.stdout = sys.__stdout__
		self.assertEqual(printedtable.getvalue(), textwrap.dedent(
			Variable     | Table                          | Label                                                    | Type 
github jtleider / censusdata / test / View on Github external
testtable = censusdata.censustable('acs5', 2015, 'B19013')
		printedtable = io.StringIO()
		sys.stdout = printedtable
		sys.stdout = sys.__stdout__
		self.assertEqual(printedtable.getvalue(), textwrap.dedent(
			Variable     | Table                          | Label                                                    | Type 
			B19013_001E  | B19013. Median Household Incom | Median household income in the past 12 months (in 2015 I | int  
		printedtable = io.StringIO()
		sys.stdout = printedtable
		censusdata.printtable(testtable, moe=True)
		sys.stdout = sys.__stdout__
		self.assertEqual(printedtable.getvalue(), textwrap.dedent(
			Variable     | Table                          | Label                                                    | Type 
			B19013_001E  | B19013. Median Household Incom | Median household income in the past 12 months (in 2015 I | int  
			B19013_001M  | B19013. Median Household Incom | !! Margin of Error for Median household income in the pa | int  


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