How to use the cairosvg.surface function in CairoSVG

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few CairoSVG examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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github Kozea / WeasyPrint / weasyprint / View on Github external
def get_intrinsic_size(self, _image_resolution, font_size):
        # Vector images may be affected by the font size.
        fake_surface = FakeSurface()
        fake_surface.font_size = font_size
        # Percentages don't provide an intrinsic size, we transform percentages
        # into 0 using a (0, 0) context size:
        self._width = cairosvg.surface.size(
            fake_surface, self._tree.get('width'))
        self._height = cairosvg.surface.size(
            fake_surface, self._tree.get('height'))
        _, _, viewbox = cairosvg.surface.node_format(fake_surface, self._tree)
        self._intrinsic_width = self._width or None
        self._intrinsic_height = self._height or None
        self.intrinsic_ratio = None
        if viewbox:
            if self._width and self._height:
                self.intrinsic_ratio = self._width / self._height
                if viewbox[2] and viewbox[3]:
                    self.intrinsic_ratio = viewbox[2] / viewbox[3]
                    if self._width:
                        self._intrinsic_height = (
                            self._width / self.intrinsic_ratio)
                    elif self._height:
                        self._intrinsic_width = (
github Kozea / CairoSVG / cairosvg / View on Github external
def _create_surface(self, tree):
        width, height, viewbox = surface.node_format(tree)

        # The image size has integer width and height
        self._width, self._height = int(width), int(height)
        self.cairo = cairo.ImageSurface(
            cairo.FORMAT_ARGB32, self._width, self._height)

        # The context size has floating width and height
        self.context = cairo.Context(self.cairo)
        self._set_context_size(width, height, viewbox)
        self.context.move_to(0, 0)
github Kozea / CairoSVG / cairosvg / View on Github external
        # Frozen with something else (py2exe, etc.)
        # See
        ROOT = Path(os.path.dirname(sys.executable))
    ROOT = Path(os.path.dirname(__file__))

VERSION = __version__ = (ROOT / 'VERSION').read_text().strip()

# VERSION is used in the "url" module imported by "surface"
from . import surface  # noqa isort:skip

    'PDF': surface.PDFSurface,
    'PNG': surface.PNGSurface,
    'PS': surface.PSSurface,
    'SVG': surface.SVGSurface,

def svg2svg(bytestring=None, *, file_obj=None, url=None, dpi=96,
            parent_width=None, parent_height=None, scale=1, unsafe=False,
            background_color=None, negate_colors=False, invert_images=False,
            write_to=None, output_width=None, output_height=None):
    return surface.SVGSurface.convert(
        bytestring=bytestring, file_obj=file_obj, url=url, dpi=dpi,
        parent_width=parent_width, parent_height=parent_height, scale=scale,
        negate_colors=negate_colors, invert_images=invert_images,
        unsafe=unsafe, write_to=write_to, output_width=output_width,
github Kozea / WeasyPrint / weasyprint / View on Github external
from xml.etree import ElementTree

import cairocffi
import cairosvg.parser
import cairosvg.surface

from .layout.percentages import percentage
from .logger import LOGGER
from .urls import URLFetchingError, fetch

    from cairocffi import pixbuf
except OSError:
    pixbuf = None

assert cairosvg.surface.cairo is cairocffi, (
    'CairoSVG is using pycairo instead of cairocffi. '
    'Make sure it is not imported before WeasyPrint.')

# Map values of the image-rendering property to cairo FILTER values:
# Values are normalized to lower case.
    'auto': cairocffi.FILTER_BILINEAR,
    'crisp-edges': cairocffi.FILTER_BEST,
    'pixelated': cairocffi.FILTER_NEAREST,

class ImageLoadingError(ValueError):
    """An error occured when loading an image.