How to use the zigbee-herdsman-converters.findByZigbeeModel function in zigbee-herdsman-converters

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few zigbee-herdsman-converters examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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github hobbyquaker / node-red-contrib-zigbee / nodes / converter.js View on Github external
this.error('device unknown ' + name + ' ' + ieeeAddr);

                let model;
                let converters;

                if (isGroup) {
                    converters = groupConverters;
                } else {
                    // Map device to a model
                    if (this.models.has(device.modelID)) {
                        model = this.models.get(device.modelID);
                    } else {
                        model = herdsmanConverters.findByZigbeeModel(device.modelID);
                        this.models.set(device.modelID, model);

                    if (!model) {
                        this.warn(`Device with modelID '${device.modelID}' is not supported.`);
                        this.warn('Please see:');

                    converters = model.toZigbee;

                // TODO understand postfix
                let endpoint;
                // Determine endpoint to publish to.
                if (typeof model.endpoint !== 'undefined') {
github Koenkk / zigbee2mqtt / lib / extension / homeassistant.js View on Github external
async onMQTTConnected() {

        // MQTT discovery of all paired devices on startup.
        for (const device of this.zigbee.getClients()) {
            const mappedModel = zigbeeHerdsmanConverters.findByZigbeeModel(device.modelID);
            if (mappedModel) {
      , mappedModel, true);
github Koenkk / zigbee2mqtt / lib / extension / deviceConfigure.js View on Github external
async onZigbeeStarted() {
        this.coordinatorEndpoint = this.zigbee.getDevicesByType('Coordinator')[0].getEndpoint(1);

        for (const device of this.zigbee.getClients()) {
            const mappedDevice = zigbeeHerdsmanConverters.findByZigbeeModel(device.modelID);
            const settingsDevice = settings.getDevice(device.ieeeAddr);
            if (this.shouldConfigure(device, mappedDevice)) {
                await this.configure(device, mappedDevice, settingsDevice);
github hobbyquaker / node-red-contrib-zigbee / nodes / converter.js View on Github external
RED.httpAdmin.get('/zigbee-shepherd/converters', RED.auth.needsPermission(''), (req, res) => {
        const converters = herdsmanConverters.findByZigbeeModel(req.query.modelID);
        res.status(200).send(JSON.stringify({supports: converters.supports || ''}));
github Koenkk / zigbee2mqtt / lib / extension / deviceEvent.js View on Github external
callOnEvent(device, type, data, mappedDevice) {
        if (!mappedDevice) {
            mappedDevice = zigbeeHerdsmanConverters.findByZigbeeModel(device.modelID);

        if (mappedDevice && mappedDevice.onEvent) {
            mappedDevice.onEvent(type, data, device);
github Koenkk / zigbee2mqtt / lib / zigbee.js View on Github external
return {
                    type: 'device', device, settings: entity, mapped, endpoint, name: entity.friendlyName,
                    isDefaultEndpoint, endpointName,
            } else {
                let group = this.getGroupByID(entity.ID);
                if (!group) group = this.createGroup(entity.ID);
                return {type: 'group', group, settings: entity, name: entity.friendlyName};
        } else {
            const setting = settings.getEntity(key.ieeeAddr);
            return {
                type: 'device',
                device: key,
                settings: setting,
                mapped: zigbeeHerdsmanConverters.findByZigbeeModel(key.modelID),
                name: setting ? setting.friendlyName : (key.type === 'Coordinator' ? 'Coordinator' : key.ieeeAddr),
github Koenkk / zigbee2mqtt / lib / zigbee.js View on Github external
postfix = Number(postfixByNumber[1]);
            if (postfix) {
                key = key.replace(`/${postfix}`, '');

            const entity = settings.getEntity(key);
            if (!entity) {
                return null;
            } else if (entity.type === 'device') {
                const device = this.getDeviceByIeeeAddr(entity.ID);
                if (!device) {
                    return null;

                const mapped = zigbeeHerdsmanConverters.findByZigbeeModel(device.modelID);
                const endpoints = mapped && mapped.endpoint ? mapped.endpoint(device) : null;
                let isDefaultEndpoint = true;
                let endpoint;
                if (postfix) {
                    isDefaultEndpoint = false;
                    if (postfixByNumber) {
                        endpoint = device.getEndpoint(postfix);
                    } else {
                        assert(mapped != null, `Postfix '${postfix}' is given but device is unsupported`);
                        assert(endpoints != null, `Postfix '${postfix}' is given but device defines no endpoints`);
                        const endpointID = endpoints[postfix];
                        assert(endpointID, `Postfix '${postfix}' is given but device has no such endpoint`);
                        endpoint = device.getEndpoint(endpointID);
                } else if (endpoints && endpoints['default']) {
                    endpoint = device.getEndpoint(endpoints['default']);
github Koenkk / zigbee2mqtt / lib / extension / deviceAvailability.js View on Github external
async onReconnect(device) {
        if (device && device.modelID) {
            const mappedDevice = zigbeeHerdsmanConverters.findByZigbeeModel(device.modelID);

            if (mappedDevice) {
                const used = [];
                try {
                    for (const key of toZigbeeCandidates) {
                        const converter = mappedDevice.toZigbee.find((tz) => tz.key.includes(key));
                        if (converter && !used.includes(converter)) {
                            await converter.convertGet(device.endpoints[0], key, {});
                } catch (error) {
                    const entity = this.zigbee.resolveEntity(device.ieeeAddr);
                    logger.error(`Failed to read state of '${}' after reconnect`);
github hobbyquaker / node-red-contrib-zigbee / nodes / shepherd.js View on Github external
const doConfigure = device => {
                if (!device || device.type === 'Coordinator') {

                if (device.meta.configureFails === this.maxConfigureTries) {
                    this.warn(`configure last try ${} ${device.ieeeAddr} after ${device.meta.configureFails} fails`);
                } else if (device.meta.configureFails > this.maxConfigureTries) {
                    this.debug(`configure max tries exceeded for ${} ${device.ieeeAddr}`);

                const mappedDevice = shepherdConverters.findByZigbeeModel(device.modelID);
                if (mappedDevice && mappedDevice.configure && device.meta.shouldConfigure && !configured.has(device.ieeeAddr) && !configuring.has(device.ieeeAddr)) {
                    this.debug(`configure ${device.ieeeAddr} ${} (try ${device.meta.configureFails})`);
                    mappedDevice.configure(device, this.coordinatorEndpoint).then(() => {
                        this.log(`successfully configured ${this.logName(device)}`);
                    }).catch(err => {
                        this.warn(`configure failed ${this.logName(device)} ${err && err.message}`);
                        device.meta.configureFails += 1;
                    }).finally(() => {
                } else {


Collection of device converters to be used with zigbee-herdsman

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