How to use zeebe-node - 5 common examples

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few zeebe-node examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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github VilledeMontreal / workit / packages / workit-camunda / sample / zeebe / worker.js View on Github external
(async() => {
    const zbc = new ZB.ZBClient("localhost:26500");
    // const topology = await zbc.topology();
    // console.log(JSON.stringify(topology, null, 2));
    // let workflows = await zbc.listWorkflows();
    // console.log(workflows);
    await zbc.deployWorkflow(process.cwd()+'/sample/zeebe/test.bpmn');
    // workflows = await zbc.listWorkflows();
    // console.log(workflows);
    // const zbWorker = zbc.createWorker("test-worker", "demo-service", handler);
github VilledeMontreal / workit / packages / workit-camunda / src / models / zeebe / zeebeClient.ts View on Github external
    config: IZeebeOptions,
    @optional() client?: ZBClient,
    @optional() exporterConfig?: Partial
  ) {
    this._client = client || new ZBClient(config.baseUrl, config);
    this._config = config;
    this._exporterConfig = exporterConfig;
    if (!exporterConfig) {
      // tslint:disable-next-line: no-console
        "warning: no exporterConfig has been provided to Zeebe. getWorkflow and getWorkflows methods won't work. "
    this._exporterClient = new ZBElasticClient(new Configs(exporterConfig));
  public subscribe(
github VilledeMontreal / workit / packages / workit-camunda / sample / zeebe / workflows.js View on Github external
(async() => {
    const zbc = new ZB.ZBClient("localhost:26500");

    const topology = await zbc.topology();
    console.log(JSON.stringify(topology, null, 2));

    let workflows = await zbc.listWorkflows();

    await zbc.deployWorkflow('./test.bpmn');

    workflows = await zbc.listWorkflows();
github VilledeMontreal / workit / packages / workit-camunda / sample / zeebe / start-workflow-instance.js View on Github external
(async () => {
    const zbc = new ZB.ZBClient("localhost:26500");
    for (let index = 0; index < 1; index++) {
        const result = await zbc.createWorkflowInstance("DCI_PETITIONS_STATUS_CHANGE", {
            "businessKey": "5c72b4ad21719b001009025d",
            "serviceType": "petitions",
            "internalStatus": "opened",
            "id": "13514",
            "accountIds": {
                "data": [
github pay-k / nestjs-zeebe / src / zeebe.module.ts View on Github external
            useFactory: async (config: ZeebeClientOptions ) => new ZB.ZBClient(config.gatewayAddress, config.options),
            inject: [ZEEBE_OPTIONS_PROVIDER],


The Node.js client library for the Zeebe Workflow Automation Engine.

Latest version published 1 year ago

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