How to use the yauzl.fromRandomAccessReaderRetryPromise function in yauzl

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github tencentyun / scf-demo-repo / Node8.9_CosUnzipFile / common / UnzipFile.js View on Github external
async init({
    lazyEntries = true,
    autoClose = false,
    decodeStrings = false
  } = {}) {
    const { cosInstance, Bucket, Region, Key, maxTryTime } = this
    const reader = new CosRandomAccessReader({ cosInstance, Bucket, Region, Key, maxTryTime })

    const totalSize = await reader.getTotalSize()

    try {
      this.zipFile = await yauzl.fromRandomAccessReaderRetryPromise(reader, totalSize, {
        target: this.zipFile,
        keys: ['openReadStream'],
        maxTryTime: 1
    } catch (error) {
      throw {
        trace: 'UnzipFile.init.yauzl.fromRandomAccessReaderRetryPromise'